
  • 网络Central Java;Jawa Tengah;Provinsi Jawa Tengah
  1. 第三例是中爪哇省一名27岁女子。

    The third case was a27-year-old female from Central Java Province .

  2. 第二例回顾性确诊病例为中爪哇省马格朗一名45岁男子。

    The second retrospectively confirmed case is a45-year-old male from Magelang , Central Java Province .

  3. 病人为中爪哇省博约拉利的一名12岁女童,已死亡。

    The case , which was fatal , occurred in a12-year-old girl from Boyolali , Central Java .

  4. 巴·戈多的大名叫索迪米约,和他的孙子住在印尼中爪哇省一个叫斯拉肯的小镇。

    Mbah Gotho , whose " official name " is Sodimejo , lives with his grandson in a town called Sragen within Indonesia 's Central Java province .