
  • 网络spacecraft launching complex;spacecraft launching site
  1. 航天器发射场选址决策准则分析与建模

    Criteria Analysis and Modeling on Site-selecting Decision of Spacecraft Launching Site

  2. 航天器发射场选址决策对航天事业发展至关重要。

    It is vital for the development of astronautics cause to make a decision of new spacecraft launching site site selecting .

  3. 并将模糊控制器与PID控制器的动态特性进行了比较,证实了模糊控制器较PID控制器有更好的动态控制特性和鲁棒性,特别适合在航天器发射场控制系统中应用。

    The comparison between fuzzy controller and PID controller proves that the former is better than the latter in respect of dynamic properties and robustness . And therefore it is exceptionally applicable to the control system of spacecraft launch complex .

  4. 航天器发射场建设使用中应重视的问题

    The Issues in Construction and Uses of Launch Site

  5. 我国航天器发射场工程设计回顾与展望

    Looking Back and Prospecting to the Project Design of the Spaceflight Launching Site in China

  6. 航天器发射场安全保障技术措施

    Protection Measures for Space Launch Sites

  7. 中国航天器发射场既可完成国内发射任务,又具有完成为国际商业发射服务和开展其他国际航天合作的能力。

    China 's spacecraft launching sites are capable of making both domestic satellite launches and international commercial launches , and carrying out international space cooperation in other fields .

  8. 航天器发射场。中国已建成酒泉、西昌、太原三个航天器发射场,并圆满完成了各种运载火箭的飞行试验和各类人造卫星、试验飞船的发射任务。

    Launching sites : china has set up three launching sites-in jiuquan , Xichang and taiyuan-which have successfully accomplished various kinds of test flights of launching vehicles and launches of a variety of satellites and experimental spacecraft .