
zhí jiào zhǔ yì
  • intuitionism
  1. 直觉主义的数学观与计算机科学

    Intuitionism 's Point of View on Mathematics and Computer Science

  2. 直觉主义具有不可解释性与无优先的多原则性,罗尔斯的正义理论试图超越直觉主义,但未成功。

    Intuitionism is unaccountable and , with several principles , not preferential .

  3. Coker介绍了带有拓扑结构的直觉主义模糊集。

    Coker introduced the idea of the topology of intuitionistic fuzzy sets .

  4. 直觉主义类型论中π和∑规则的研究

    On the π and Σ rules in intuitionistic type theory

  5. 直觉主义数学哲学研究及其对数学素质教育的启示

    Study on intuitionism in mathematical philosophy and its inspiration for mathematics education

  6. 论文标题G.E。摩尔元伦理直觉主义研究。

    Study on G.E.Moore " s Intuitionism of Meta-ethics " .

  7. 直觉主义类型论中否定构造的研究

    Studies of the negation in the intuitionistic type theory

  8. 类似的经验主义者与直觉主义者之争也正在英国上演。

    England is in the midst of a similar struggle between empiricists and intuitivists .

  9. 论罗尔斯正义理论的直觉主义性质

    On Intuitionism of Rawls ' Theory of Justice

  10. 探讨了直觉主义对数学素质教育的几点启示。

    Then , the paper gives some inspiration for education of mathematical quality from intuitionism .

  11. 论数学哲学中的直觉主义思想

    On the Intuitionistic Thought in Mathematical Philosophy

  12. 直觉主义通过直觉知道道德原则有效性和普遍性的理论。

    The theory that ethical principles are known to be valid and universal through intuition .

  13. 经验主义者依靠统计学分析作出决定,直觉主义者则是凭直觉。

    Empiricists depend on statistical analysis to drive their decisions . Intuitivists rely on gut instincts .

  14. 他受直觉主义的影响,提出了自己阐述语义问题的方案。

    Under the influence of intuitionism , Dummett proposed his own program to solve semantical questions .

  15. 命题演算的两个直觉主义系统

    Two Intuitionistic Systems of Sentential Calculus

  16. 第二节论证了他在反驳逻辑上二值原则的过程中,以直觉主义逻辑为基础确立了自己的语义论题。

    Part two demonstrates that Dummett founded his own semantical arguments on the basis of intuitionism logic .

  17. 数学基础中的直觉主义学派坚持逻辑依赖于数学,而数学建立在直觉和构造的基础上。

    Intuitionism insists that logic depends on mathematics , while math is based on intuition and construction .

  18. 一种类似于唯名论和观念说,现在称为有穷论和直觉主义。

    One , akin to nominalism and idealism , finds its expression today in finitism and intuitionism .

  19. 达米特关于证实论的意义理论源于对数学陈述所作的直觉主义解释。

    An intuitionist explanation to mathematic statements is the source of Dummett 's verification theory of meaning .

  20. 犹太哲学既不同于西方的理性主义哲学,也不同于中国古代的直觉主义哲学。

    The Jewish philosophy is different both from rationalist philosophy of West and the intuitionism of ancient China .

  21. 从对直觉主义的生命本体性的分析中,肯定现代主义美学非理性思潮的本质的生命意义。

    From to intuitionism life main body analysis in definitely modernism esthetics irrational ideological trend essence life significance .

  22. 直觉主义创作意识下的叙事逻辑性一般地说,直觉主义与理性主义是相对立的。

    The narrative logic under the conciousness of intuitionismGenerally speaking , intuitionism and rationalism conflict with each other .

  23. 基本命题逻辑是不同于经典命题逻辑的命题逻辑,属于非经典逻辑,与它最类似的非经典逻辑是直觉主义命题逻辑。

    Basic propositional logic is a non-classical logic which is different from classical propositional logic and intuitionistic propositional logic .

  24. 广义构成主义方法是综合和系统的方法,兼容直觉主义等方法。

    Constructivism in the broad sense is a synthetic and systemic methodology that is compatible with methods like intuitionism .

  25. 他不赞同直觉主义的非理性主义倾向,认为伦理学应当是理性主义的学说。

    He is opposed to the irrational inclination of intuitionism ; instead , he believes that ethics should be rational .

  26. 再根据反思平衡在罗尔斯的理论与直觉主义中的不同,进一步说明罗尔斯的反思平衡的特点。

    It secondly illuminates the characters of Rawls ' reflective equilibrium by analyzing the contrast between Rawls ' theory and intuitionism .

  27. 基本命题逻辑和直觉主义命题逻辑之间的区别也是由于这个关系的自返与否带来的。

    The differences between basic propositional logic and intuitionistic propositional logic is also due to the relation is reflexive or not .

  28. 表明了这种直觉主义的构造性逻辑在对陈述的语义值以及意义的阐明上具有更普遍的适用性。

    I also illustrate this kind of logic has more general applicability to clarify the semantical value and meaning of statement .

  29. 数学哲学中的直觉主义学派高度重视直觉和个人的创造性思维在科学实践中的作用,这具有积极的意义;

    This paper discusses the intuitionistic theory and thought in mathematical philosophy . Intuitionism highly values intuition and personal creative thinking in scientific practice .

  30. 其次他探讨伦理学方法,对直觉主义伦理学和归纳主义伦理学进行分析,说明功利主义在什么意义上是可以证明的;

    Then , he discusses the approaches of ethics and analyses the intuitionist and inductive ethics , showing in what sense Utilitarianism can be proved .