
gù yuán
  • employee;worker;people;labor
雇员 [gù yuán]
  • (1) [employee]∶政府、机关、企业、团体中被雇用的挣工资的人员

  • 中方雇员

  • (2) [labor]∶被雇的或待雇的工人

  • 给我们和雇员都注射了鼠疫预防针

雇员[gù yuán]
  1. 他觉得为自己以前的雇员工作有失体面。

    He found it demeaning to work for his former employee .

  2. 律师也可以说是你的雇员。

    An attorney is your employee , in a manner of speaking

  3. 雇主和雇员的利益并不总是一致的。

    The interests of employers and employees do not always coincide .

  4. 雇员人数从40人减少到了25人。

    The number of employees was reduced from 40 to 25 .

  5. 他们的目的是裁决雇主与雇员之间的纠纷。

    Their purpose is to adjudicate disputes between employers and employees .

  6. 她知道如何整治她的雇员。

    She knows how to make life miserable for her employees .

  7. 我们的大部分雇员都会在某一时期派驻国外。

    Most of our employees get posted abroad at some stage .

  8. 她对雇员有很强的责任感。

    She feels a strong sense of responsibility towards her employees .

  9. 我们的初级雇员正在接受培训以承担更重要的职责。

    Our junior employees are being groomed for more senior roles .

  10. 按惯例,雇员的配偶受到了邀请。

    Partners of employees are invited as a matter of form .

  11. 他们与雇员面谈以判定他们的应变能力。

    They interviewed employees to gauge their reaction to the changes .

  12. 有一些重大决策雇员只在事后才获悉。

    On some vital decisions employees were only informed after the fact .

  13. 十名雇员已调离销售部。

    Ten employees are being transferred from the sales department .

  14. 女性雇员占劳动力的多数。

    Female workers constitute the majority of the labour force .

  15. 政府雇员可能要接受安全部门的审查。

    Government employees may be screened by the security services .

  16. 雇员在决策的过程中应该有发言权。

    Employees should have a voice in the decision-making process .

  17. 周会可以让雇员诉说他们的委屈。

    The weekly meeting enables employees to air their grievances .

  18. 他们对待雇员的方式糟糕透了。

    It 's dreadful the way they treat their staff .

  19. 她对待雇员总是客客气气,关心体谅。

    She is always polite and considerate towards her employees .

  20. 这项优惠不包括雇员的伴侣。

    The offer does not extend to employees ' partners .

  21. 这个协议可以保障2000名雇员今后的生活。

    This deal could safeguard the futures of the 2 000 employees .

  22. 所有潜水艇基地的雇员必须得到安全部门的审查许可方可录用。

    All employees at the submarine base require security clearance .

  23. 随后,新的准则发给了所有雇员。

    Subsequently , new guidelines were issued to all employees .

  24. 许多雇员退出了养老金计划的合约。

    Many employees contracted out of the pension plan .

  25. 如果雇员的意见得到认真对待,他们一般都会更加配合。

    Employees will generally be more cooperative if their views are taken seriously .

  26. 200多名雇员参加了罢工。

    Over 200 members of staff joined the strike .

  27. 雇员应当十分熟悉应急措施。

    Employees should be fully acquainted with emergency procedures .

  28. 良好的管理对雇主和雇员同样有利。

    Good management benefits employers and employees alike .

  29. 所有雇员都可进入内联网中无使用权限制的部分。

    All employees can access the parts of the Intranet that are not ring-fenced .

  30. 大多数雇员将被调配到公司的其他部门。

    Most of the employees will be redeployed to other parts of the company .