
  • 网络Neutral;neutral words;neuter;neutral term
  1. 我们不用那已经为我们熟悉的贬义的词性去分析,我们可以简单的把它当做一个中性词去看。

    We do not have it already we are familiar with the part of speech derogatory to the analysis , we can simply think of it as a neutral term to see .

  2. 随着它的使用范围逐步扩大,越来越多人将它用作中性词。

    With its widespread use , more and more people consider it a neutral word .

  3. 例如,在十八世纪,“交往”(intercourse)是一个中性词,和性没有任何关系。

    For example , in the18th century , intercourse was a neutral word , not linked with sex as it is .

  4. 剩下的志愿者所得到句子仅仅包含中性词。

    Those given to the other half contained only neutral words .

  5. 谈英语教学中词汇偏见的消除-中性词的使用

    Elimination of the Discriminational Words in English Teaching & Using Neuter Words

  6. 独立人格同样也是一个去道德化的中性词。

    Personality is also a neutral word of de-moralization .

  7. 女性气质是一个中性词,不属于男性或女性。

    Femininity is a neutral word , it is not belong to the man or the woman .

  8. 农民负担本身是个中性词,具有自身的内涵。

    It is a " neutral word " that peasants burden it , has one 's own intension .

  9. 从佛教业力的概念来看,实际上属于中性词,本无所谓褒贬。

    In fact , the concept of karma in Buddhism is neither commentary nor derogatory , but a neuter noun .

  10. 其中一组学生拿到的是敬语,另一组拿到的是一些粗语,最后一组同学拿到的是一些中性词。

    One group received words of politeness , one group received words of rudeness , and one group received neutral words .

  11. 采用记忆-再认范式,操作现实群际威胁,要求80名低社会经济地位大学生记忆威胁相关词和中性词。

    We adopted memory-recognition pattern , manipulated realistic intergroup threat , and asked eighty low socioeconomic status group students to memory threat-related and neutral words .

  12. 在不同的言语行为中我们发现,使用褒义词和贬义词时,英语中有时更倾向于使用中性词。

    In different speech acts , we find that Chinese tends to use appreciative words and derogatory words , while English tends to use neutral words .

  13. 首先是将词语的应激相关性和情绪效价进行交叉设置,即某一词语即与应激相关,又是中性词。

    First words stress and emotional potency crossover settings , for example , the same words that may be stress-related words may also be a neutral word .

  14. 有些贬义词以及中性词,逐渐演变为褒义词。三、有些褒义词以及贬义词缓慢成为中性词。

    Second , the evolution from derogatory terms and neuter terms into commendatory terms : third , some commendatory terms and derogatory terms slowly develop into neuter terms ;

  15. 情绪词工作记忆难度可能高于中性词,也许与情绪词加工负荷更大有关。

    The processing of emotional words was more difficult than the neutral words . Emotional words had more significant load to execute working memory than the neutral words .

  16. 接着指出了排污权和污染权的不同之处,排污是一个中性词,指向的是一种合法的行为,是在环境承载力之内的一种行为。

    Then , the writer points out the differences between waste discharging right and polluting right . Waste discharging right is a legal act within the capacity of environment .

  17. 本文同时也提出了通过使用性别中性词和对等称谓、调整词序、创造新词等语义纠正策略,可消除英语中大量存在的女性歧视现象。

    The article proposes some semantic correction-strategies such as using sex-neutral language and parallel salutation , adjusting words sequence , and applying neologism so as to eliminate the sexism in English .

  18. “左撇子”这个词应该算是中性词,因为我们在日常生活中,很难称某人是“惯使左手者”,这样称呼似乎很复杂,也很别扭。

    I think that " a left-hander " is a neuter noun since we hardly call a man as " A man whose habit is to use his left hand " . So complicated call may be too long and awkward .

  19. 而且,词块运用越得体,语篇越连贯;3.在四种不同文体的写作中,评论文的写作学生的表现最好,表明学生所掌握的是一些中性词块。

    And the more appropriate chunks are used , the more coherent a discourse is . 3 . Of all the four stylistic writing , students ' performance in remark is the best which indicates what the students learn is some neutral chunks .

  20. 并且,在实验二和实验三中显示,男、女对积极、消极和中性词的有意提取和无意提取都不存在显著差异,说明外显记忆和内隐记忆都不存在性别差异。

    And , in experiments two and three of the experiment , male and female on the positive , negative and neutral picture from the intentional and unintentional extraction does not exist significant differences that explicit memory and implicit memory are not gender differences .

  21. 正常组三种词性词语工作记忆加工具有左半球优势;患者只有中性词和负性词具有左半球优势,但正性词加工为右半球优势,可能存在一侧化异常。

    The words working memory had advantage in the left hemisphere ( LH ) for the controls . But the patients had the same mode in processing negative and neutral words . The positive words were advantage in the right hemisphere ( RH ) .

  22. 本研究旨在调查中性汉语词在单纯呈现前后情感属性上发生的变化,以及与积极情感状态的关系。

    In the study , through combine the mere exposure effect paradigm with affective priming paradigm , two event-related potentials ( ERPs ) experiments were operated .

  23. 尽管有些贬义,但西方学者却把它当成一个中性甚至是褒义词。

    Although somewhat derogatory , Westerners tend to use it without the derogatory connotations .