
háng kōng bīng
  • Air Force;air arm;airman
航空兵[háng kōng bīng]
  1. 建立航空兵场站业务股伙食补助标准的设想

    Idea of establishing the food subsidy standard in the air arm

  2. 航空兵场站财务保障探讨

    The financial support in the air arm station

  3. 基于Petri网模型的航空兵仿真研究

    Base on Petri net model study on marine air force system simulation

  4. 基于SVM的航空兵空运转场载机架次预测研究

    Research of Aerial Soldier Air Transportation Field Loader Forecast Based on SVM

  5. 研究了航空兵Petri网模型的多线程构建方法和多线程实现方法以及仿真主进程的结构。

    Petri net model simulation structure of marine air force system is studied .

  6. 基于HLA的航空兵场站飞行保障视景仿真系统设计

    Design of Air Force Station Fight Support Visual Simulation System Based on HLA

  7. 研究了应用HLA技术开发分布式交互仿真应用系统的方法,基于HLA开发工具Lab-Works、PRTI构建了航空兵场站飞行保障仿真系统的总体框架;

    The method of developing distributed interactive simulation application systems based on HLA is analyzed . The whole framework of air force station simulation system is introduced .

  8. 1983年结束前线服役,被皇家海军航空兵第820中队指挥官尼戈尔夏奇沃德(NigelSharkeyWard)誉为一位优秀的飞行员、非常有前途的军官。

    1983 Completes his frontline tour . He is described as an excellent pilot and a very promising officer by Nigel Sharkey Ward , commander of the 820 Naval Air Squadron .

  9. 针对目前航空兵部队飞行计划传统管理方法的缺限,设计了一种飞行计划管理系统,基于修正的K近邻域(MKNN)航迹关联算法,研究了系统设计中的关键技术&航迹关联。

    Aimed at the drawback of the conventional flight plan management , a flight plan management system is devised in this paper . Based on the MK-NN algorithm , the key technologies of track association for the design of this system are dealt with .

  10. 文中运用目前流行的分布式交互仿真思想,设计了分布式海军航空兵突击作战仿真系统,并对相关联邦成员以及预警机CGF进行了开发,对分布式作战系统的开发具有参考价值。

    Based on the introduction of HLA , in combination with the new characteristic of Air-Sea Combat , naval aviation distributed striking simulation system is designed , the correlative federates and AEW CGF is exploited , which is valuable to develop the distributed operation simulation system .

  11. 管理信息系统在航空兵部队检定管理中的应用

    The Application of Management Information System in Air Unit Verification Management

  12. 陆军航空兵是一支新兵种。

    The air unit of the army is a new branch .

  13. 航空兵某师大力培养飞行员“孤胆作战”精神

    Aviation Division vigorously forges the spirit of " fighting alone "

  14. 海上突击作战中海军航空兵电子战运用研究

    Electronic Warfare Application Research on The Naval Aviation in Sail Assault

  15. 外军陆军航空兵侦察直升机的发展

    Reconnaissance Helicopters for Foreign Army Aviation Force : a Review

  16. 和平时期空军航空兵部队战斗精神培育研究

    Research on Militant Cultivation of Air Force Aviation in Peacetime

  17. 乘风驭浪会有时中国陆军航空兵的发展及其在渡海登陆作战中的作用

    Development of China 's Army Aviation and Its Role in Landing Operation

  18. 用现代科技带动海军航空兵的发展

    Promoting Modernization of China Naval Air Force with Modern Science and Technology

  19. 海军航空兵作战指挥训练系统的关键技术研究

    Research of the key technologies of naval aviation operation command train system

  20. 航空兵部队财务保障工作浅探

    Financial support of the air units in the joint-support system

  21. 航空兵场站油料库存控制策略研究

    Study on the Policy of Aviation Fuel Inventory Control at Air-force Base

  22. 跨区航空兵部队财务保障主要特点及对策思考

    Characteristics and Countermeasures of financial support in the air units

  23. 南方战区海军航空兵部队军官心理健康状况及其影响因素

    Psychological Health Status of Naval Aviation Officers of the Southern Army of China

  24. 空军航空兵场站气象保障能力评估研究

    Study of Evaluation on the Air Force Fighter Aviation Airfield Meteorological Support Capacity

  25. 心理技巧训练在航空兵部队的应用

    The application of psychological capability training in flighter pilots

  26. 侦察航空兵利用几种不同型号的飞机获取敌人的情报。

    It uses several types of aircraft to gather information about the enemy .

  27. 陆军航空兵在信息化战争中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Army Aviation in Information-based Warfare

  28. 航空兵部队夜餐费保障对策探寻

    Support countermeasures of midnight snack expenses in air units

  29. 降脂食物的筛选和治疗航空兵高血脂效果观察

    Screening of hypolipidemic foods and the effect of some foods on hyperlipidemia in airmen

  30. 航空兵封锁敌机场的模拟

    Simulation Study on Blockading Enemy Airports by Aviation