
  • 网络Domain Expert;Subject Matter Expert
  1. 一种适用于领域专家的WEB数据提取的方法

    A Web Data Extraction Method for Domain Expert

  2. 为了适应JET技术来创建转换,目标领域专家必须向转换创作者提供一个Exemplar项目。

    To use the JET technology to create transformations , the target domain expert must provide an Exemplar project to the transformation author .

  3. 概念设计系统利用Web服务技术解决了分布式环境下领域专家参与设计时模型的传输和显示问题,并将XML用于Agent的通信语言KOML的内容层,更好的进行模型数据的描述。

    Problem of transferring and displaying design model data in distributed fields was resolved by web services technology and using XML to describe content data in KQML creatively , which was the agent communication language .

  4. 研究了基于BP模型神经网络的故障诊断方法,它只需来自生产实际的大量样板实例或领域专家的知识训练神经网络。

    The method of fault diagnosis based on BP model neural network is studied , in which enough typical fault samples or expert knowledge are needed to train the neural network .

  5. Mashup平台允许非技术领域专家将可重用组件连接在一起形成应用程序,以满足新需求或短期需求。

    Mashup platforms enable nontechnical domain experts to wire applications together from reusable components to meet new or short-lived requirements .

  6. 该RUP业务模型为业务用例提供了工具和符号,这些用例可以有效的促进涉众同领域专家之间的交流和验证。

    The RUP Business Modeling discipline provides tools and notations for business use cases which facilitate effective stakeholder communication and validation with domain experts .

  7. 通常,在某个CoP中,领域专家负责创建用作该COP一部分的初始标记分类法。

    Typically , within a CoP , the domain experts are responsible for creating the initial taxonomy of tags to be used as part of that COP .

  8. 统一建模语言(UML)为面向对象系统定义了一个统一的标准.使用UML提高了与不同背景领域专家、工作流专家、软件工程师和其他专业人员的沟通,UML可以用在各个方面。

    Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) defines a standard notation for object-oriented systems , and enhances communication between domain experts , workflow specialists , software designers and other professionals with different backgrounds .

  9. 因此,如何减少领域专家的参与,提高本体构建的效率具有很重要的研究意义。本文首先分析了现有互联网存在的不足,并论述了语义Web的基本框架结构。

    So , it is very important that how to reduce the participation of experts and improve the efficiency of ontology construction . Firstly , the shortcomings of existing Internet are analyzed in this paper . The basic architecture of Semantic Web is summarized .

  10. 本文从知识获取、表示和推理三个方面进行了论述,重点介绍了FMS调度领域专家知识的面向对象表示。

    It is analyzed from three levels of knowledge acquirement , representation and inference , and the object-oriented representation of knowledge in FMS scheduling domain is mainly introduced .

  11. 世界银行主办的专家活动(waterhackathons)为技术人员和灾害领域专家协力开发应用程序以应对海地和巴基斯坦震灾提供了平台。

    " Hackathons " hosted by the Bank allowed technologists and disaster experts to join forces to develop applications in response to disasters in Haiti and Pakistan .

  12. 进化论领域专家道金斯(R.Dawkins)认为进化稳定性(evolutionarystability)是自达尔文(Darwin)以来最重要的进展之一。

    Smith in his work 《 Evolution and the Theory of Games 》 . The expert R. Dawkins in the field of evolution thought " Evolutionary stability was one of the most important progresses since Darwin " .

  13. IDW主要用来让程序员为业务领域专家搭建领域特定环境。

    IDW is targeted at programmers to build a domain specific environment for business domain experts .

  14. JCP项目管理办公室(PMO)现在需要新的候选者来替代并发领域专家DougLea。

    The JCP Project Management Office ( PMO ) will now need to choose a new candidate to replace concurrency expert Doug Lea .

  15. 此时,数据库管理员可以使用OPMEE提供的领域专家功能从这里开始进一步研究这些事务以隔离问题。

    At this point , a database administrator can further investigate these transactions to isolate the problem using of the domain expert capabilities that OPM EE offers .

