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  • gene mutation;transgenation
  1. Best病家系卵黄样黄斑营养不良基因突变分析

    Analysis of the gene mutation of vitelline macular dystrophy in a family with Best disease

  2. DNA微阵列技术已广泛应用于基因突变的检测。

    DNA microarray has been widely used to test gene mutation .

  3. 基因突变是指DNA密码的改变

    Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code .

  4. 他们发现基因突变在厌食症患者中更为常见。

    They found mutations that were far more common in anorexia patients .

  5. 研究人员分析了基因突变人群的基因变化与近视或花在学业上时间的关系。

    The researchers studied what happened to people who had mutations in their DNA2 that were either linked to short-sightedness or to spending a long time in education .

  6. 一些基因突变确实影响了脑功能,但也有一些基因突变出现在控制身体新陈代谢的指令中,尤其是控制血糖水平和身体脂肪的指令中。

    Some mutations did affect brain function , but others were found in the instructions that control the body 's metabolism5 , particularly around blood sugar levels and body fat .

  7. 太阳光及紫外线B诱发基因突变的碱基特异性

    The specificity of mutations induced by sunlight and ultraviolet B

  8. 口腔白斑和鳞癌中P(53)基因突变的PCR&SSCP分析

    PCR-SSCP study the mutation of P53 gene in oral leukoplakia and squamous cell carcinoma

  9. 动脉血栓性疾病抗活化蛋白C和凝血因子Ⅴ基因突变的研究

    Gene Mutation Study of activating protein C resistance and Acv in arterial thrombosis

  10. 互隔交链孢酚致DNA聚合酶β基因突变的实验研究

    Study on the Mutation of DNA Polymerase β Affected by Alternariol

  11. DNA芯片在乙型肝炎病毒基因突变分析中的应用

    Application of DNA Chips in the Analysis of Gene Mutation in HBV

  12. 低能重离子引起DNA链断裂和诱发基因突变谱的研究

    Study on DNA Strand Breaks and Mutation Spectrum Induced by Low-energy Heavy Ions

  13. 用直接测定基因组DNA序列的方法检测β-地中海贫血基因突变

    Direct-Genomic DNA Sequencing Technique and It 's Application to Detecting β - Thalassemia Mutations

  14. 喉癌p53基因突变与人乳头状瘤病毒感染的关系

    Relationship between mutations of p53 in laryngeal carcinoma and HPV infection

  15. p53基因突变在肺癌早期诊断中的应用

    Application of p53 gene mutation in early diagnosis of lung cancer

  16. 女性A型血友病F基因突变分析

    Gene Mutation Analysis of Coagulation Factor ⅷ from a Female Patient with Hemophilia A

  17. 卵巢癌细胞凋亡和细胞倍性与p53基因突变的关系

    Relationship Between p53 Gene Mutation and Apoptosis and Cell Ploidy of Ovarian Carcinoma

  18. 食管癌和贲门癌组织中p53基因突变的研究

    Mutation of p53 gene in human cancers of the esophagus and gastric cardia

  19. 食管癌前病变P53肿瘤抑制基因突变分析

    Molecular pathological studies on the esophageal precancerous lesions : Analysis of P53 mutation

  20. 青老年肺癌患者p53基因突变情况的对比研究

    Comparison of p53 gene mutation between adolescent and senile patients with lung cancer

  21. 人巨细胞病毒感染的霍奇金淋巴瘤中p53基因突变分析

    Mutation analysis of p53 gene in Hodgkin 's lymphoma infected by human cytomegalovirus

  22. 中国人共济失调毛细血管扩张症ATM基因突变研究

    ATM gene mutations in Chinese patients with ataxia - telangiectasia

  23. 同时应用DNA序列分析确定gsp癌基因突变率。

    Mutation rate of gsp oncogene was identified by DNA sequential analysis .

  24. 急性髓性白血病SHIP基因突变和SNP的研究

    A study on mutation and SNP of SHIP gene in acute myeloid leukemia

  25. 2种新的凝血因子V基因突变导致的遗传性凝血因子V缺乏症

    Two novel factor V gene mutations associated with congenital coagulation factor V deficiency , study of one pedigree

  26. 海胆在石油烃长期污染下会导致DNA甲基化异常和基因突变产生。

    The sea urchins can appear abnormal gene expression and gene mutations if they are exposed to oil-polluted environment for a long time .

  27. 鼻咽癌组织DNA聚合酶β基因突变与EBV感染相关

    DNA polymerase β gene mutation in human nasopharyngeal cancer and its relationship with EBV infection

  28. 环境致癌剂与p53基因突变

    Environmental carcinogens and p53 gene mutation

  29. 个体辐射敏感性对医用X射线工作者GPA基因突变频率的影响

    Influence of individual radiation sensitivity on GPA gene mutation frequency in medical diagnostic X-ray workers

  30. 瘢痕疙瘩周围皮肤成纤维细胞周期分析及P53基因突变检测

    Cell cycle analysis and P53 gene mutation detection of fibroblasts derived from the surrounding skin of keloids