
háng yùn
  • shipping;navigate;transport by sea
航运 [háng yùn]
  • [shipping;navigate;transport by sea] 水上运输事业的统称,分内河航运、沿海航运和远洋航运

航运[háng yùn]
  1. 这个地区靠航运业维持生活。

    The community depends on the shipping industry for its survival .

  2. 希腊依然是世界航运业强有力的竞争者。

    The Greeks are still powerful players in world shipping .

  3. 他签约了P&O航运公司,成为了一名乘务员。

    He signed up as a steward with P & O Lines

  4. 航运业对自律守则进行了宣传。

    The shipping industry promulgated a voluntary code .

  5. 他在航运事业的巅峰时期拥有将近60艘远洋轮船。

    At the height of his shipping career he owned about 60 ocean-going vessels .

  6. 辞去教书工作之后,简在一家航运公司找了份差事。

    After she jacked in the teaching , Jane got herself a job with a shipping line .

  7. 布朗先生持有该家航运公司的500份股份。

    Mr. Brown has held 500 shares in the shipping company .

  8. 我们和一家美国航运公司谈成了一笔生意。

    We struck a bargain with an American shipping firm .

  9. 暗礁对于航运是一个危险的东西。

    The rocks are a danger to shipping .

  10. 奥林匹克级邮轮是北爱尔兰的哈兰德与沃尔夫船厂为英国白星航运公司建造的。

    The Olympic class ships were built by the Harland & Wolff ship makers in Northern Ireland for the White Star Line company .

  11. 这些邮轮共有九层甲板,白星航运公司决定把重点放在将它们打造成水上最豪华的船只。

    The ships had nine decks , and White Star Line decided to focus on making them the most luxurious ships on the water .

  12. 在泰坦尼克号沉没之前,奥林匹克号就曾失事,但只有奥林匹克号幸存下来并持续航行了24年成功的航运生涯。

    The Olympic got wrecked before the Titanic did , but it was the only one to survive and maintain a successful career of 24 years .

  13. 在阿姆斯特丹的大学正试着解决住房问题时,成千上万的航运集装箱就静静地躺在世界各地的港口。

    While the colleges in Amsterdam were trying to solve the housing problem , thousands of shipping contains were lying quietly in ports around the world .

  14. 航运业已经熟悉了慢速航行的概念。

    The shipping business is already familiar with the slow steaming concept .

  15. 但是到了90年代后期,汉江航运处于萎缩状态

    But arrived 90 time later period , hanjiang shipping is in atrophic condition .

  16. 这样一来,船舶进入威尼斯的唯一通道就是经由朱代卡运河。2019年6月,地中海航运公司的一艘13层游轮撞上了码头和一只游船,导致5人受伤。

    In the meantime , the only way for the ships to enter Venice is via the Giudecca canal , where in June 2019 a 13-deck vessel and tourist boat , injuring five people .

  17. 特别是我国在加入WTO以后,地方航运企业面对的同行将是一些实力较雄厚的国际跨国航运企业。

    After our country 's entrance into WTO , the competitor will be those big international shipping companies .

  18. 基于模糊AHP综合评价方法的航运公司综合实力评价

    He evaluation method for shipping companies entire strength based on Fuzzy AHP integrative evaluation

  19. DSC在内河航运中的应用

    The Application of DSC to Inland Shipping

  20. 中国加入WTO为我国的航运业带来了难得的发展机遇的同时,也给中国的航运业带来了新的风险和挑战。

    As China has joined in WTO , it brings not only development opportunity but also the new risk and the challenge for Chinese shipping industry .

  21. 第3章为WTO航运投资法律制度,分析了叮法中与航运投资相关的法律制度,对于某些规定提出了自己的见解。

    In chapter III , the author analyses legal system of WTO laws connecting with investments in shipping industry , and gives his opinions on some clauses .

  22. 随着我国航运事业的快速发展,港口船舶交通管理系统(VESSELTRAFFICSERVICE,VTS)获得了广泛的应用。

    With the rapid development of the shipping industry in our country , VTS ( Vessel Traffic Service ) system has been widely applied in the ports .

  23. 随着中国加入WTO,航运业与国际市场接轨,国外航运企业迅速进入中国市场。国内航运企业既面临前所未有的机遇,也面临残酷的挑战。

    After China became a member of The World Trade Organization , and the connection of international crude of the shipping , the enterprises of other countries entered the market of China quickly .

  24. 从而得出结论,即通过利用VaR约束下的资产组合模型,航运公司的风险得到可以有效控制,并且能够获得较高的平均收益。

    And the conclusion is that by using the VaR Constrained Portfolio Model , shipping companies can get the freight risks controlled , and can also make favorable profits .

  25. 其次提出了分析我国中小航运企业的主要理论&SWOT模型分析,并给出了SWOT分析的概念、主要内容以及分析步骤。

    Second , put forward the main theory to analyze the middle and small shipping enterprises-SWOT analysis and provide the concept , main content and analysis process of SWOT .

  26. 根据航运企业与合作伙伴之间的业务流程进行了信息系统分析,建立了航运业发展与合作伙伴开展供应链管理的ERP模式。

    According to business process of shipping enterprise and cooperation colleague , the author analysised the information system , and established the shipping industry supply chain and ERP the system mode whit their partners .

  27. 全球气候变暖及CO2等温室气体一直倍受关注,而船舶作为排放大户近年来面临来自公众和航运界的巨大的压力。

    Has been much concern about global warming and carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases , while the ship as emitters faced huge pressure from the public and the shipping industry in recent years .

  28. 结合我国国情,作者提出了我国航运界关于限制CFCs和HCFCs的策略。

    According to the national conditions , the countermove of restricting CFCs and HCFCs in China shipping is proposed .

  29. 在对航运服务集群竞争力的分析中,作者结合运用GEM模型和影响航运服务集群竞争力的一系列指标,对香港、新加坡、高雄、釜山和上海等五大航运服务集群的竞争力进行了比较和评判。

    GEM model and a series of indexes are used to compare the competitiveness of five shipping service industry clusters ( Hong Kong , Singapore , Pusan , Kaohsiung , and Shanghai ) .

  30. 航运相关参与者可以通过把握国际干散货FFA市场与即期市场的相关性及波动性的相关规律,为制定套期保值与市场交易策略提供-定的参考。

    Through the relevant laws to grasp the correlation and volatility of bulk FFA market and the spot market , the international dry , help participants to provide certain reference for shipping .