
zhí bù luó tuó hǎi xiá
  • the Strait of Gibraltar
直布罗陀海峡 [zhí bù luó tuó hǎi xiá]
  • [strait of Gibraltar] 沟通地中海与大西洋的海峡

直布罗陀海峡[zhí bù luó tuó hǎi xiá]
  1. 直布罗陀海峡连接着地中海和大西洋。

    The Strait of Gibraltar connects the Mediterranean Sea and the atlantic Ocean .

  2. 船航行经过直布罗陀海峡,那儿的海上常用风暴。

    This ship sails through the Strait of Gibraltar , where the water is often rough .

  3. 直布罗陀海峡是地中海通向大西洋的咽喉。

    The Straits of Gibraltar are the strategic passage between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic .

  4. 直布罗陀海峡尚未丧失其战略上的重要地位。

    The Straits of Gibraltar have not lost their strategic importance .

  5. 再像以前那样让飞机飞过直布罗陀海峡。

    And run it across the Gibraltar Straits like before .

  6. 直布罗陀海峡位于欧洲和非洲之间。

    The straits of Gibraltar lies between Europe and Africa .

  7. 狭航道一个狭窄的,从海岸通往内地的航道;海峡直布罗陀海峡是地中海通向大西洋的唯一通道。

    A narrow passage extending inland from a shore ; a channel .

  8. 直布罗陀海峡是地中海的咽喉要道。

    Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean Sea .

  9. 摩洛哥北部一城市,位于直布罗陀海峡的西端。

    A city of northern Morocco at the west end of the Strait of Gibraltar .

  10. 这条隧道将直穿直布罗陀海峡,并且把西班牙从北非分割出去。

    The tunnel will run beneath the Strait of gibraltar , which separatesspain from North africa .

  11. 《直布罗陀海峡航行规则》(航海)船尾的主要的直板。

    Gibraltar for Orders ( nautical ) the principal upright timber at the stern of a vessel .

  12. 征服的浪潮沿着非洲的北海岸涌向直布罗陀海峡及西班牙。

    The tide of conquest poured along the north coast of Africa to the Straits of Gibraltar and Spain .

  13. 卡迪斯位于西班牙南部,紧靠直布罗陀海峡。乐师们演唱的歌曲足以说明当地的景况。

    The song explains a lot about the situation here in Cadiz , in southern Spain just north of Gibraltar .

  14. 这座桥取代了长期的渡轮服务,旅客能开车穿过直布罗陀海峡。

    The bridge replaced a long-running ferry service , enabling travellers to remain in their vehicle as they crossed the strait .

  15. 接着是位于非洲和欧洲之间的直布罗陀海峡航线最密集的区域。

    Their next dip will be in the congested shipping lanes of the Strait of Gibraltar , which separates Africa from Europe .

  16. 而要到他施或者加的斯去,却须从约帕往西走二千多英里,就正在直布罗陀海峡外边。

    and Tarshish or Cadiz more than two thousand miles to the westward from that , just outside the Straits of Gibraltar .

  17. Mabrouka坐落在一处悬崖上,距离丹吉尔市中心有5分钟的路程,可以俯瞰直布罗陀海峡和西班牙的南部海岸。

    The villa is situated on a cliff five minutes uphill from downtown Tangier , overlooking the Strait of Gibraltar and the southern coast of Spain .

  18. 大部分船只将经过狭窄而在纳粹大炮威胁下的直布罗陀海峡。

    Most of these ships would pass through the narrow strait of Gibraltar , flanked by guns that might at any moment speak up in favor of the Nazis .

  19. 夏天里,他们将游过亚洲和非洲之间的红海、非洲和欧洲之间的直布罗陀海峡、以及亚洲和美洲之间的白令海峡。

    Over the summer , they will then cross the Red Sea ( Asia to Africa ), the Strait of Gibraltar ( Africa to Europe ), and the Bering Strait ( Asia to America ) .

  20. 加迪斯大学的研究者表示,在整个欧洲被冰河时期席的期间,直布罗陀海峡的距离可能远比现在的8英里短。

    During the ice ages that affected much of europe , the distance from Africa across the Strait of Gibraltar would have been much less than its current eight miles , the investigators from Cadiz University said .

  21. 由直布罗陀海峡将其与大西洋相连;由达达尼尔海峡、马尔马拉海和博斯普鲁斯海峡将其与黑海相连;由苏伊士运河将其与红海相连。

    It connects with the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of gibraltar ; with the Black Sea through the dardanelles , the sea of marmara , and the bosporus ; and with the Red Sea through the Suez canal .

  22. 强大的西风环流、冷空气和气旋活动频繁以及独特的地形,形成了季节性狂风恶浪,为来往于直布罗陀海峡&多佛尔海峡航线的船舶带来威胁。

    The heavy west wind circulation , the frequency activity of cold air and cyclone and the special landform form the seasonality storm and heavy wave . They bring threats to the ships which navigate the route between the Gibraltar strait and the Dover strait .