
zhí xiàn
  • straight line;sharp;steep
直线 [zhí xiàn]
  • [straight line] 一点始终不变地在同一方向行进时所描出的线

直线[zhí xiàn]
  1. 她的耳朵、肩膀和髋部呈一条直线。

    Her ear , shoulder and hip are in a straight line

  2. 沿直线行进。

    Walk in a straight line

  3. 在每一篇作品的末尾画一条直线。

    Rule a line at the end of every piece of work .

  4. 他在自己的绘画艺术中打破了科学的直线透视法规律。

    In his art he broke the laws of scientific linear perspective .

  5. 这个镇在伦敦与海岸之间的直线上。

    The town is in a direct line between London and the coast .

  6. 这些村庄直线距离相隔不超过一英里。

    The villages are no more than a mile apart as the crow flies .

  7. 这些直线相互垂直吗?

    Are the lines perpendicular to each other ?

  8. 美元直线下跌。

    The dollar plunged precipitously .

  9. 金星、太阳和地球都到了一条直线上。

    Venus , the Sun and Earth all moved into line .

  10. 让船保持直线航行。

    Keep the boat in a straight line

  11. 该装置本身就在车子正下方,几乎与变速杆处于同一直线上。

    The device itself was right under the vehicle , almost in line with the gear lever

  12. 我住在华盛顿的梅萨,到汉福德的直线距离约为10英里。

    I live at Mesa , Washington , about 10 miles as the crow flies from Hanford .

  13. 要不是重力使箭落向地面,它们将永远以直线往前飞行。

    Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity , which brings them down to earth .

  14. AB与CD两直线相交于E点。

    The lines AB and CD intersect at E. ; The line AB intersects line CD at E.

  15. 股票价格直线下跌。

    Stock price plummeted .

  16. 我们画一直线把a点和b点连接起来。

    We joined point a to point B in a straight line .

  17. 从a到b画一条直线。

    Draw a straight line from a to B.

  18. 这两条直线交于p点。

    The two lines intersect at P.

  19. 把右脚趾与左脚跟排成一直线。

    Place your right toe in line with your left heel .

  20. 两点之间以直线为最短。

    A straight line is the shortest distance between two points .

  21. 两点成一直线。

    A straight line is formed by connecting two points .

  22. 一条直线横划在地图上。

    A straight line was ruled across the map .

  23. 废品率直线下降。

    The rate of rejects fell sharply .

  24. 尽管在感恩节、黑色星期五和网络星期一,线上销售都达到历史峰值,门店销售却直线下滑。

    While   Thanksgiving ,   Black   Friday   and   Cyber   Monday all   saw   record   spending   online ,   in-store   sales   plunged   over   the   holiday   weekend .

  25. 光通常以直线传播。

    Light typically travels in a straight line .

  26. 使尺子与纸张的中部成一条直线。

    Align the ruler and the middle of the paper .

  27. 而在西方,时间是直线性的。

    Whereas in the West , time is linear .

  28. 由于税收的直线下降,州和地方政府可能继续削减支出

    State and local governments could continue to back as tax revenue plummets .

  29. 意识到自己闷爆的员工可能也不愿向直线管理人员或人力反映。

    Workers who realise they 're experiencing boreout may also be reluctant to flag it up as an issue to line managers or human resources .

  30. 另外,fuzzy实直线是局部连通的。

    Moreover , fuzzy real line is locally connected .