
  • 网络soviet
  1. 一旦苏军人员伤亡,他们一定会报复。

    If we kill Soviet soldiers they 're gonna to response .

  2. 苏军现代指挥管理理论

    Theories on Modern Direction of and Administration in Soviet Army

  3. 数十亿美金和武器从美国和其他西方国家流入我们的国库中,帮助ISI训练阿富汗人对抗苏军。

    Billions of dollars flowed into our exchequer from the United States and other Western countries , as well as weapons to help the ISI train the Afghans to fight the communist Red Army .

  4. 1968年苏军入侵时,他们身在布拉格以北的利贝雷茨(liberec),这里的抵抗一度非常强大。

    The 1968 invasion found them in Liberec , north of Prague , where opposition was briefly strong .

  5. 1942年后期,美国海军在太平洋成功遏制了日军的扩张,英国军队在北非击败了隆美尔(rommel),而苏军在斯大林格勒包围了德军。

    In late 1942 , the American Navy halted Japanese expansion in the Pacific , the British army defeated Rommel in North Africa and Russian troops were encircling the German forces at Stalingrad .

  6. 朱可夫的这个决定使得苏军免于失败。

    It was Zhukov 's decision to counterattack that prevented the Soviet defeat .

  7. 苏军的正确的防守战术。

    The Russian Red Army 's correct defense tactics .

  8. 此后,基辅的苏军就可以进攻明斯克或波兰。

    Afterward , Kiev 's Soviet Army could attack to Minsk , or Poland .

  9. 95年被苏军情报局选拔而出

    drafted by the GRU in ' 95 ,

  10. 论苏军最高统帅部在卫国战争中的作用

    On the Roles of Soviet Supreme Command in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany

  11. 保卢斯站了起来,向苏军将领们敬了个礼,转身离开了。

    Paulus stood up , saluted to the Soviet generals , turned about face and left .

  12. 苏德战争初期苏军失利的主要原因

    The Chief Cause for the Reverses of the Soviet Army at the Beginning of the Soviet-German War

  13. 德国统一后,原驻德苏军从1991年开始分批撤离。

    After German unification , Soviet troops stationed in Germany starting from 1991 , withdrew in groups .

  14. 在吸取教训和调整战略部署后,苏军以绝对优势兵力发动第二阶段进攻。

    After summing up the lessons learned and adjusting deployment , Soviet troops launched the second phase attack .

  15. 苏军进军东北之先遣军;

    It is advance force that the army of the Soviet Union marches into the Northeast of China ;

  16. 据悉,德国为苏军的撤离提供了120亿马克的援助。

    It is reported that Germany provided 12 billion marks of aid for the withdrawal of Soviet troops .

  17. 但是在1939年苏军入侵他的祖国时,他决定站出来保家卫国了。

    But when the Soviet Union invaded his homeland in1939 , he decided he wanted to help his country .

  18. 据统计,在阿富汗作战的苏军士兵有三分之二染上了疾病。

    An estimated two-thirds of all Soviet troops who fought in Afghanistan were hospitalized with some disease or illness .

  19. 朱可夫在观察到日本人在进攻苏军的桥头堡后,决定对日军的侧翼发动反击。

    Zhukov , seeing that the Japanese were attacking the bridgehead , decided to counterattack by flanking the enemy .

  20. 苏军的拆迁是一种严重的经济掠夺行为,使东北经济遭受毁灭性的损失;

    The looting was a serious economic , pillage behavior that made the northeast China 's economic suffer devastating loss ;

  21. 尽管苏军拼死守卫塞瓦斯托波尔,这个黑海舰队的重要基地还是在1942年6月底陷落。

    The Red Army defended Sevastopol and this important Black Sea naval base was not taken until late June 1942 .

  22. 为纪念抗战时期在武汉牺牲的苏军烈士,园内修建了一座白色的陵园。

    A white cemetery was built in the park to commemorate the Soviet martyrs sacrificed in Wuhan during the Anti-Japanese War .

  23. 乘员们下车修理时,被苏军战机发现并遭扫射。

    When the crew in it got off for repairing , they were suddenly discovered and shot by a Soviet plane .

  24. 2月14日,阿富汗巴尔克省人举行斗骆驼比赛,纪念苏军撤离阿富汗20周年。

    Camels fight to mark the20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Russian soldiers from Afghanistan in Balkh province , Afghanistan on Feb.14,2008 .

  25. 第四,苏军正确的防守战术是德国中央集团军群噩梦的重要部分。

    Fourthly , Russian Red Army 's correct defense tactics were a major component of the German Army Group Centre 's nightmare .

  26. 照片背后写着简短的标语,鼓动苏军像斯大林的儿子一样向德军投降。

    On the back of the propaganda photographs was a short note urging Soviet soldiers to surrender just like Stalin 's son .

  27. 在我的左翼,我的装甲掷弹兵正向前方的村庄发起冲击,准备占领那里并以其为依托,阻击不可避免的苏军进攻。

    On my left flank , the panzergrenadiers were tasked with taking the village and holding it to stall the inevitable Soviet advance .

  28. 苏军以绝对优势的兵力进攻芬兰,但在战争初期却遭到惨重的失败。

    Soviet troops attack the Finland in absolute superiority , but it has been disastrous failure in the early days of the war .

  29. 从苏军卫国战争初期经费保障失误看财务保障由平时向战时转轨

    On the financial support transition from peacetime to wartime in the lesson of USSR troops funds support in war of defending the country

  30. 城外的波兰本土军支队要进城救援,都被苏军包围以及解除武装。

    Home Army detachments from outside Warsaw which attempted to go to the city 's aid were surrounded and disarmed by the Soviets .