
  • 网络Sumerian;Sumer;Sumir
  1. 属于古代苏美尔或其居民或与之相关。

    Of or relating to ancient Sumer or its inhabitants .

  2. 苏美尔和阿卡德被效忠于伊利尔和尼奴塔的外来军队占领。

    Sumer and Akkad occupied by foreign troops loyal to Enlil and Ninurta .

  3. “世界上最早的文字创造者”这一殊荣到底花落谁家,由美索不达米亚平原(Mesopotamia)的苏美尔人(Sumerians)、位于今巴基斯坦(Pakistan)境内的哈拉帕人(Harappa)以及古埃及的科密特人(Kemites)进行激烈的角逐。

    There was a horse race between the Sumerians in Mesopotamia , the Harappa in present day Pakistan and the Kemites in Egypt to be the first to formulate a written language .

  4. 美国眼科学会(AmericanAcademyofOphthalmology)发言人、新泽西州瑞吉伍德市(Ridgewood)执业眼科医师安妮•苏美尔(AnneSumers)说,进食亚麻籽,不论是吃药片还是把亚麻籽撒在食物上吃,都有助于治疗干眼病。

    Anne Sumers , a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology and a practicing ophthalmologist in Ridgewood , N.J. , said consuming flax seed , either as a pill or sprinkled on food , can help treat dry eyes .

  5. 2023年,风把放射云带给了苏美尔。

    2023 the winds carry the radioactive cloud to sumer .

  6. 苏美尔人的这种学识是具有强大的生命力的。

    This Sumerian learning had a very great vitality .

  7. 此外,苏美尔人数学和天文学水平尤为出众。

    they were impressively good at maths and astronomy .

  8. 苏美尔和它的伟大文明衰竭了。

    Sumer and its great civilization lie prostrate .

  9. 古代西亚的创世神话起源自苏美尔文明时期。

    The mythological creation of ancient west Asia was originated from Sumerian civilization period .

  10. 它的用途将近四千年前就被记载在苏美尔人的泥版上。

    Its use was described on Sumerian clay tablets from nearly 4000 years ago .

  11. 所以我做了2000年苏美尔人。

    So I was sumerian for 2000 years .

  12. 同样,关于摩西和参孙的传说在苏美尔和巴比伦也有相似的版本。

    So too the stories of Moses and of Samson have Sumerian and Babylonian parallels .

  13. 开始!它是苏美尔人,腓尼基人,玛雅人还是维京人?

    Here we go , was it the Sumarians , Phoenicians , Maya or Vikings ?

  14. 苏美尔人之类的还是什么

    The Sumerians on up , what ?

  15. 军事历史学家认为最早的士兵可以追溯到公元前4000年的苏美尔人。

    Military historians trace these early fighters to Sumer , which first existed around 4000 B.C.E.

  16. 沙鲁尔杖是苏美尔神话中一把会说话的权杖,它的主人是尼努尔塔。

    Sharur was the mace of the Sumerian god Ninurta and possessed the ability to speak .

  17. 对苏美尔人的考古学。

    The archeology of ancient Sumerians .

  18. 苏美尔神话、赫梯神话、迦南神话对其都有巨大的影响。

    Sumerian myth , Hittites myth , a myth of their letters have a great impact .

  19. 他们更接近古代苏美尔人的水平,或者是美洲玛雅文化的水平。

    They were nearer the level of the ancient Sumerians or of the Maya civilization of America .

  20. 本文通过考古泥板材料,对古代苏美尔人的学校教育系统进行了阐述。

    This essay introduced some aspect of the school education to the reader through the archeological material .

  21. 世界文明之旅之五苏美尔文明的起源

    Sumerian origins of the civilization

  22. 在古代美索不达米亚,粗野的闪米特人袭击并最终战胜了富有和先进的苏美尔人。

    In ancient Mesopotamia the rough Semites attacked and eventually overcame the wealthier , more sophisticated Sumerians .

  23. 我看到月亮是男性,在这里就像是苏美尔和巴比伦。

    I notice that the moon is male here just as it is in Sumer and Babylon .

  24. 还有人将不吉利13的缘起归于古苏美尔文化,该文化中12被视作完美的数字。

    The belief could have originated in ancient Sumeria , where 12 was considered the perfect number .

  25. 梅伯尔抱怨的是苏格兰人在古时大动干戈。苏美尔人的这种学识是具有强大的生命力的。

    Mabel complained of the Scottish arms in ancient times This Sumerian learning had a very great vitality .

  26. 苏美尔位于今天的伊拉克,是地球上最古老的现代文明之一。

    One of the oldest urban civilizations on Earth , the city-state was located in what is today Iraq .

  27. 因而西方文明不可避免地受到古老近东文明&苏美尔、巴比伦、埃及、波斯诸文明的影响。

    Thus inevitably the old eastern civilization : Babylonian , Egyptian and Persian civilization made influence on the west civilization .

  28. 年,苏美尔的城市文明开始了,是安奴拿其在那里重建了古昔的城市,连同着伊利都和尼普一起开始。

    Urban civilization begins in Sumer as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities , beginning with Eridu and Nippur .

  29. 譬如说,埃及的城市和苏美尔的城市在同一个政治体系下相互并存。

    The cities of Egypt and the cities of Sumeria , for example , ran together under one system of government .

  30. 在公元前3000年前,苏美尔人就建立了好几个城邦国家。他们皮肤黝黑,可能是从东方移民过来的非闪米特人。

    Already by3000 BC several city-states had been established by Sumerians dark-skinned , non-Semitic people who probably migrated from the east .