
  • 网络Central Africa;central african;Middle Africa
  1. 合作促进中部非洲和平与安全布拉柴维尔宣言

    Brazzaville Declaration on Cooperation for Peace and Security in Central Africa

  2. 中部非洲防治地方病协调组织

    Organization for Coordination in Control of Endemic Diseases in Central Africa

  3. 肝细胞癌(HCC)是第三大最常见的癌症,全世界每年有约60万病人死于这种疾病,高发地理区域包括亚洲东部、中部非洲和西部非洲的一些国家。

    Hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) is the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide with about 600,000 patients dying from the disease annually . The geographic areas at highest risk are located in Eastern Asia , Middle Africa , and some countries of Western Africa .

  4. 西部和中部非洲国家海运问题部长级会议

    Ministerial Conference of West and Central African States on Maritime Transport

  5. 干旱在中部非洲周家最严重。

    The drought is worst in the Central African states .

  6. 中部非洲安全问题常设咨询委员会

    Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa

  7. 联合国机构间援助大湖区和中部非洲联合呼吁

    United Nations Inter-Agency Consolidated Appeal for the Great Lakes Region and Central Africa

  8. 联合国中部非洲常规武器登记册讨论会

    Seminar on the United Nations Arms Register on Conventional Arms for Central Africa

  9. 中部非洲分区域预防、管理和解决冲突机制

    Subregional mechanism for the prevention , management and settlement of conflicts in Central Africa

  10. 西部和中部非洲武装冲突对儿童的影响区域协商

    Regional Consultation on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children in West and Central Africa

  11. 中部非洲的铜矿开采业

    The mining of copper in central Africa

  12. 中部非洲大湖区安全、稳定和发展问题区域会议

    Regional Conference on Security , Stability and Development in the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa

  13. 大多数流入主要集中在西部,北部和中部非洲次区域。

    Most of the inflows are concentrated in the West , North and Central African subregions .

  14. 中部非洲国家开发银行

    Development Bank for Central African States

  15. 东海岸热杀死数百个在东部和中部非洲每年成千上万的牛。

    East Coast fever kills hundreds of thousands of cattle in eastern and central Africa every year .

  16. 中部非洲分区域议会

    Subregional parliament in Central Africa

  17. 中部非洲经济学家协会

    Central African Economist Society

  18. 这方面一直挣扎在中部非洲的破坏性影响为应付干旱和蝗虫侵扰。

    This area in central Africa has been struggling to cope with the devastating impact of drought and locusts infestations .

  19. 中部非洲促进和平和预防、管理、解决武装冲突最高委员会;

    Supreme Council for the promotion of peace and prevention , management and resolution of armed conflicts in central africa ;

  20. 我来自喀麦隆位于中部非洲和我的兄弟姐妹们生活在那里的。

    I come from Cameroon which is located in the center of Africa and my brothers and sisters live there as well .

  21. 这项研究不包括俄罗斯、中亚、中东、东南亚和中部非洲。

    Regions excluded from this analysis include Russia , central Asia , the Middle East , south - east Asia and central Africa .

  22. 赫斯基可以住在寒冷的极地和波斯猎犬是中部非洲最热的地方在家里。某些国家的居民都是骑在骆驼上依赖自己的生命。

    The Husky can live in the cold polar regions , and the Saluki is at home in the hottest parts of Central Africa .

  23. 仅在今年,布莱尔就已造访了20多个国家,从东亚到中部非洲,许多地方还去了不止一次。

    This year alone , he has touched down in more than 20 countries , from East Asia to Central Africa , often more than once .

  24. 重要的是,中部非洲和非洲之角的国家要加强急性弛缓性麻痹监测,以便快速发现脊灰病毒的输入情况并便于及时采取应对措施。

    It is important that countries across central Africa and the Horn of Africa strengthen AFP surveillance in order to rapidly detect any poliovirus importations and facilitate a timely response .

  25. 赤道几内亚是中非国家经济共同体和中部非洲关税和经济联盟成员,是中非地区近年来经济稳定、快速发展的国家;

    Equatorial Guinea , whose economy developed rapidly and steadily in recent years , is the member of Economic Community of Central African States and Central African Customs and Economic Union .

  26. 然而禁令看起来也已经是强弩之末了,尤其是在东西及中部非洲,那里野生动物保护很薄弱偷猎仍然很盛行。

    Yet the effects of the ban seem to be wearing thin , especially in East , West and Central Africa , where wildlife protection is generally weak and the poaching heaviest .

  27. 赞比亚坐落于赤道以南的中部非洲,是一个和平而友好的国度,有着温和的人民,适宜的气候和稳定的投资环境。

    Zambia that is situated in the Southern part of the equator , particularly in Central Africa , is a peaceful and friendly country , with gentle people , moderate climate and stable investment environment .

  28. 大多数可可树是在南美洲和美洲中部,非洲,和东南亚发现的。

    Most cacao trees are found in Central and South America , Africa , and Southeast Asia .

  29. 2003-2004年期间,源自尼日利亚的野生1型脊髓灰质炎病毒正是从这些地区传播到非洲西部、中部和非洲之角,重新感染了科特迪瓦、加纳、几内亚和多哥等国。

    It is from these areas that WPV1 originating from Nigeria spread across west , central and the Horn of Africa in2003-2004 , re-infecting – among others – C ô te d'Ivoire , Ghana , Guinea and Togo .

  30. 部落一般在中部和西部非洲的密林这些植被丰富的地方,找寻适合自己的食物:他们吃植物的根,竹笋,水果,野生芹菜,树皮和果肉。

    In the thick forests of central and west Africa , troops find plentiful food for their vegetarian diet . They eat roots , shoots , fruit , wild celery , and tree bark and pulp .