
  • 网络directness;direct;immediacy;Substantivity
  1. 我们还须对直接性形式的一般性质略加说明。

    We have still briefly to indicate the general nature of the form of immediacy .

  2. 如果自在自为的普遍性只采取直接性的形式,那么,它就只能是抽象的普遍性。

    Accordingly the essential and real universal , when taken merely in its immediacy , is a mere abstract universal ;

  3. 这些技术的结合使系统得到优化,它兼备Java的平台无关性、稳定性和多线程,Agent的独立性和面向对象的封装性,以及实时技术的直接性等特点。

    The combination of these technologies resulted in a very effective system . Which contains unconnected platforms , steady , multithread Java technology , real time technology , and independent and object oriented agent technology .

  4. 他想看到通过改变CRP的水平,CRP没有导致动脉硬化,以及决定个体发生心脏病发作的几率的直接性的实验测试。

    He wants to see " direct experimental testing " that CRP doesn 't cause atherosclerosis by altering levels and then determining a person 's chance of a heart attack .

  5. 第一部分:直接性门腔分流的实验研究目的:探讨采用体表超声引导穿刺,在猪体内建立直接性门腔分流(DIPS)的安全性及可行性。

    Part One : Direct intrahepatic portacaval shunt : the experimental studyPurpose : To determine the safety and feasibility of creating direct intrahepatic portacaval shunt ( DIPS ) in swine with puncture under transcutaneous ultrasound guidance .

  6. 目的探讨在肝后段下腔静脉(RHSIVC)与肝内门静脉之间建立直接性肝内门腔分流(DIPS)的临床应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical value of creating direct intrahepatic portacaval shunt ( DIPS ) between retrohepatic segment of inferior vena cava ( RHSIVC ) and portal vein .

  7. 中英议论文写作中的直接性的对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Directness in Chinese and English Argumentative writings

  8. 其显著特点是:融资的直接性、时效性和简便性。

    Its salient features are : financing directness , timeliness and convenience .

  9. 六例直接性门腔静脉分流术的初步经验

    Direct intrahepatic portacaval shunt : initial results of 6 patients

  10. 经皮穿刺直接性门腔静脉分流术皮瓣的血管构筑

    Percutaneous direct intrahepatic portacaval shunt THE ANGIOARCHITECTURE OF SKIN FLAP

  11. 零次信息是一切信息产生的源信息。零次信息具有独立性、直接性、内容新、传递快、准确性差、收集困难等特点。

    Zero-ary information is the source information of all information .

  12. 其主要特征有三:强调直接性,注重相互性及动态相遇。

    It embodies three prominent characteristics such as directness , mutuality and approachability .

  13. 猪体内直接性门腔分流的建立

    Establishment of Direct Intrahepatic Portacaval Shunt in Swine

  14. 心理情绪对创新思维的影响具有直接性、内在性、调控性。

    The influence of psychology upon creative thinking is direct , inherent and regulative .

  15. 因此,贪污罪中的职务之便具有直接性、形式合法性、现时性、公务性的特征。

    Therefore , it is direct , legal in the form , temporary and official .

  16. 直接性的理念就是生命。

    The immediate idea is life .

  17. 国际商务中请求的直接性

    Directness of Requests in International Business

  18. 与大众传播相比,人际传播具有直接性、互动性、亲和力强等优势。

    Compared with Mass Communication , Personal Communication has advantages of directness , interactiveness and kindness .

  19. 作为教育交往的媒介,语言只有转化为直接性的言语才能真正实现教育交往。

    Real educational communication can be realized only when language as a medium is changed into speech .

  20. 地震预测预报的关键是临震前三要素(时间、地点、震级)及地震影响范围的预测预报。要做到临震预报,就要观测临震前的直接性前兆信息。

    These three elements ( time , place and earthquake magnitude ) are the key of earthquake forecast .

  21. 但由于信息传播的不直接性,这些事物在一定程度上产生了变异性。

    But not directly due to the dissemination of information , these things to a certain extent variability .

  22. 理论分析及仿真结果都说明了该文所提设计方法的直接性和有效性。

    Both the theoretical analysis and the simulation result show that the proposed design method is direct and effective .

  23. 影像视觉可以穿越我们的心理世界,赋予图像一种直接性的思考维度。

    Visual images can pass through our psychological world , and give the images a direct dimension of thinking .

  24. 他宁可选择过审美的直接性的生活,体验分分秒秒的切实的存在。

    He would rather choose the direct , aesthetic life , and experiences the actual existence as time passes .

  25. 而且与普通亚麻织物相比,染料对改性亚麻的直接性约提高1倍,染色亲和力提高约五倍。

    Moreover dyeing substantive has doubled , and dyeing appetency increase by about quintupling as compared with general flax fabric .

  26. 作为网络视频的上传者,大学生上传视频的频率、上传内容、上传技术构成了对网络视频直接性的影响。

    As the network video uploaders , their video upload frequency , content , and technology influence network video directly .

  27. 艺术直觉具有感性性和直接性、模糊性和转化性、直接性与整体性。

    Art intuition bears the characters of sensibility and directness , fuzziness and transformation as well as directness and integrity .

  28. 网络时代的金融活动具有虚拟性、直接性、电子化、风险性等基本特征。

    The financial activities in network times have the basic features of being virtual , direct , electronic and risky etc.

  29. 米勒也认为传统共同体具有共同性、直接性、友善性、区域性和不朽性的特征。

    Miller says that traditional community is usually characterized by its commonness , directness , friendliness , regionalism , and immortality .

  30. 道禅思想或直接性地、或间接性地以中国古典诗歌为桥梁影响和推动了美国诗歌的改变。

    Taoism and Zen , through Chinese classical poems directly or indirectly , has made great influences on American modern poems .