
Zhōng ōu
  • Central Europe
  • middle-European
中欧 [zhōng ōu]
  • [middle-European] 一界线不明确的地区,一般认为包括法国以东、前苏联以西的一些国家或所有国家

  1. 苏联红军(redarmy)毫无痛苦地从中欧撤离。

    The red army retreated painlessly from central Europe .

  2. imf的约翰逊表示,大量的资本流入正推动亚洲、中欧、拉美和非洲新兴经济体的货币升值,带来了短期的经济繁荣局面,但如果照此趋势继续发展下去,就很可能造成经济衰退。

    Mr Johnson at the IMF says a flood of capital inflows is pushing up the currencies of emerging economies in Asia , Central Europe , Latin America and Africa creating short-run economic good times but high chances of a bust further along the road .

  3. 中国驻欧盟使团团长张明表示,中国跃升为欧盟第一大贸易伙伴,充分体现了中欧经贸合作的强劲韧性。

    The surge in China-EU trade fully speaks for the strong resilience of China-EU economic and trade cooperation .

  4. 第五届丝绸之路国际博览会5月11日举办。根据会上发布的三年行动计划,为促进跨境电商的发展,我国将提升中欧班列货运服务水平。

    The China-Europe cargo service will be improved to spur the development of cross-border e-commerce , according to a three-year action plan released at the Fifth Silk Road International Exposition that opened on May 11 .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO日期的逐渐临近,中欧纺织品贸易也面临着众多的机遇与挑战。

    As the coming of the date for China to join WTO , the textile trade of EU-China will face more opportunities and challenges .

  6. RP-HPLC法测定清瘟解毒片中欧前胡素的含量

    Determination of Imperatorin in Qingwen Jiedu Tablets by RP-HPLC

  7. 中国MBA的国际化姿态&专访中欧国际工商学院院长刘吉

    The Internationalization of MBA In China

  8. 第二,中欧应在WTO技术贸易壁垒协定框架下,加强在产品标准和规范上的合作,积极消除各种贸易壁垒。

    To eliminate technical barriers , the two economies should cooperate on the product regulations and standards under the WTO Technical to Barrier Trade Agreement .

  9. 存在这种争论是正常的,中国外交学院(ChinaForeignAffairsUniversity)院长助理朱立群表示,鉴于中欧关系扩展,这种关系正在变得更加复杂。

    It 's normal to have these kinds of disputes , said Zhu Liqun , assistant principal at the China Foreign Affairs University . EU-China relations are growing more complex because the relationship is expanding .

  10. 中欧摩托车排放标准法规比较及摩托车欧III排放法规发展趋势

    Comparison with the Law of Motorcycle Emission Standard in Middle Europe and a Trend of Development in Europe ⅲ Emis sion Standard for Motorcycle

  11. 根据SPS协议要求进行的中欧植物检疫立法的比较

    Compare of Quarantine of Plant Legislation between China and European Union According to Agreement of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

  12. ——中欧国际工商学院副教务长和MBA课程主任范悦安(JuanAntonioFernández)教授

    Professor Juan Antonio Fern á ndez , associate dean and MBA director , China Europe International Business School

  13. 至于中欧和东欧的前苏联卫星国,匈牙利和乌克兰上周都在等待欧洲央行(ecb)和国际货币基金组织(imf)的支援。

    As for the ex-Soviet satellites in central and Eastern Europe , Hungary and the Ukraine were last week lining up support from the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund .

  14. 在中欧联合教育项目的总框架下,TechnicalUniversityofDenmark(DTU)和TroyesUniversityofTechnology(UTT)联合设计了‘机电系统设计’的训练课程。

    Therefore the training course of ' Design of Mechatronic Systems ' was designed and delivered by Technical University of Denmark ( DTU ) in collaboration with Troyes University of Technology ( UTT ) .

  15. 然而,他发现合伙人身上的变化是如此鼓舞人心,于是他也参加了中欧的EMBA课程,只是比陈学军晚了3年入学。

    However , he found the change in his partner so inspiring that he too enrolled in Ceibs ' EMBA programme , albeit three years later .

