
qū zhú jiàn
  • destroyer;frigate
驱逐舰 [qū zhú jiàn]
  • [destroyer] 通常装备有5英寸口径火炮、深水炸弹、鱼雷、水雷和反潜武器,有时还装有导弹的小型战斗舰艇

  1. 一个月后,布拉德利乘菲利普号(Philip)驱逐舰前往太平洋,并在那里作战两年。

    A month later , Mr. Bradlee shipped out to the Pacific on the destroyer Philip and saw combat for two years .

  2. 一艘美国驱逐舰今日跟踪一艘朝鲜船只,发现其携带非发武器前往Myanmar。

    A U.S. destroyer is currently tracking a North Korean ship that is suspected of carrying illicit weapons and believed now to be headed to Myanmar .

  3. 意大利损失了3艘巡洋舰和2艘驱逐舰。

    Italy had lost three cruisers and two destroyers .

  4. 敌方的一艘航空母舰快速逼近他们的驱逐舰。

    An enemy carrier bore down on their destroyers .

  5. 他们开了两艘驱逐舰进入这个地区,来反击敌人战舰的威胁。

    They moved two destroyers into the area to counter the threat from the enemy battleship .

  6. 一艘敌驱逐舰向这只护航舰逼过来。

    An enemy frigate bore down on the sloop .

  7. 韩国空军护送大韩航空(koreanair)的747飞机将奥运火种从希腊运往济州岛;再由韩国海军派遣驱逐舰护送渡轮将火种运往韩国本土。

    The South Korean Air Force escorted the Korean Air 747 flying the flame to Cheju Island from Greece ; the Navy dispatched destroyers to escort the ferry that carried it to the mainland .

  8. 美海军中的此类系统是遥控猎雷系统(RMS),它可配置在阿利·伯克级宙斯盾导弹驱逐舰上。

    Navy 's remote minehunting system ( RMS ) and it can be installed in an Arleigh Burke class Aegis destroyer .

  9. 美军詹姆斯号(USSReubenJames)驱逐舰曾希望获准在新年假日期间访问香港,但这一要求两周前遭到拒绝。

    The USS Reuben James had sought permission to visit Hong Kong over the New Year holidays , but the request was denied last week .

  10. 这种旨在拦截入侵弹道导弹的爱国者三型地对空导弹,是对日本宙斯盾(Aegis)导弹驱逐舰上的舰对空导弹的补充。

    The land-to-air missiles , designed to intercept incoming ballistic missiles , complement sea-to-air missiles being installed on Japanese Aegis destroyers .

  11. 例如在10dB驱逐舰动力室噪声环境下,和不加补偿的MFCC参数相比,识别正确率能提高50个百分点。

    For Destroyer engine room noise , the average recognition rate is improved by 50 % compared to unmodified MFCC .

  12. “拉申号”(USSLassen)导弹驱逐舰已载救灾人员和设备抵达泰国海港,随时准备参与搜救、救灾和重建工作。

    The USS Lassen is in port in Thailand with personnel and equipment ready to move in on rescue , relief and recovery efforts .

  13. 方法运用自编调查问卷、症状自评量表(SCL-90)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)对海军某部勤务船、驱逐舰与常规潜艇舰员382名进行测量。

    Methods We analyzed date of 382 navy crew from duty ship , destroyer and normal regulations submarine warship members questionnaires ( SCL-90 , EPQ and other supplemental questionnaire tailored for the project ) .

  14. 参加第七舰队搜寻任务的包括两艘驱逐舰,分别是USSKidd和USSPinckney,此外还包括一艘提供燃油和补给的舰队油船USNSJohnEricsson。

    The Seventh Fleet has two destroyers participating in searches , the USS Kidd and USS Pinckney , plus an oiler , the USNS John Ericsson , to provide fuel and supplies .

  15. 近年来,我国在新型战斗机、驱逐舰等军用设施的研制中已经开始采用MIL-STD-1553B标准协议。

    In recent years , our country has already begun to adopt MIL-STD-1553B standard protocol in the R & D of military facilities such as new fighter plane , destroyer , etc. .

  16. 日本海事联合公司(JapanMarineUnited)是一家生产游轮、油轮及宙斯盾驱逐舰的企业。该公司高管TakayukiSaito表示,在目前这个阶段,参与此次交易会展览的目的,仅仅是为了考察国际社会对日本所提供产品的兴趣。

    Takayuki Saito , a senior manager at Japan Marine United , which produces cruise ships , oil tankers and Aegis destroyers , said that at this stage , the purpose of exhibiting at the fair was merely to gauge international interest in what Japan had to offer .

  17. HMAS雅拿号负责护送一支护航队到澳大利亚,但在3月4日被三艘日军巡洋舰和二艘驱逐舰阻拦。

    HMAS Yarra was given the responsibility of escorting a small convoy to Australia , but on4 March was intercepted by a force of three Japanese cruisers and two destroyers .

  18. 根据船上的军事官员说,DDG-169驱逐舰上的水兵进行了综合训练,侧重于快速反应、检查,并进行了模拟攻击。

    According to onboard military officers , sailors on the destroyer , coded DDG-169 Wuhan , carried out comprehensive exercises focusing on rapid response , inspections , and simulated attacks .

  19. 他表示,美国海军的一艘P-3C猎户星座海上巡逻机一直在马来西亚西边的马六甲海峡北部进行搜索,同时基德号(USSKidd)和平克尼号(USSPinckney)驱逐舰在东边的泰国湾调遣直升机。

    A U.S. Navy P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft has been searching the northern Strait of Malacca , west of Malaysia , he said , while destroyers USS Kidd and USS Pinckney have been deploying helicopters in the Gulf of Thailand to the east .

  20. 中国曾提出请求,希望日本允许深圳号驱逐舰的官兵参观日军一艘宙斯盾级(Aegis-class)驱逐舰。但知情人士表示,五角大楼告诉日本,鉴于小鹰号事件,这样做不合适。

    China had requested that the sailors on the Shenzhen be allowed to tour an Aegis-class destroyer , but a person familiar with the Japanese decision said the Pentagon had told Japan that the move would not be appropriate , given the Kitty Hawk incident .

  21. 美国随后派出一艘驱逐舰为“无暇”号护航。

    America later sent a guided-missile destroyer to protect the Impeccable .

  22. 有十艘驱逐舰为女王的游艇护航。

    The Queen 's yacht had an escort of ten destroyers .

  23. 三艘巡洋舰和三艘驱逐舰受到严重损失或被摧毁。

    Three cruisers and three destroyers were heavily damaged or destroyed .

  24. 中国海军第一艘万吨级驱逐舰已经服役。

    The Chinese navy has commissioned its first 10000 ton-class destroyer .

  25. 发现有五艘驱逐舰正向岸边来。

    Five Destroyers have been sighted standing in towards the shore .

  26. 美国海军派出两艘驱逐舰,抵达利比亚附近海域。

    The U.S. Navy has sent two destroyers to Libyan waters .

  27. 几小时后,驱逐舰就赶上了护航舰队。

    In a few hours , the destroyer drew on the convoy .

  28. 我们的巡洋舰和驱逐舰继续封锁所有的入口处。

    Our cruisers and destroyers continued to blockade the approaches .

  29. 这条轮船被一艘英国驱逐舰撞坏。

    The ship had been rammed by a British destroyer .

  30. 在驱逐舰上没有太多朋友。

    To have a lot of friends on the destroyer .