
zhōng dōng
  • the Middle East;Near East
中东 [zhōng dōng]
  • [the Middle East] 欧洲人指亚洲西南部和非州东北部,包括近东和伊朗、阿富汗

中东[zhōng dōng]
  1. 中东这一地区一直战乱频仍。

    The Middle East has often been a theatre of war .

  2. 这则消息在中东总部引起了不安。

    This message caused perturbation in the Middle East Headquarters .

  3. 这个行动意味着中东和平进程受挫。

    The move represents a setback for the Middle East peace process

  4. 大多数中东国家的人口增长率都极高。

    Most Middle Eastern countries have extremely high rates of population growth

  5. 昨天在华盛顿举行的中东和谈有了取得进展的迹象。

    Middle East peace talks in Washington showed signs of progress yesterday

  6. 在中东的胜利给他带来了好处。

    The success in the Middle East redounds to his benefit

  7. 中东冲突的最重要原因是什么?

    What are the greatest sources of conflict in the Middle East ?

  8. 中东和平谈判于周三在华盛顿重启。

    Middle East peace talks reopen in Washington on Wednesday .

  9. 他坚持主张不把它与其他中东问题挂钩。

    He insisted that there could be no linkage with other Mideast problems

  10. 库克先生打算周五去中东。

    Mr Cook is intending to go to the Middle East on Friday .

  11. 美国经济依赖于中东地区的石油。

    The US economy depends on Middle Eastern oil .

  12. 他正在探询中东国家的政府要如何解决这次冲突。

    He is sounding out Middle Eastern governments on ways to resolve the conflict

  13. 他在川流不息的人群中东躲西闪。

    He dodged amongst the seething crowds of men

  14. 中东是世界上最为重要的一个产油地。

    The Middle East is the world 's single most important source of oil .

  15. 中东地区的两大河流发源于土耳其境内的山脉。

    The two great rivers of the Middle East rise in the mountains of Turkey .

  16. 侯赛因总统号召中东所有国家放弃核武器和化学武器。

    President Hussein called on all countries in the Middle East to scrap nuclear or chemical weapons

  17. 更为险恶的解释是,他准备再次在中东地区制造事端。

    The more sinister explanation is that he is about to make mischief in the Middle East again

  18. 他下周将前往中东,开始重启和谈。

    He will go to the Middle East next week to get the ball rolling again on peace talks

  19. 埃及称寻求中东和解刻不容缓。

    Egypt has said there is no time to lose in the search for a Middle East settlement .

  20. 冲突尚未解决,又何谈中东的稳定呢?

    Can one even talk of stability in the Middle East as long as the conflict is still unsettled ?

  21. 已出炉的选举结果再次显示在中东实现和平是有希望的。

    The result of the election in is yet another hopeful sign that peace could come to the Middle East .

  22. 联合国成员正在就中东局势展开辩论。

    The UN members were debating the situation in the Middle East .

  23. 中东是举世瞩目的多事地区。

    The trouble-ridden Middle East commands the attention of the world .

  24. 他们密切注视着中东的和平进程。

    They take care to follow the course of peace in the Middle East .

  25. 中东的纠纷日益加剧。

    Trouble was boiling up in the middle east .

  26. 数十年来,中东地区的形势一直是颇有争议的问题。

    The situation in the Middle East has been a controversial topic for decades .

  27. 即使是严重依赖化石燃杜出口的经济体,如非洲和中东,也有巨大的潜力开发可再生能源。

    Even   Africa   and   the   Middle   East ,   home   to   economies   that   are heavily   dependent   on   fossil   fuel   exports ,   have   enormous   potential   to   develop   renewables .

  28. 很快,猫就出现在希腊,接着是中东和中国。

    Soon cats were in Greece , then the Middle East and China .

  29. 这些钟在中东和中国很受欢迎,但它们显示的时间不准确。

    These clocks were popular in the Middle East and China but they failed o keep accurate time .

  30. 据报道,6月1日爆发的中东呼吸综合征中,前两起死亡病例均在韩国。

    It 's reported that the first two deaths from an outbreak of MERS on June 1st were in South Korea .