  16. 本文作者分别是中欧国际工商学院(CEIBS)副院长兼教务长、前研究助理和客座研究员

    The writers are , respectively , dean and vice-president , a former research assistant , and a visiting researcher at Ceibs

  17. 总部设在上海的中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)由中国和欧盟(europeanunion)共同创办,该学院目前正计划在加纳首都阿克拉(accra)开设第一所海外分校。

    China Europe International Business School , the Shanghai-based business school set up with the European Union , plans to open a campus outside China in Accra , the capital of Ghana .

  18. LynnJiang就在中欧国际工商学院和欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)这两所学院中选择了前者,她目前正在攻读MBA。LynnJiang说,如果她要在中国创业,她就需要在中国建立人脉。

    Lynn Jiang , a Ceibs MBA student , chose Ceibs over Insead because she says if she starts a business in China , she will need a network in China .

  19. 许多中国企业和我们一起来到这里,了解如何在这里投资,中国工经联(ChinaFederationofIndustrialEconomics)副会长刘海燕上周在汉堡中欧经济峰会(SummitonSino-Europeaneconomicrelations)间隙表示。

    A number of Chinese companies came with us to understand how they can invest here , Liu Haiyan , vice-chairman of the China Federation of Industrial Economics , said on the sidelines of the Summit on Sino-European economic relations in Hamburg last week .

  20. 四位高层认为,共同的中欧emba背景,会让他们在讨论公司扩张中浮现的种种问题时有“共同语言”。

    The four top management executives believe that their CEIBS EMBA degree has given them a " shared " language to discuss problems and issues that arise as the company expands .

  21. 我们必须从用好药转变为好好用药,中欧国际工商学院(CEIBS)的张炜表示。

    We need to move from the use of good drugs to the good use of drugs , says Zhang Wei from the China Europe International Business School .

  22. 他申请了中欧国际工商学院(Ceibs)在北京的EMBA课程,但没有被录取,大概是因为我太年轻,缺乏经验。

    He applied to the China Europe International Business School ( Ceibs ) EMBA programme in Beijing , but was turned down probably because I was too young and inexperienced , he says .

  23. 比方说中国,上海中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)管理学教授李秀娟(jeanlee)指出,家族企业在中国是一个相当新的现象,规模仍相对较小平均只有60人。

    In China , for example , Jean Lee , management professor at CEIBS in Shanghai , points out that family businesses are quite a recent phenomenon and are still relatively small , with an average of 60 employees each .

  24. 据指数提供商MSCI明晟(MSCI)统计,过去三个月中欧和东欧股市上涨1.2%,而新兴市场整体下跌7.5%。

    Stock markets in Central and Eastern Europe are up 1.2 % in the past three months , compared with a 7.5 % drop in emerging markets overall , according to index provider MSCI .

  25. 对于中国西式管理教育的老前辈、上海的中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)而言,市场似乎在不断增长中欧国际工商学院的emba项目今年招收了630名学员,明年将有780名学员。

    For CEIBS in Shanghai , the doyen of Western-style management education in China , the market seems to be growing , with 630 students on the CEIBS EMBA programme this year and 780 next .

  26. 2008年与时任加纳总统约翰库福尔(johnkufuor)的会晤,让中欧国际工商学院得到了加纳政府将提供官方支持的承诺,中欧非洲项目的地点也选在了加纳首都阿克拉。

    A meeting with then president of Ghana John Kufuor in 2008 gave CEIBS the assurance that it would get the bureaucratic support from the Ghanaian government and the capital Accra was chosen as the location for the CEIBS Africa Programme .

  27. 因此,Earlybird最近推出了一只基金,关注土耳其、中欧和东欧的初创企业。

    As a result , Earlybird recently launched a fund focused on early-stage businesses in Turkey , central and eastern Europe .

  28. 犹太民族在这个历史性的移民进程中,受其居住国政治、经济、文化传统的影响形成了三大族群:(1)由中欧和东欧犹太人以及美洲移民组成的阿什肯纳兹人(Ashkenazim)。

    The Jewish nation , in this historic immigration process , formed three groups : ( 1 ) The Ashkenazim which are composed of the Middle and Eastern European Jews and American immigrant Jews , and their Yiddish culture .

  29. 中欧经济贸易合作具有广阔的前景。

    China-EU trade and economic cooperation is endowed with promising future .

  30. 中欧共同利益远大于分歧。

    China and Europe have far more common interests than differences .