
  • 网络territorial dispute
  1. 这些领土纠纷在亚洲非常普遍。

    These territorial disputes are everywhere in Asia .

  2. 这一表述使越南、日本等邻国不安,这些国家与中国存在领土纠纷。

    The phrase has unnerved neighbours from Vietnam to Japan that have territorial disputes with China .

  3. 而中国在领土纠纷问题上的姿态似乎有所强化。

    China seemed to harden its stance over the territorial dispute .

  4. 中国与多个邻国之间存在海上领土纠纷。

    China has disputes over maritime territory with several neighbours .

  5. 日本与俄罗斯和韩国也分别存在领土纠纷。

    Japan has separate arguments with Russia and South Korea .

  6. 在日本看来这桩疑案可以算是结了根本就不存在领土纠纷。

    Case closed , says Japan : there is no territorial dispute at all .

  7. 由于与邻国斯洛文尼亚的领土纠纷,克罗地亚加入欧盟的进程受到阻碍。

    Croatia 's hopes of joining the EU have been stymied by a border dispute with neighboring Slovenia .

  8. 中国与许多邻居有长期的领土纠纷,包括日本、印度以及多个东南亚国家。

    China has long-running territorial feuds with many of its neighbours , including Japan , India and numerous Southeast Asian nations .

  9. 没有领土纠纷,没有军队参与,没有自然资源的采集,没有商业利益,没有土地侵占。

    No territorial disputes , no military presence , no natural resource mining , no commercial interests , no residential land claims .

  10. 据分析人士说,日本与中国间的领土纠纷促使更多从中国前往北美的旅客转而经由韩国进行中转。

    The territorial spat between Japan and China has helped divert more China-originating transpacific traffic through South Korea , according to analysts .

  11. 虽然双方的军事力量迄今未在这场领土纠纷中直接冲突,但以往曾有涉及私人的事件加剧纠纷。

    Although military forces have not clashed directly in the territorial dispute , past incidents involving private citizens have helped to inflame it .

  12. 1962年,中国与印度因该地区的领土纠纷发生战争对于印度而言,这是一场至今难以释怀的军事羞辱。

    In 1962 , China and India went to war over disputed territory in the region a military humiliation for India that still rankles .

  13. 今年夏天发生了一系列海洋领土纠纷,中国、日本、韩国、越南、台湾和菲律宾都被卷入其中。

    The summer has seen a succession of maritime disputes involving China , Japan , South Korea , Vietnam , Taiwan and the Philippines .

  14. 尽管近期的领土纠纷在很大程度上是和平的,中国在过去已经使用武力在所称边界上击退了越南军队。

    China has used force in the past to kick Vietnamese troops out of territory it claims , although recent disputes have largely been peaceful .

  15. 两国都依赖于进口的石油和天然气,而对一座位于中国东海的气田存有争议,恰恰又牵扯上两国间的领土纠纷。

    Both countries depend on imported oil and gas , and one of their territorial disputes involves a contested gas field in the East China Sea .

  16. 尽管中日之间贸易发展良好,但两国的正式政治合作受到各种紧张因素(从领土纠纷到历史伤疤)的阻碍。

    While trade flows have boomed between China and Japan , their formal political co-operation has been stunted by tensions from territorial disputes to historical wounds .

  17. 中国和韩国批评了日本对有争议海岛的主权主张。目前亚洲强国之间围绕海上领土纠纷的紧张不断升级。

    China and South Korea have criticised Japan over its claims to contested islands , amid rising tensions between the Asian powers over maritime territorial disputes .

  18. 但是,史密斯拒绝承认,澳大利亚此举的部分原因是因为中国军事力量的崛起,或者是因为南中国海的领土纠纷。

    Smith rejected suggestions that the assessment was being undertaken in part because of China 's military growth or its territorial disputes in the south China Sea .

