
  • 网络Sudanese;Sudanic;Negro-sudan
  1. 国际移民组织(IOM)称,它将从星期天开始把数千名南苏丹人运送回上尼罗地区的村庄。

    The International Organization for Migration says it will begin transporting thousands of South Sudanese to their villages in the Upper Nile region on Sunday .

  2. 一些南苏丹人表示,他们认为首都应该迁移,因为这块土地属于Bari族。

    Some southern Sudanese say they think the capital should be moved because , among other reasons , the land the Bari .

  3. 南苏丹人在南方未来可能的首都朱巴举行了游行。

    Southern Sudanese d through Juba , their possible future capital .

  4. 这些苏丹人滞留在一个边境站长达数月。

    The Sudanese were stranded at a border way station for months .

  5. 生物学和社会问题一起处理可能会改变苏丹人的生活。

    Tackling both social and biological problems together could generate life-changingresults for the Sudanese .

  6. 霍尔姆斯说,达尔富尔目前有大约1万4千救援人员,其中已经有1万3千人是苏丹人。

    Holmes said approximately 13000 of the 14000 relief workers in Darfur are already Sudanese .

  7. 然而,许多北苏丹人也同样感到惶恐。

    Yet so do many northern Sudanese .

  8. 目的:探讨苏丹人少见部位骨肉瘤的临床X线表现特点。

    Objective : To explore clinical and radiological features of osteosarcoma with uncommon position in Sudan .

  9. 你是我们苏丹人的朋友吗?

    Are you my Sudanese friend ?

  10. 联合国和苏丹人设立的组织在这个星期将开张这项运动并且在十一月份时再次开展。

    United Nations and Sudanese agencies will carry out the campaign this week and again in november .

  11. 至少七个南苏丹人没有阿拉伯人诱拐者为救出他们的手术重新开始。

    At least seven South Sudanese are freed from Arab abductors as an operation to rescue them resumes .

  12. 穆罕默德和同行的苏丹人花了几天时间给他们的俄罗斯同学讲述穆斯林的礼节和习惯。

    Mohammed and his fellow countrymen spent a few days lecturing their Russian counterparts on their customs and habits .

  13. 每个月都有成千上万的苏丹人死于战争,百万多人背井离乡。

    Thousands of Sudanese were being killed there each month and millions more were being driven form their homes .

  14. 三个美国人,一个俄罗斯人还有一个阿曼苏丹人表示对这款手机有兴趣。

    Three Americans , a Russian and the Sultan of Oman are all said to have expressed an interest .

  15. 俄罗斯虽然是世界第一大国,但在很多苏丹人的眼里却是个并不安全的国家。

    Russia , though the largest country in the world , was regarded as unsafe place among quite a number of Sudanese people .

  16. 9月19日,苏丹人阿布杜尔·哈米德·阿尔法基在沙特被以“巫术”罪处以死刑。

    On September 19th Abdul Hamid al-Fakki , a Sudanese , was executed in Saudi Arabia for the crime of " sorcery . "

  17. 1月9日,苏丹人将针对这个国家统一的未来进来投票。

    South Sudanese Want Independence From North On January 9 , Sudanese are to vote on the future of the country 's unity .

  18. 之前,国际刑事法庭已经以在达尔富尔犯下战争罪为由,签发了两个逮捕另外两名苏丹人的逮捕令,而这两个人目前都仍自由于公堂之外。

    The ICC has previously issued arrest warrants against two other Sudanese men for war crimes in Darfur and both are still at liberty .

  19. 成千上万的苏丹人被迫离开他们的家乡,步行数日来到一个已经被粮食短缺严重影响的地区。

    Thousands of Sudanese are being forced to leave their homes and walk for days into an area already severely affected by food shortages .

  20. 另外一方面,穆罕默德的俄罗斯同学看到这群苏丹人居然不用刀叉,而是直接用手吃饭时大为惊诧。

    However , Mohammed 's Russian classmates were shocked when they first witnessed that these Sudanese newcomers ate with their fingers instead of knives and forks .

  21. 在欧洲,澳大利亚和肯尼亚进行投票的南苏丹人的反馈,以及朱巴少数投票中心的样本显示,超过90%的投票者支持独立。

    Early returns from southerners who voted in Europe , Australia and Kenya and a small sampling of voting centers in Juba indicate more than 90 percent are secession .

  22. 我想感谢苏丹人接受我们在他们的国家工作。我希望他们独立日快乐。

    I would really like to thank the Sudanese for accepting us working in their country ," said Wairimu . " I just want to wish them a happy independence day .

  23. 喀土穆政府已经正式认可南方为新的国家,但是也证实南苏丹人将失去在北方的权力和国籍。

    The government in Khartoum has formally recognised its southern neighbour as a new country , but has also confirmed that southern Sudanese will lose the right and nationality in the north .

  24. 哈姆扎是涉嫌参与2008年谋杀美国国际开发署美国外交官约翰·迈克尔·格兰维尔及在当地雇佣的美国大使馆工作人员阿德布哈曼·阿巴斯·拉哈吗的4名苏丹人的其中一名。

    Hamza was one of four Sudanese men involved in the 2008 murder of John Michael Granville , a U.S. diplomat serving with the U.S. Agency for International Development and a locally employed U.S. Embassy staff member , Adbelrahman Abbas Rahama .

  25. 保持绿化率可以保证城市的美丽和吸引力,让即将来朱巴的人和我们的南苏丹本地人都比较喜欢。

    Also , to keep it green , it will also make it nice and attractive to the people who will be coming and our indigenous people in Southern Sudan in general .

  26. 阿勒-哈吉是星期四从关塔那摩送往苏丹的三人之一。

    Al-Haj is one of three men sent to Sudan from Guantanamo on Thursday .

  27. 联合国估计正在进行的战事而使得南苏丹超过200000人流离失所。

    The U.N. estimates more than 200000 people have been displaced within South Sudan by ongoing fighting .

  28. 从阿尔及利亚到阿富汗,从索马里到南苏丹,许多人在执行任务时被杀害或被劫持。

    From Algeria to Afghanistan , from Somalia to South Sudan , many have been killed or kidnapped in the line of duty .

  29. 联合国称,苏丹已有数万人因有争议的边境省份南科尔多凡省的爆炸和冲突而流离失所。

    The United Nations says tens of thousands of people in Sudan have been displaced by bombing and fighting in the disputed border state of South Kordofan .

  30. 也许,陷入苏丹问题的每个人要面对的最迫切任务,便是共同遵守CPA,保证选举如期举行。

    Perhaps the most urgent task facing everyone involved in Sudan is to hold the CPA together to ensure that those elections take place .