
ɡuī yà nà
  • Guyana
  1. 他们计划下个月去圭亚那旅行。

    They are planning on a trip to Guyana next month .

  2. 圭亚那的铁路以前是归私有企业所有的。

    Guyana 's railways were previously owned by private companies

  3. 圭亚那国防军正采取行动驱逐在本国作业的非法巴西矿工。

    The Guyana Defence Force is engaged in flushing out illegal Brazilian miners operating in the country .

  4. 在法国圭亚那热带雨林深处,仍然存在着一些不寻常的土著人群体。

    In the depths of the French Guianese rainforest , there still remain unusual groups of indigenous people .

  5. 圭亚那乔治敦市居民粪便寄生虫感染调查

    Survey of faecal parasites infection in citizen of Georgetown , Guyana

  6. 圭亚那国际会议中心通风空调设计

    Ventilating and air conditioning design for Guyana International Conference Center

  7. 圭亚那已实施了一项森林保护计划。

    A forest conservation programme has been launched in guyana .

  8. 南美洲东北部一地理区域,包括圭亚那和苏利南。

    A geographical regin of northeastern South America including Guyana and Surinam .

  9. 是阿根廷、葡萄牙、巴西还是圭亚那?

    Is it Argentina , Portugal , Brazil or Guyana ?

  10. 为什么不?墨西哥城与圭亚那相连。

    Why not ? Mexico city , connect to guyana .

  11. 圭亚那是符合世纪挑战帐户发展项目要求的国家。

    Guyana is a threshold country in the Millennium Challenge Account developmental program .

  12. 属圭亚那,以及一个健康的素食对环境影响的问题。

    Guiana , as well as a healthy vegetarian diet to environmental influences problems .

  13. 产于巴西和圭亚那地区的鹤形鸟;在巴西经常饲养用来保护家禽。

    Trumpeter of Brazil and Guiana ; often kept to protect poultry in Brazil .

  14. 巴巴多斯、买加、立尼达和圭亚那等国的母语。

    Barbados , Jamaica , Trinidad and Guyana .

  15. 圭亚那国际会议中心大会议厅弧形吊顶的设计与施工

    Design and construction of arc ceiling of conference hall of Guyana International Conference Center

  16. 民族问题仍然困扰着圭亚那

    Guyana Still Being Harassed by Ethnic Problems

  17. 圭亚那银行负责对各金融机构进行监督和管理。

    Guyana Bank is responsible for all financial institutions to carry out supervision and management .

  18. 从圭亚那糖厂项目的自控设计谈中国制糖工业的自动化改造

    Innovation of Auto Control System on China Sugar Industry Referenced from Control System Design on Guyana Sugar Project

  19. 新的合作关系将首先在圭亚那、印度马拉维、尼日利亚和赞比亚5个国家建成。

    The new partnership will be established at first in Guyana , India , Malawi , Nigeria and Zambia .

  20. 巴巴多斯与圭亚那将最终法院转到了位于西班牙港的新加勒比法院。

    Barbados and Guyana have switched to the new Caribbean Court of Justice , based in Port of Spain .

  21. 麦克伊和他的同事们,在研究了法国圭亚那地区大草原的一些奇异特性后,得出了以上结论。

    McKey and his colleagues came to their conclusion after studying some strange features of the savannahs of French Guiana .

  22. 因当地人抗议曾与09年殴打女友蕾哈娜的布朗,克里斯布朗被迫取消了圭亚那(拉丁美洲国家)的体育场演唱会。

    Chris Brown has canceled a stadium concert in Guyana after local protests over his 2009 beating of then-girlfriend Rihanna .

  23. 圭亚那产的一种浅棕色的生蔗糖。甘蔗应用乙烯利增产增糖的机理研究

    A light brown raw cane sugar from Guyana . Mechanism of ethephon on increasing cane yield and sucrose % cane in sugarcane

  24. 在圭亚那,男人穿女人的衣服是被禁止的。违者将面临36美元的罚款。

    In Guyana , the " wearing of female attire by men " is prohibited , with violators facing a $ 36 fine .

  25. 第四章将2003&2007年期间的一些教育计划作为结尾,并分析圭亚那中等教育的现状。

    The fourth chapter ends by listing some of the plans for 2003-2007 and analyzes the present condition of secondary education in Guyana .

  26. 法国库鲁圭亚那航天中心为发射阿里安5运载器构筑了阿里安第3发射场。

    The third Ariane launch site is built for the purpose of launching Ariane 5 vehicle from the Guiana Space Center in Kourou .

  27. 圭亚那“反性向歧视协会”认为必须终止这种“过时”以及“富有殖民地色彩”的法规。

    Members of Guyana 's Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination have challenged the ban , calling it " archaic " and " colonial " .

  28. 其他国家如法属圭亚那和圭亚那最近已将黄热病预防接种纳入国家常规免疫接种规划。

    Other countries ( e. g. French Guiana and Guyana ) have recently included yellow fever vaccination in their national routine programme for immunization .

  29. 去年,1856年发行的英属圭亚那1分洋红邮票在拍卖会上以560万英镑的天价成交,创下公开拍卖邮票的新纪录。

    Last year a new record was set for a public stamp sale when an 1856 British Guiana 1 cent magenta sold for £ 5.6m at auction .

  30. 20世纪50年代以来,圭亚那的民族问题主要反映在印度人和黑人两大民族(种族)之间的关系上。

    Since the 1950s , the ethnic problems in the country have been largely reflected in the relationship between two major ethnic groups , the Indians and the blacks .