
shēnɡ wù xì tǒnɡ xué
  • biosystematics
  1. 生物系统学可以看成是遗传生态学这门学科分类学上的应用。

    Biosystematics may therefore be considered as the taxonomic application of the discipline known as genecology .

  2. 生物系统学与自然保护

    Biosystematics and nature conservation

  3. 生物系统学的知识是自然监测和保护的基础。

    The knowledge of biosystematics provides a foundation for nature monitoring and conservation .

  4. 系统学和生物系统学基本概念及某些有关问题浅析

    Concept of Systematics and Biosystematics and Some Related Problems

  5. 油松生物系统学的研究

    A study on biosystematics of Pinus tabulaeformis

  6. 生物系统学:在系统学领域内运用试验分类技术来调查分类单元之间关系的学科。

    Biosystematics : The area of systematics in which experimental taxonomic techniques are applied to investigate he relationships between taxa .

  7. 新中国成立以来的50年,我国蚊类的生物系统学研究有了重大的进展。

    Since the foundation of new China , great programs have been made on the studies of biosystematics of mosquitoes within a period of 50 years .

  8. 本文通过对该复合体的生物系统学研究,揭示它们在网状进化中亲缘关系的来龙去脉,并对它们的分类学位置提出讨论和处理建议。

    We hope by means of a biosystematic study to find out their genetic relationships in the reticulate evolution , and to raise a suggestion on their taxonomic treatment .

  9. 生物分子系统学研究中的RAPD技术

    RAPD Technique in the study of molecular biosystematics

  10. 有害生物综合治理的系统学特征分析

    Analysis on Characteristic of Integrated Pest Management System

  11. 生物系统科学与工程系生物系统学教授RenatoParo带领的研究小组中的成员,对上述果蝇杂交了六代。

    Researchers in a group led by Renato Paro , professor for Biosystems at the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering ( D-BSSE ), crossed the flies for six generations .