- 名Senegal

The African half of the audience was mainly from Senegal or Mali
On 20 August 1960 Senegal seceded .
Some countries where English is becoming a strong competitor to French , such as Algeria and Senegal , may see an immediate halt to the council 's work
So far , Senegal has made the best progress by planting about 11,000,000 trees .
It covers from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east , on the south of the Sahara Desert .
Senegalese midfielder Idrissa Gueye 's shot took a huge deflection off the defender in their Group H game .
Senegal ( v Poland ) , 19 June
The Sow family are volunteers who work with the Senegalese Government .
Phase II / III clinical trials have been successfully completed in two to29 year olds in The Gambia , Mali and Senegal .
Senegal introduced its request for a second extension of the waiver from the WTO Agreement on Customs Valuation for its use of minimum values for customs valuation .
The FAO also is predicting a recovery for rice harvests in Africa . It expects increased production from Mali , Nigeria and Senegal .
With Facebook , Warner Brothers has the potential to one day reach some 600 million users in more than 200 countries , from Jordan and Senegal to Botswana and Martinique .
The chemical tanker the Philippine citizen was working on , the MT Stolt Strength , was captured in November on its way to India from Senegal .
I am from Northeastern Africa Sudan , now seeking for refugee in Dakar Senegal under the ( UNHCR ) .
In close cooperation with the WHO Department of Making Pregnancy Safer ( MPS ), the Government of Senegal has developed a roadmap to reduce the maternal and child mortality rates in the country .
Doctor Ndiaye says there are plans to expand the program throughout Senegal .
ICANN officials met last month in Dakar , Senegal . Brad White says they discussed the new program for what are known as gTLDs .
Last year , Aspire brought Lionel Messi to its Senegal campus to announce plans to distribute 400,000 mosquito nets and place a medical official in every African town where Football Dreams operates .
By bringing the boys to the academies in Qatar and Senegal at such a young age , Aspire shouldered responsibility for their development not just as soccer players , but as people .
There were frenzied meetings in Dakar and Tora Bora and a night in Jalalabad when they split up and she cried into the small hours .
The resolutions were announced at the OIC summit held in Dakar , Senegal , this month ( 13 – 14 March ) .
Tudor Investments and Millennium Partners are backing newly-listed Africa Opportunities Partners which is seeking , for example , to pick up a stake in a Tanzanian brewery , a fixed line Senegalese telecoms company , an Egyptian insurer , and a West African oil and gas services company .
own goal . Otherwise known as " og " - own goal has so far scored for Iran , France , Croatia and Senegal . They 've also popped up with one for the hosts , Russia .
The Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar , Senegal and , more recently , the University of Cape Town in South Africa have both followed this route .
The Aspire squad , made up of Qatari boys , finished in eighth place , and the under-16 team from Aspire Football Dreams - featuring boys from Senegal , Cameroon and Ghana - reached the title game versus Real Madrid , a global powerhouse .
In an initial pilot project to reduce Senegal 's oil imports by10 per cent , jatropha plants will be grown on4,000 hectares of land in Touba .
Prior to her appointment at the IOM , Mrs Ndiaye served as Minister for Social Development and Minister for Women 's , Children 's and Family Affairs in Senegal .
According to an internal concept document shown to The New York Times , Aspire executives initially saw the Senegal academy as a place to develop a potential " talent pool " for Qatari football clubs and to enhance Aspire 's " image as the world 's best talent pool . "
More Efforts Urged to Get and Keep Girls in School This is the VOA Special English Education Report . An international conference took place this week in Dakar , Senegal , to find new ways to get and keep girls in school .
A second suspected case reported in Thies region , Senegal was also a fisherman from Tanji locality in the Gambia , showing neurologic symptoms including an altered mental state .