
shì wēi
  • demonstrate;hold a demonstration;put on a show of force;display one's strength
示威 [shì wēi]
  • [demonstrate] 显示威力;指有所抗议或要求而进行的显示自身力量和意志的集体行动

  • 示威游行

  • 小王挥舞着拳头,向小李示威

  1. 根据宪法,我们有权进行游行示威。

    We have a constitutional right to demonstrate

  2. 数以百计效忠前总统的人还在他的南方据点继续示威。

    Hundreds of loyalists to the former president are continuing to demonstrate in his southern stronghold .

  3. 示威游行者被强行带到当地的警察局。

    The demonstrators were carted off to the local police station .

  4. 示威逐步升级,演变成了一场同警察的混战。

    The demonstration escalated into a pitched battle with the police .

  5. 警察正在准备防范示威时可能出现的骚乱。

    The police are preparing themselves for trouble at the demonstration .

  6. 在今天的示威集会上警察随处可见。

    The police were much in evidence at today 's demonstration .

  7. 这次示威游行是使用和平抗议权。

    The demonstration was an assertion of the right to peaceful protest .

  8. 必须向警方报告游行示威的日期。

    The police must be notified of the date of the demonstration .

  9. 示威现场有了大批警察。

    There was a strong police presence at the demonstration .

  10. 他们举行示威游行,要求实行免费高等教育。

    They are demonstrating in favour of free higher education .

  11. 游行示威的日期必须报告警方。

    The date of the demonstration must be notified to the police .

  12. 游行示威是那一地区政治生活的基本内容。

    Parades and marches were the very stuff of politics in the region .

  13. 人们举行示威游行,以表示对绝食抗议者的支持。

    Demonstrations were held as a gesture of solidarity with the hunger strikers .

  14. 政府的反应是今后禁止一切示威活动。

    The government responded by banning all future demonstrations .

  15. 他们都参加了示威游行。

    They all went on the demo .

  16. 示威游行变成了暴动。

    The march degenerated into a riot .

  17. 这次示威平静地结束了。

    The demonstration passed off without incident .

  18. 示威游行始终和平地进行。

    The demonstration passed off peacefully .

  19. 在近来的炸彈袭击之后,大街上随即出现了示威游行。

    There have been demonstrations on the streets in the wake of the recent bomb attack .

  20. 原定的游行示威已被组织者取消。

    A planned demonstration has been called off by its organisers .

  21. 一位反对派领袖莫名身亡,引发了示威游行。

    The demonstrations were provoked by the unexplained death of an opposition leader

  22. 司机按响汽车喇叭,支持反战示威游行者。

    Drivers honked their horns in solidarity with the peace marchers

  23. 橡皮子弹被用来驱散示威人群。

    Rubber bullets were used to break up the demonstration .

  24. 在城市里,大批的人群举行示威游行,要求进行变革。

    In the cities vast crowds have been demonstrating for change

  25. 首都到处流传着可能发生游行示威的流言。

    The capital is buzzing with rumours of possible demonstrations .

  26. 军队在皇宫附近向示威人群开枪,造成大量伤亡。

    Troops fired on demonstrators near the Royal Palace causing many casualties .

  27. 好几千人在大楼外喊着口号示威。

    Several thousand people chanted and demonstrated outside the building .

  28. 市政委员会未批准这一游行示威。

    The town council had refused permission for the march .

  29. 市政会已拒绝批准游行示威。

    The town council has refused permission for the march .

  30. 示威遭到了残暴的镇压。

    The demonstration had been dealt with in a violent and heavy-handed way