
sū lǐ nán
  • Surinam
苏里南[sū lǐ nán]
  1. 危地马拉和苏里南这两个国家宣布清除了地雷。

    Two countries , Guatemala and Surinam , were declared mine free .

  2. 他首次成为传染病学习兴趣时,他自愿在苏里南在他的医疗训练。

    He first became interested in studying infectious disease when he volunteered in Surinam during his medical training .

  3. 她在《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》中也犯了其他错误。

    She made other mistakes in Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium as well .

  4. 上个月,《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》再版了。

    And last month , Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium was republished .

  5. 成果是她的名作《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》。

    The result was her masterpiece , Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium .

  6. 在撰写《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》之前,梅里安花费了数十年时间记录她发表在系列丛书中的欧洲植物和昆虫。

    Before writing Metamorphosis , Merian spent decades documenting European plants and insects that she published in a series of books .

  7. 梅里安还记录了她从苏里南土著那里获得的帮助,以及曾经帮助过她的奴隶或仆人。

    Merian also made note of the help she received from the natives of Suriname , as well as slaves or servants that assisted her .

  8. 或许有一点能解释她的错误,她生病后缩短了苏里南之行,并在阿姆斯特丹的家中完成了这本书。

    Perhaps one explanation for her mistakes is that she cut short her Suriname trip after getting sick , and completed the book at home in Amsterdam .

  9. 货币―苏里南元苏里南元(货币代码是SRD)是苏里南的流通货币。

    Currency C Suriname dollar The Suriname dollar ( currency code SRD ) the currency used by Suriname .

  10. 代表中南美洲获奖的HugoJabini和WanzeEduards来自亚马逊热带雨林地区的苏里南。

    Hugo Jabini and Wanze Eduards won from South and Central America . They are from Suriname , in the Amazon Basin forest .

  11. 苏里南的一条河流,向北流入大西洋。

    A river in Suriname that flows northward to the Atlantic .

  12. 长期以来,苏里南以多种文化著称,其首都帕拉马里博一直反映该特点。

    Suriname has been known as the land of many cultures .

  13. 两个国家危地马拉和苏里南,公然声称地雷自由。

    Two countries and { slinam } were declared mine free .

  14. 他们派我到苏里南去训练突击队员。

    They 're sendinf me to train the commandos in sourinam .

  15. 乌拉圭是继苏里南之后南美洲第二小的国家。

    Uruguay is the second-smallest country in South America , after Suriname .

  16. 足球是苏里南最受欢迎的运动。

    Football is the most popular sport in Suriname .

  17. 文化苏里南的人口是在全世界民族种最多的国家之一。

    Culture The population is one of the most ethnically varied in the world .

  18. 苏里南社会中的族群冲突

    Ethnic Conflict in Suriname Society

  19. 追溯到公元前3000年,现在的苏里南是众多不同的本土文化的家园。

    Dates from 3000 BCE , the present-day Suriname was the home to many distinct indigenous cultures .

  20. 定量测定了21种苏里南商用木材的灰分及二氧化硅含量。

    The ash and silica content of 21 species of commercial woods of Surinam have been quantitatively determined .

  21. 7你的两太阳在帕子内,如同一块石榴。9、苏里南帕拉马里博的古老内城。

    As a piece of a pomegranate are thy temples within thy locks . 9.The historical inner city of Paramaribo , Suriname .

  22. 语言:荷兰语为官方语言,其它语言包括英语、苏里南兴都斯坦语和瓜哇语。

    Language : Dutch is the official language . Other languages include English , Surinamese , Hindu Suriname Hindustani , and Javanese .

  23. 直到30年前,苏里南一直还是荷兰的殖民地,它是一个以帕拉马里博为荣的充满经济活力的国家。

    Suriname , till about 30 years ago , was a Dutch colony , an economically vibrant state with Paramaribo as its pride .

  24. 苏里南有一句谚语我很喜欢:热带雨林中有我们还未知晓的问题的答案。

    There 's a saying in Suriname that I dearly love : The rainforests hold answers to questions we have yet to ask .

  25. 荷兰人当时认为,盛产蔗糖的苏里南发展前景更好。然而,如今纽约的经济规模是苏里南的百倍以上。

    The Dutch thought sugar-rich Suriname was a better bet but New York City 's economy is now more than a hundred times larger than Suriname 's.

  26. 从澳大利亚到南美的苏里南,杰里米花费了14周环游世界,拍摄《河中巨怪3》。

    Jeremy spent 14 weeks travelling around the world , from Australia to Suriname in South America , to film his third series of his hit show this year .

  27. 在这些国家中,斐济、圭亚那、巴布亚-新几内亚、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛、苏里南和瓦努阿图将木材加工称为主要产业之一。

    Of these , Fiji , Guyana , Papua New Guinea , Samoa , Solomon Islands , Suriname and Vanuatu report wood processing as one of their main industries .

  28. 在美洲,在尼加拉瓜边境地区、苏里南与法属几内亚交界处和海地与多米尼加共和国交界地区,目前正在开展区域性发起活动。

    In the Americas , regional launching events are being held in border areas of Nicaragua , between Suriname and French Guyana , and between Haiti and the Dominican Republic .

  29. 这个月,英国从苏里南进口的一只鹦鹉在隔离期间死于禽流感,但是兽医说,这只鹦鹉可能是被同一隔离设施中的台湾鸟类传染的。

    This month , a parrot imported from Surinam died from bird flu while in UK quarantine but vets there say it probably got the infection from Taiwanese birds in the same facility .

  30. 荷兰政府同意重新启动援助计划,准许苏里南进入国际发展金融系统,但是计划在下一个五年逐渐停止对其的资金资助。

    The Dutch Government has agreed to restart the aid flow , which will allow Suriname to access international development financing , but plans to phase out funds over the next five years .