
zhí xì qīn shǔ
  • immediate family;next of kin;near kin;directly-related members of one's family—parents, spouse and children
直系亲属 [zhí xì qīn shǔ]
  • [lineal relative;lineal kin;lineal consanguinity] 指有直接血缘关系或婚姻关系的亲属

  1. 只有她的直系亲属参加了葬礼。

    The funeral was attended by her immediate family only .

  2. 他鄙视直系亲属圈子以外的人。

    He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle

  3. 他的直系亲属都在场,这显然起到了让他镇定的作用。

    The presence of his immediate family is obviously having a calming effect on him .

  4. 国家助学贷款是指贷款人向借款人发放的由中央财政或地方财政贴息,用于借款人本人或其直系亲属、法定被监护人在国内高等学校就读全日制本、专科或研究生所需学杂费和生活费用的助学贷款。

    State educational loans refer to educational loans granted by the lender to borrowers that are given fiscal interest discounts by the central financial authorities or local financial sector undergraduate , professional or graduate courses .

  5. 尽管绝大多数女性都是直到40多岁才开始每年进行乳房X光摄影检测,美国癌症协会仍然建议:那些直系亲属中有乳腺癌病史的女性应该尽早做该检查。

    While the majority of women don 't have to start going for annual mammograms until their 40s , the ACA also recommends early mammogram screening for women with a first-degree relative who has had breast cancer .

  6. 她还表示,该部门的“反高层盗用国有资源项目”(KleptocracyInitiative)经常发现,外国官员往往通过空壳公司或直系亲属,将大量资金投入美国的房地产行业。

    She said that the department 's Kleptocracy Initiative has found that foreign officials often use shell companies or immediate family members to move large amounts of money to United States real estate .

  7. 根据1999年蒙特利尔公约规定,空难受害者的每名直系亲属可以要求最高113100SDR特别提款权的赔偿。

    The 1999 Montreal Convention allows each next-of-kin of an air crash victim to claim up to 113100 special drawing rights ( SDR ) , a mix of currency values established by the International Monetary Fund .

  8. 答案有二个独特的eb-5路为一个移民投资者获得合法的永久居留为自己、他们的直系亲属。

    The answer is there are two distinct EB5 pathways for an immigrant investor to gain lawful permanent residence for themselves and their immediate family .

  9. 发生在直系亲属的2例成人型卵巢粒层细胞肿瘤

    Adult granulosa cell tumors of the ovary in two first-degree relatives

  10. 低剂量吗替麦考酚酯在直系亲属活体肾移植中的应用

    Application of low-dosage mycophenolate mofetil in living renal transplantation of lineal consanguinity

  11. 这件事除了我的直系亲属外,谁也不知道。

    It 's been known to no one except my immediate family .

  12. 对于我直系亲属来说特别如此。

    This is most true of my immediate family .

  13. 通常她只会吐在直系亲属身上。

    Usually , she only throws upon immediate family .

  14. 他们难得参加,除非当涉及他们的直系亲属中的什么人时。

    They rarely attended except when someone in their immediate family was involved .

  15. 周末和直系亲属一起去楠塔基特岛游玩

    a weekend cruise to Nantucket for immediate family .

  16. 我们只告诉了直系亲属。

    We 've only told the immediate family .

  17. 如今他的直系亲属就只有他的孙子,曾孙和玄孙。

    His only remaining next-of-kin were grandchildren , great-grandchildren and great-great-grand-children , he claimed .

  18. “那么,你有直系亲属吗?”修女试探着问道。

    " Well , do you have any close relatives ?" the nun essayed .

  19. 在中国,通常情况下,已经不再是直系亲属抚养子女。

    The immediate family is no longer the universal setting for child-rearing in China .

  20. 她和她的直系亲属&丈夫、两个孩子及父母住在一起。

    She lives with her immediate family & husband , two children and her parents .

  21. 既非直系亲属也非性情和善之辈,

    Of no immediate kin or kindness ,

  22. 那些有直系亲属患胶质细胞瘤的人患这种肿瘤的几率要比别人高两倍。

    Those whose immediate relatives had glioblastomas had twice the risk of also developing them .

  23. 那你的直系亲属呢?

    What about your immediate family ?

  24. 每个人不得购买包括直系亲属在内超过7张的船票。

    A person cannot purchase more than 7 tickets , which must include their immediate family members .

  25. 但通常都是指直系亲属,核心家庭,少量分支。

    But we usually mean by it the immediate , the nuclear family , with some extension .

  26. 村民委员会成员之间不得有夫妻关系或者直系亲属关系。

    The members of the villagers'committee shall not be spouses or other directly related members of a family .

  27. 经公证的亲属关系证明以及投靠人境外无直系亲属关系证明;

    Notarized certificate of kinship and certificate of proof that alien has no lineal relatives outside of China .

  28. 虽然直系亲属是显而易见的,但是需要关注这一容易忽略的需要早期预防的群体。

    They conclude immediate family are an obvious , but neglected group at which primary prevention should be targeted .

  29. 如果直系亲属中有一人以上患有冠心病,那么家庭成员发病的危险更高。

    The risk to family members increases further if more than one member of the immediate family has CHD .

  30. 发言人还说那些被杀士兵的名字等到通知了他们的直系亲属后才会公布。

    The names of the killed soldiers are being withheld pending notification of next of kin , the statements said .