
jī yīn
  • gene;gen;Mendelian factor;Mendelian unit
基因 [jī yīn]
  • [gene] 存在于细胞的染色体上的生物体遗传的基本单位

基因[jī yīn]
  1. 染色质重塑在DNA复制、损伤修复和基因转录中发挥着重要的作用。

    Chromatin remodeling plays an important role in DNA replication , damage repair and gen transcription .

  2. 带信号肽人血管内皮生长因子基因VEGF(121)及VEGF(165)载体的克隆

    Cloning of expression vector for VEGF_ ( 121 ) and VEGF_ ( 165 ) gen es encoding human vascular endothelial growth factor

  3. 研究人员仍然在试图分离导致这种畸形的基因。

    Researchers are still trying to isolate the gene that causes this abnormality .

  4. 这种基因由一种特异性蛋白激活。

    The gene is activated by a specific protein .

  5. 身体的特征取决于基因遗传。

    Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance .

  6. 相对于母本DNA,基因畸变往往更多地与父本DNA上的缺陷相关。

    Genetic abnormalities are more often associated with faults in paternal DNA than in maternal DNA .

  7. 整个族群都是同系繁殖,以至于根本不存在基因差异。

    The whole population is so inbred that no genetic differences remain

  8. 基因只是致病的部分原因。

    The gene is only part of the causation of illness .

  9. 基因决定了我们都会患上某些疾病。

    We are all genetically programmed to develop certain illnesses .

  10. 镰状细胞贫血通过隐性基因遗传给后代。

    Sickle-cell anaemia is passed on through a recessive gene .

  11. 他找到了该基因出现了变异形式的证据。

    He found evidence of mutated forms of the gene .

  12. 该技术是通过放射线照射或者使用化学方法使基因变异。

    The technique has been to mutate the genes by irradiation or chemicals

  13. 子女身上遗传了父母双方的基因型板。

    The offspring contain a mixture of the genetic blueprint of each parent

  14. 基因决定每个生物的特征。

    Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing .

  15. 人类的变异受限于我们的基因可能存在哪些排列。

    Variation among humans is limited to the possible permutations of our genes .

  16. 科学家们希望找出该基因在染色体中的位置。

    The scientists want to locate the position of the gene on a chromosome

  17. 现在对基因疗法下结论还为时过早。

    It is far too early to make sweeping statements about gene therapy .

  18. 我们可以使用基因工程技术把相关基因分离出来。

    We can use genetic engineering techniques to isolate the gene that is responsible

  19. 这种现象出现的规律性表明这个过程是由基因决定的。

    The regularity with which this occurs suggests that the process is genetically determined .

  20. 他们的工作包括找出那些控制生长率和繁殖能力的基因。

    Their work includes the identification of genes which govern the growth rate and fertility

  21. 眼睛的颜色显示你的基因遗传特征。

    Eye colour shows your genetic inheritance .

  22. 这个项目就是要绘制人体所有基因序列的图谱。

    The project is nothing less than mapping every gene sequence in the human body .

  23. 科学家们很快将能通过操控人类基因来控制衰老过程。

    Scientists would soon be able to manipulate human genes to control the ageing process .

  24. 不过,他们现在发现的基因无法解释所有的病例。

    Now , the gene they discovered today doesn 't account for all those cases .

  25. 尼基因脑震荡被火速送往医院。

    Nicky was rushed to hospital with concussion

  26. 他天生具备冒险基因。

    He has adventure in his blood .

  27. 胚胎发育似乎主要受制于少数主导基因。

    Embryonic development seems to be controlled principally by a very small number of master genes .

  28. 通过与我们本地的赤鹿杂交,梅花鹿的基因库已经发生了改变。

    By cross-breeding with our native red deer , the sika deer have affected the gene pool

  29. 自然选择确保只有最适应环境的物种得以存活下来,把基因传给下一代。

    Natural selection ensures only the fittest survive to pass their genes on to the next generation .

  30. 如果这种基因存在,人类胚胎就会发育为男性。

    If the gene is present , a human embryo will go on to develop as a male .