  16. 这些退休审核人员是真正的OPM领域专家,他们对退休审核相关的数据和流程有着更深入的理解。

    These adjudicators are the true OPM SMEs in that they have a deep understanding of the data and the retirement process .

  17. 来自解决方案提供商和顾客的领域专家应该积极地参与OLAP设计和测试阶段,这样才能提交让顾客满意的OLAP解决方案。

    The domain experts from both the solution provider and the customer should be actively involved in the OLAP design and test phases in order to deliver a successful OLAP solution that will ensure customer satisfaction .

  18. 本文所研究开发的CAWPDS系统不仅具有焊接工艺文件管理能力,而且可以模拟焊接领域专家指导焊接工艺人员进行焊接工艺设计,编制WPS文件。

    The system can not only manage process files , but also simulate expert in the welding field to instruct technician designing welding process and working out WPS files .

  19. 对无领域专家尤其有用,Copeland建议将用例分解成三个部分:语法、领域专家测试,以及可追溯性。

    Especially useful for non-domain experts , Copeland suggests breaking use case validation into three parts : syntax , domain expert testing , and traceability .

  20. 上述算法是某通讯设备制造公司EDA研究部的主要研究内容之一,该算法得到公司相关领域专家的认可,并已获准专利申请。

    The algorithm is one of main research objects of EDA research department in a communication equipment manufacture company , and it is certificated by some experts in the company , meanwhile it has put in for patent .

  21. 作为客户或领域专家的Linda指出系统、特性或应用程序应该执行什么功能,像Frank这样的开发人员则使用BDD确保正确理解了她的要求并实现这些需求。

    Linda , the customer or domain expert , says what the system , feature , or application should do and someone like Frank uses BDD to ensure he has heard her correctly and implement her requirements .

  22. MashupHub客户机的不同组件是由深悉预期用户和潜在使用场景的领域专家设计的。

    Different components of the MashupHub client have been designed with the domain expertise of the expected user and potential usage scenarios in mind .

  23. 在第十届中国互联网大会上,业内人士和相关领域专家一致认为,LBS将成为移动互联网时代整个行业应用的标配,且最有可能成为第一个百亿规模的3G移动互联网应用。

    On the 10th conference on Internet , professionals and experts from related fields have concurred that LBS will be a standard application in the mobile internet industry . Moreover , it is most likely to be the first application with a 10-billion market scale .

  24. 依据现场熟练技术人员的运行经验、领域专家总结的知识规律,以及经验参数,重点探讨了改进的自适应FMRAS控制算法的原理及其MATLAB仿真过程。

    On the basic of operation experience of skilled staff , summary knowledge of experts and experience parameter , this paper mainly discussed the principle of improved adaptive FMRAS control algorithm and the process of matlab simulation .

  25. 这里也许需要该领域专家,但他或她必须拥有自动反向工程工具的支持,如Refine/C、Imagix4D、Sniff+和Rigi。

    Here , too , a domain expert is required , but he or she must be supported by automated reverse engineering tools , such as Refine / C , Imagix4D , Sniff + , and Rigi .

  26. 近年来,电流反馈运算放大器(CFOA)因为其潜在的宽带、高转换速率和增益几乎与带宽独立的调节性能引起了模拟和混合信号集成电路应用领域专家学者的极大关注。

    In recent years , the current feedback operational amplifier ( CFOA ) has gained the attention of researchers in the field of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuit ( IC ) applications for their high potential bandwidth , high slew rate , and near gain-independent bandwidth .

  27. 关于概念原型验证的约定与领域专家组成一组。

    Partner with your field experts to tag-team on proof-of-concept engagements .

  28. 就特定的条件与领域专家进行讨论。

    Talk with the field experts on a particular account .

  29. 为了避免错误我问有信誉的公司领域专家鉴定。

    To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies .

  30. 全局本体构建需要领域专家的参与。

    Global ontology needs domain experts ' help .