  19. 中巴经济走廊的一部分将穿过克什米尔地区巴基斯坦控制的部分,该地区是印度和巴基斯坦之间好几十年未能解决的领土纠纷的对象。

    Part of the corridor will pass through Pakistan-held Kashmir , a territory that is still the subject of a decades-old , unresolved dispute between India and Pakistan .

  20. 北京的外交人士表示,与此同时,中国在南海也采取了比以前更自信的举措。中国南海存在的长期领土纠纷涉及多个国家。

    Diplomats in Beijing say China is meanwhile taking a more assertive approach than before in the South China Sea , where long-running territorial disputes exist involving several countries .

  21. 现在也许是一代人以来了结一起领土纠纷的最佳时机;这起纠纷一直阻碍日俄两国达成和平条约,从而正式翻过第二次世界大战的那一页。

    Now perhaps is the best chance in a generation for settling a territorial dispute that has stopped the two nations from concluding a peace treaty to close the second world war .

  22. 印度和中国将合作监测喜马拉雅地区的冰川融化。这个边境地区对两国的水源供应都十分关键,两国还曾为该地区的领土纠纷开战。

    India and China are to collaborate in monitoring melting glaciers in the Himalayas , a border region crucial to both countries ' water supplies and one over which they have gone to war .

  23. 20世纪70年代中后期,中越边境陷入领土纠纷的危机并最终导致中国发动对越自卫反击战,中越两国友好关系因此破裂。

    During the middle and later of the 1970s , China and Vietnam was trapped into the territorial disputes in the border of Sino-Vietnam and then caused the counterattack in self-defense on China-Vietnam border finally .

  24. 石原慎太郎就中国问题发表过许多刺耳言论。今年早些时候,他试图购买中日双方领土纠纷核心所在的几个岛屿,触发了日中关系的一次危机。

    Mr Ishihara is a harsh critic of China and sparked a crisis in Sino-Japanese relations earlier this year by trying to buy a group of islands at the heart of a territorial dispute with Beijing .

  25. 中国在蕴藏着丰富油气资源、并有着关键航道的南海与越南、菲律宾、文莱和台湾存在领土纠纷。

    China also has disputes with Vietnam , the Philippines , Brunei and Taiwan over territory in the South China Sea , which holds rich oil and gas resources and is crossed by vital sea lanes .

  26. 北极冰盖的融化为石油勘探和航运带来新机遇,令外界担忧俄罗斯、加拿大和美国之间的领土纠纷可能失控。

    The melting of the Arctic ice-caps is opening up new opportunities for oil exploration and shipping , raising fears that territorial disputes between states such as Russia , Canada and the US could run out of control .

  27. 这位美国国务卿坚称,这些领土纠纷必须在一项涵盖所有声索国的泛地区协定中得到解决,而不应采用中国所喜欢的与各国分别谈判的解决方式。

    The US secretary of state insisted that territorial disputes had to be settled in a region-wide agreement that included all the claimants , rather than the approach favoured by China of conducting talks with each individual country .

  28. 中国和美国在南中国海领土纠纷问题上的口水战周末升级。中国外交部召见一名美国高级外交官,抗议美国国务院此前发表的言论。

    China and the US stepped up their war of words over territorial disputes in the South China Sea at the weekend , with the Chinese foreign ministry calling in a senior US diplomat to protest about remarks by the US state department .

  29. 这个问题已成为韩国和日本之间最新的外交口水战,并发生在两国关系因围绕上述海域一个岛群的领土纠纷而陷入低谷之际。

    The issue has emerged as the latest diplomatic spat between South Korea and Japan , and comes at a time when relations between the two countries are exceptionally bad amid a territorial dispute over an island group that lies in the sea .

  30. 由民族分离主义、宗教矛盾以及领土纠纷引发的恐怖主义活动明显增多,这些恐怖活动主要发生在中东、北非、南亚以及原苏联和东欧地区。

    It is obvious that an increasing number of these activities were caused by national separatism , religious conflicts as well as territorial dissensions . And most of them happened in Middle East , North Africa , South Asia , the Former Soviet Union and the East Europe .