
  • 网络foundationalism;foundationism;fundamentalism;epistemological foundationalism
  1. 反对法律基础主义,否定法律的客观性和自主性;

    Denial on the objectivity and independence of law , by objecting foundationalism ;

  2. 基础主义是西方知识论中的主流理论,有其渊远的源流与不同的表现形式。

    Abstruct : Foundationalism was a mainstream in Western philosphy with its long history and various forms .

  3. 无论是还原论,还是基础主义,其根本的缺陷是,它们都是个人主义认识论的不同版本。

    Both reductionism and fundamentalism are deferent versions of individual epistemology .

  4. 后现代心理学的典型特征是反对基础主义和本质主义。

    The typical feature of modern psychology is its objection to basics and essentials .

  5. 传统哲学是一种“镜式”哲学,“基础主义”是其根本特征。

    The traditional philosophy is a kind of mirror-like philosophy characterized by " fundamentalism " .

  6. 现当代哲学的核心思想是反基础主义、反实体主义。

    Now the core idea of the contemporary philosophy of the " anti-fundamentalism ,"" anti-entity doctrine " .

  7. 现代西方哲学在批判逻辑经验主义的基础主义认识论的过程中,出现了一股自然主义认识论潮流。

    A naturalist epistemological trend appears when the foundationalist logical empiricism has been examined by modern western philosophy .

  8. 基础主义在解决知识回溯问题上陷入了困境,这直接导致了另一种重要的替代理论&一致主义的产生。

    Foundationalism falls into straits of solving epistemic regress problem which brings about another main theory directly Coherentism .

  9. 批判主体,质疑理性,否定基础主义等,这些几乎成为后现代社会理论的基调。

    Criticising main body , questioning the rationality and denying basic principle nearly become the keynote of postmodern social theory .

  10. 基础主义是一种关于确证结构的理论,也是关于确证最初来源的理论。

    Foundationalism is a theory about the structure of justification , it is also a theory about the initial source of justification .

  11. 我们首先简略地对回溯论证作一下解释,然后再较详细地概述基础主义的类型及其本质和有关这个理论的主要批评。

    We begin with an account of Regress Argument , then outline in more detail the nature of foundationalism and principal criticisms of the theory .

  12. 奎因批判了逻辑经验主义的两个教条,即分析命题与综合命题,从而彻底打击了基础主义,使科学哲学走上自然化道路。

    He refuted the fundamentalism and brought scientific philosophy to the naturalism by criticizing the two dogmas of logics , analytical topic assigning and composite topic assigning .

  13. 分析了经济人假设的基础主义思维模式和自我中心主义方法的缺陷,在评析西方关于理性的认识中提出理性的基本规定。

    This paper analyzes the limitations of basic thinking pattern and ultra-individualism of economic people hypothesis , puts forward the basic regulations among the realistic social relationships .

  14. 反对基础主义、表象主义和本质主义;反对以任何静止、固定、僵化、单一的视角看待事物,提倡多元化。

    Against the basic doctrine , doctrine , and essentialism appearance ; opposed to any stationary , fixed , rigid , single view of looking at things , to promote diversity .

  15. 西方后现代对整体主义和基础主义的颠覆表明不存在永恒正确的理论构想;但后现代对永恒正确的解构同时确认了理论可以有现时正确的建构。

    That the western postmodernism subverts the fundamentalism not only means the non - existence of the eternal validity of theory , but affirms that the present - day validity of theory can be obtained after the subversion of the eternal validity of theory .

  16. 基础主义的问题源于知识的确证,其基本主张有两项,一是把知识的论证区分为基础与非基础的信念,二是断定基础信念的存在。

    On Assertion from A Situational Perspective The problem of fundamentalism is derived from verification of knowledge , the basic conception of which is twofold : to divide the verification of knowledge into fundamental convictions and non & fundamental conviction land to determinate the very existence of fundamental convictions .

  17. 根据建构主义的理论基础建构主义者提出了建构主义的学习观、教学观。

    Constructivists submit their views of learning and teaching based on the theory of constructivism .

  18. 第二部分从知识观、学习观和师生角色观三个方面对探究性学习的理论基础建构主义做了阐释。

    In the second part , constructivism , as the theoretical basis for inquiry learning , was discussed from three aspects .

  19. 论德日资本主义模式形成的理论基础形式主义+功能主义:语言学统一理论初探

    On the theoretical frameworks of German and Japanese capitalist mode ; Form plus Function : Towards a Tentative Unified Theory of Linguistics

  20. 对问题解决法的理论基础建构主义进行了讨论,提出了相应的教学模式,进行科学方法的教学设计和案例设计。

    The writer discuss the theory basis of problem-solving , gives the corresponding teaching pattern , and design the teaching process of problem-solving .

  21. 对此,该文从网络所具有的后现代特性与合理使用原则的价值基础效益主义着手,从利益平衡的角度,探讨了合理使用原则调适的基本走向,并对我国相关的立法进行了评析。

    Therefore , this paper discusses the trend of adjustment of fair use doctrine in cyberspace and analyzes Chinese related legislation by examining the " postmodern nature " of Internet , the fundamental value " utilitarian " and the perspective of interests balance .

  22. 寡头政体的唯一可靠基础是集体主义。

    The only secure basis for oligarchy is collectivism .

  23. 论文的第二部分阐述理论基础&建构主义,作为现代教学与学习理论及其对信息技术的依赖,成为基于web的研究性学习的理论基础;

    The second section expounds the mode 's theoretical basis which is the constructivist learning theory . It is modern teaching theory and modern learning theory , and depends on information technology a lot .

  24. 因此我们SGI在推广以佛法为基础的人性主义时,无论遇到多少疯狂、自以为是和不信任等障碍,也绝不降下“对话”这一人性主义的黄金旗帜。

    Thus the SGI will never lower the humanistic golden flag of " dialogue " no matter what crazy , self-righteous and distrustful obstacles we run into when we are promoting Buddhism-based humanism .

  25. 建基于坚实知识论基础的建构主义教学前程灿烂。

    The constructivist teaching based on solid knowledge theory has great prospects .

  26. 其形成的理论基础是马克思主义唯物史观。

    It based on the theory of Marxist Historical Materialism .

  27. 本研究依据的理论基础有建构主义、人本主义学习理论。

    The base of this research is the theory of Constructivism and Humanism .

  28. 本研究的理论基础是建构主义和双主体理论。

    The theoretical bases of the present study are constructivism and bi-principal theory .

  29. 话语分析的哲学基础&建构主义认识论

    The Philosophical Foundation of Discourse Analysis : Constructivist Epistemology

  30. 多元化学生评价的理论基础是建构主义理论。

    The theory basis of student pluralistic assessment is the theory of constructivism .