
  • 网络gene theory;The Theory of the Gene
  1. 论述了一个基于基因本体论(GeneOntology)的生物信息个人数据库平台BIO。

    A bio information personal database platform based on Gene Ontology BIO is discussed here in detail .

  2. MGD与生物信息学社区在生物医学本体论的开发和使用上合作,例如基因本体论和哺乳动物表型本体论。

    MGD collaborates with the bioinformatics community on the development and use of biomedical ontologies such as the Gene Ontology and the Mammalian Phenotype Ontology .

  3. 基因决定论将导致对人类权利的侵犯;

    " gene determinism " may result in human right 's damage ;

  4. 基于基因本体论的生物信息个人数据库平台

    Bio-information Personal Database Platform Based on Gene Ontology

  5. 基于关联基因本体论注释的蛋白质相互作用预测

    Protein-protein Interaction Prediction With Correlated Gene Ontology

  6. 基因决定论同样也不会削弱责任感。

    Nor does genetic determinism undermine responsibility .

  7. 简评基因决定论

    Comment on Gene Determinism

  8. 但这只不过是用社会决定论取代了基因决定论,依我之见,社会决定论甚至更悲观。

    But that only replaces genetic determinism with social determinism , which to my mind is even bleaker .

  9. 可是仍然有人坚持这荒诞的看法,即基因决定论是一个社会决定论更难撼动的宿命论。

    Yet the myth persists that genetic determinism is a more implacable kind of fatalism than social determinism .

  10. 并根据基因本体论从生物信息学的角度预测了15个蛋白质的新功能。

    Based on Gene Ontology , new functions of 15 proteins are predicted from bioinformatics aspect as well . 3 .

  11. 基因本体论收集了若干不同物种的分子功能,生物学过程,及细胞组分的信息。

    Gene ontology gathers information for molecular function , biological processes , and cellular components with a number of different organisms .

  12. 在伦理上只有从根本上防范基因决定论,在法律上只有专门设立基因隐私权,才能对基因隐私进行有针对性的调整和保护。

    Only preventing essentially against Genetic Determination by ethics and establishing the right to gene privacy by law , can we focally adjust and protect gene privacy .

  13. 之后,群体选择论受到基因选择论的猛烈抨击,基因选择论认为基因才是真正的选择单位。

    After that , the theory of group selection is fiercely attacked by the theory of gene selection , and gene selection supporters hold that gene is the true selection unit .

  14. 论文通过一个基于基因本体论的统一语义框架解决转化医学集成的不同数据库之间的语义异构问题。

    Besides , it also employs a unified semantic framework based on Gene Ontology , which is used to solve the semantic heterogeneity between different databases in the integration of translational medicine .

  15. 基因决定论认为,基因决定有机个体性状,基因变异是疾病的根源,基因又是人类社会文化进化的决定力量。

    In the view of genetic determinism , genes determine not only characters of organism , but also culture evolution of human society . The variations of gene cause all kinds of diseases .

  16. 该数据库平台根据自身研究的需要,用基因本体论中的相关的规范术语来对基因序列信息进行注释,从而可以让用户从基因本体论的角度对生物信息序列进行查询。

    According to our research goal , the gene sequence in the database platform is explained by the related terms of Gene Ontology so that users can find the gene sequence in terms of Gene Ontology .

  17. 人类基因组序列工作框架图的绘制似乎给久已存在的基因决定论提供了理论支持,但人性的复杂性及其社会性本质决定了基因在人性系统中的作用及防治疾病的综合方法。

    The result of the human genome project seems to provide the existed genic determinism theoretical support , but the complexity of human nature and its sociality essence determine the effect of gene in human nature system as well as the integrative means of preventing and curing diseases .

  18. 一种新的衰老学说&基因阻遏平衡论

    A New Aging Theory & Gene Repression Equilibrium Theory

  19. 基因阻遏平衡论试图用统一的观点解释所有的生命现象。

    The Gene Repression Equilibrium Theory ( GRE Theory ) tries to explain all the life phenomena with a unified viewpoint .

  20. 从整体性出发,基因非决定论不再视基因为孤立单位,而将其置于非线性的“基因群”网络之中,通过基因与基因、基因与环境的相互作用来理解基因的多重功能。

    In an all-round view , non-gene determinism recognizes genes in background of gene groups , understand the complex functions from the correlation between genes and environments .

  21. 基于基因算法与博奕论的翼型跨音速Euler方程气动优化

    Transonic Euler Equation Airfoil Aerodynamic Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithms and Game Theory

  22. 基因设计导致的基因决定论与优生学的伦理灾难;

    The gene design has taken ethical tragedies of gene determinism and eugenics ;

  23. Blast是基本的预测新基因功能的工具,但是仅通过Blast的原始搜索结果,尚无法获得相关基因本体论(GeneOntology,GO)注释信息。

    Blast is a basic tool to predict novel gene function , but scientist can not based on the raw result of blast to find gene ontology ( GO ) annotation . 4 new genes were obtained .

  24. 目的通过用基因芯片方法研究肾阳虚骨关节炎温针治疗典型病例的差异表达基因,探索辨证论治的个体化医学治疗效果及分子疗效评定的新方法。

    Objective To study the genes different expression by the cDNA microarray responsing to the heat puncture of osteoarthritis which is accompanied by the cold Zheng , to explore the curative effect of individuality medicine and medthods of evaluation .