
shì fàn nónɡ chǎnɡ
  • demonstration farm
  1. 纽约有一个特别的水培示范农场。

    New York City has an unusual demonstration farm for hydroponics .

  2. 三是实行企业化管理创建示范农场和高新技术园区;

    Third , implement commercialized management and establish the demonstration farm and new and high technology garden ;

  3. 学生是否会把在示范农场学到的知识运用到他们农场的实际运作中?

    How will students use knowledge obtained in the training farm when they come to farms ?

  4. 奥尔默特在到达后两小时参观了中国和以色列合办的位于北京东郊的示范农场。

    Olmert visited a China-Israel demonstration dairy farm in the eastern suburbs of Beijing two hours after his arrival .

  5. 在生态恢复的深圳龙岗生态示范农场,自然寄生于小菜蛾卵的寄生蜂种类逐年增多。

    The parasitoids of diamondback moth Plutella xylostella was unfolded year after year since a series of ecological measurement was taken in Shenzhen Longgang Demonstrate Ecological Farm .

  6. 随着中国高效农业的崛起,国外公司越来越关注中国农业市场,并把大量精力投入针对中国市场的新品种的研究和开发,纷纷在中国设立分公司,研发中心,试验示范推广农场等。

    With the rising of the Chinese agriculture , more and more foreigner seeds companies focus on Chinese market and put a lot of energy on the new varieties ' research and development .

  7. 或许科学的作物生产技术需要示范推广到农场一级。

    Or the scientific crop production technology need be demonstrated and transferred to farm level .