
jī běn tiáo jiàn
  • basic conditions;main conditions
  1. 论积极财政政策淡出的基本条件

    Main Conditions for the Active Fade - out of the Fiscal Policy

  2. 滑坡堵江的基本条件

    The main conditions of landslide dam

  3. 我必须学会的最艰难的一课就是相信自己,这是基本条件。

    The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself . That was basic .

  4. 第二十六条设立学校及其他教育机构,必须具备下列基本条件:

    Article 26 For the establishment of a school or any other institution of education , the following basic conditions shall be fulfilled :

  5. 通过SHZ82型往复式水浴恒温振荡器摇瓶试验,研究了羊肚菌液体发酵的基本条件,选出最佳培养基配方、培养温度、pH、通气量、培养时间等参数。

    Basic conditions of liquid fermentation of Morchella conica were studied through orthogonal test using shake flask culture .

  6. 在运动补偿系统中,天线稳定平台是保证高分辨率机载SAR能大面积连续成像的基本条件。

    Therefore , an antenna stabilization platform is built for a high resolving power Airborne SAR to image continuously in wide area .

  7. 首先,通过改变pH值及温度,进行一系列间歇性实验,确定了反硝化进行的基本条件;

    First , through changing the pH value and temperature , we carried on a series of batch experiments and the primary condition have been determined ;

  8. JIT运用的基本条件塑性力学中的稳定性公设的热力学原理

    The postulates of JIT using in China thermodynamics and the postulates of stability in plasticity

  9. 作为社会先行资本(SocialOverheadCapital),城市基础设施是城市经济和社会各项事业发展的重要基础,是现代城市赖以生存和发展的基本条件。

    As a Social Overhead Capital , urban infrastructure , urban economic and social undertakings an important basis for the development of modern urban existence and development of the basic conditions .

  10. 对组织有效实施EMSA的基本条件

    The Essential Conditions of Effectively Implementing EMSA

  11. 提出了确立防护方案的基本条件:明确系统的防护等级,遵从各类标准的性能指标要求,实施ESD管理。

    The two basic conditions for establishing a ESD protection scheme are the determination of system protection level and the compliance with the requirements of standards .

  12. 依据图像恢复技术的要求,高精度成像系统调制传递函数(MTF)是高质量图像恢复的基本条件。

    According to the requirement of image restoration technique , high precision modulate transfer function ( MTF ) of imaging system is the base of high-quality imagery restored .

  13. 较详细地分析了用于全硅片上光互连所用光波导(如多晶Si/SiO2、Si/SiO2、Si3N4/SiO2)需满足的基本条件、制作方法以及损耗机制,总结了目前的研究进展。

    The waveguides ( poly Si / SiO_2 , Si / SiO_2 , Si_3N_4 / SiO_2 ) for on-chip optical interconnect have been analyzed in detail , including the basic conditions , fabrication method and loss mechanism . The recent progress is summarized .

  14. 实现中心点火的基本条件是在内爆中心形成面密度0.3g/cm2,温度10keV的点火热斑。

    The basic condition required for achieving central ignition is producing a hot spot with 10 keV temperature and 0.3 g / cm ~ 2 surface density .

  15. 本文对DSCM二维测量和三维测量中的一些关键技术做了研究,并开发了DSCM软件测量系统,满足了实际测量要求,为DSCM在科学研究和工程测量中的应用提供了基本条件。

    In this paper , some key techniques for 2D and 3D measurement using DSCM are studied , and a new DSCM software measurement system is developed , which satisfies the requirements of engineering measurements and provides the best tools for further application .

  16. 横管连续蒸煮器连续运转的基本条件

    The Basic Condition for The Successful Running of Horizontal Continuous Digester

  17. 良好的课堂教学氛围是教师教好、学生学好的基本条件。

    Good class atmosphere is a guarantee of good teaching effect .

  18. 松潘&阿坝盆地构造演化与石油地质基本条件

    The Tectonic Evolution and the Basic Petroleum Condition in Songpan-Aba Basin

  19. 师生交往是有效教学的基本条件。

    Teacher-student communication is a necessary condition for efficient teaching .

  20. 论实现法治的最基本条件

    On the Most Basic Conditions of Realizing Ruling by Law

  21. 刍议中华民族音乐审美心理形成的基本条件

    A Rustic Opinion of the Postulate of Forming Chinese Musical Aesthetic Psychology

  22. 水流输沙相似是悬沙模型必须满足的基本条件。

    Sediment transport similarity is a postulate for model of suspended load .

  23. 在分析过程中我需要一个所谓的基本条件。

    I need a so-called base case even in my analysis here .

  24. 概括了有关微乳液的一般特征及形成的基本条件。

    The common character and basic forming condition on microemulsion were generalized .

  25. 在善治的构成要素中,法治是实现善治的基本条件。

    Law is the radical condition to realize good governance .

  26. 基础设施互联互通是融合发展的基本条件。

    Infrastructure connectivity is a basic condition for integrated development .

  27. 温州高新技术产业发展的基本条件及其战略重点

    The Fundamental Condition and Strategic Priority of Wenzhou New and High-tech Industry Development

  28. 馒头成形的基本条件是:①要有调制良好的面团;

    The steamed bun forming basic condition is : have modulation good dough ;

  29. 生产具有竞争性柴油发动机的基本条件

    Basic Requirements for the Production of Competitive Diesel Engines

  30. 对我国物流产业发展的内外部环境进行了系统的分析,探讨了内外部环境对物流产业的影响,以及物流产业在该环境中发展的基本条件和发展趋势。

    The interior and exterior circumstance of logistics industry has been systemically analyzed .