
ɡù yōnɡ ɡuān xì
  • employment relationship;employer-employee relationship;relationship between employers and employees
  1. 薪酬,是指雇员作为雇佣关系中的一方所得到的各种货币收入,以及各种具体的服务和福利之和。

    Salary , means employee as various kinds of monetary income that party receive of employer-employee relationship , and various kinds of concrete services and sum of the welfare .

  2. 所谓雇主替代责任,就是指在雇佣关系中,雇主对其雇员在执行受雇事务的过程中致第三人损害而应承担的赔偿责任。

    So-called employers ' vicarious liability , which means that in employer-employee relationship , employers in implementing the process of employed affairs caused damage to third parties and shall bear the responsibility for compensation .

  3. 例如,PhilipLewis(2005)就特别强调,雇佣关系中还应当包括心理要素。

    For example , philip lewis ( 2005 ) specially emphasized psychological factors should have been included in employment relations .

  4. 雇佣关系硕士(MER)项目可以帮助你在公司,单位和机构里有效处理各种职场关系,内容涵盖从职业咨询到合同谈判。

    With core courses in business , sociology , history and economics , the MER considers the employment relationship from a variety of viewpoints , including yours !

  5. Maryland的就业律师LynnPerryParker建议你可以保持幽默,并且不要反应过度,因为反应过度会破坏雇佣关系。

    Lynn Perry Parker , an employment attorney in Rockville , Maryland , suggests that you try to keep a sense of humor and not over-react , which could possibly jeopardize the employment relationship .

  6. NEC公司雄心勃勃的成本削减目标表明日本企业和员工之间曾经牢不可摧的雇佣关系如今已经分崩离析,甚至老牌知名企业也概莫能外。

    NEC 's ambitious cost-saving target makes it clear that the formerly sacred contract between companies and employees in Japan , even among the corporate aristocracy , is now a thing of the past .

  7. 浅析民营企业中雇佣关系的本质

    An Analysis of the Essence of Employment Relation in Individually-run Enterprises

  8. 雇佣关系对员工创造性的作用机制:一个整合框架

    How Does Employment Relationship Affect Employee Creativity ? An Integrative Framework

  9. 雇佣关系的定位及其法律调整模式

    The Attribution of Employment Relationship and Its Legal Regulatory Mode

  10. 我国雇佣关系研究知识员工与雇主的和谐关系研究

    The Study about Employer - employee Relation ship of China

  11. 劳动经济学中的雇佣关系理论述评

    Comments on the theory of employment relations in labor economics

  12. 基于雇佣关系稳定性的人力资本投资研究

    Research on Human Capital Investment Based on Employment Relationship Stability

  13. 良好的雇佣关系对形成积极的总体工作态度有很大作用。

    A flourishing employee-employer relation greatly contributes to an coverall assured workplace attitude .

  14. 雇佣关系开始前新雇员必须签署的文件。

    Papers that must be signed by a new employee before employment begins .

  15. 雇佣关系问题是西方劳动经济学研究的一个重要方面。

    A very important aspect of western labor economics is the employment relations .

  16. 我国雇佣关系立法的模式选择

    The Legal Mode Selection of Employment Law in China

  17. 雇佣关系是一种特殊的交换。

    The employer-employee relation ship is a kind of " special exchange " .

  18. 你的雇佣关系也结束了即刻生效

    And your employment is terminated , effective immediately .

  19. 雇佣关系的历史经验也表明,企业很快就会重新开启招聘大门。

    Historic employment relationships also suggest businesses will be opening their gates again soon .

  20. 雇佣关系的存在是转承责任生成的前提和基础。

    The existence of employment relationship is the fundamental and forth-condition of vicarious Liability .

  21. 企业科技人才雇佣关系内容维度的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Content Dimensions of Employment Relationships with Chinese Sci-tech Talents

  22. 和谐的雇佣关系必能增强企业的吸引力,提高企业的核心竞争力。

    Harmonious employ relationship may strengthen the attraction and core competition of the enterprise .

  23. 可见,雇佣关系和劳动关系的界限是一种政策的选择。

    Thus the boundary between employment relationship and labor relationship is a policy choice .

  24. 雇佣关系强调受雇者和雇主之间以就业关系为中心的劳动关系。

    Employer Relations is the labor Relations emphasizing the relationship between employee and employer .

  25. 在金提出工资申诉之后,WrkRiot于8月中终止了与她的雇佣关系。

    WrkRiot terminated Kim 's employment in mid-August after she filed a wage claim .

  26. 灵活就业中的雇佣关系外部化

    Externalizing Employment Relations Among Flexible Staffing Arrangements

  27. 隐性股权关系和雇佣关系的叠合。这三种“叠合”关系直接决定了日本公司的治理结构及其治理绩效。

    The Japanese corporate governance and its performance are directly dependent upon the three-layer superposition .

  28. 组织公正、雇佣关系与员工工作态度&基于广东民营企业的经验研究

    Organizational Justice , Employment Relationships and Employee Job Attitudes Based on Private Enterprises in Guangdong

  29. 现代企业雇佣关系模式的变革、冲突及其管理策略研究

    Research on the Changing , Conflicts and Management Strategy of Modern Enterprises ' Employment Relations Model

  30. 雇佣关系的演变和管理

    Evolution and Management of Employment Relationship