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shì ruò
  • show weakness;show the white feather;give the impression of weakness;give the impression of being weak;take sth. lying down
示弱 [shì ruò]
  • [give the impression of being weak] 表示自己软弱,不敢同对方较量

  • 不甘示弱

示弱[shì ruò]
  1. 振作起来!难道你甘愿在这些人面前示弱吗?

    Pull yourself together ; do you want to show the white feather in front of these people ?

  2. 面对疲弱的市场,各央行的首要原则是:不能示弱。

    The first rule for central bankers facing down markets is not to show weakness .

  3. 我们不必向任何人示弱。

    We should not have to bow down to anyone .

  4. 例如,toshowthewhitefeather中每个词的意思与示弱没有任何关联。

    For example , to show the white feather , the meaning of the member words has no relevance to the meaning of the idiom to show fear .

  5. 他补充说,当时美联储并未怀疑银行交易员正出于盈利目的企图操纵Libor利率,但确实有证据显示,一些银行可能在低报利率,以避免示弱。

    He added that the Fed did not suspect at the time that bank traders were trying to manipulate Libor rates for profit , but did have evidence that some were possibly submitting low rates to avoid appearing weak .

  6. 你不示弱,就能成为最棒的。

    You show no weakness , you make to the top .

  7. 示弱在监狱里不是件好事。

    Signs of weakness are not a good thing in prison .

  8. 他认为后退就是示弱。

    He thought it would be cowardly to draw back .

  9. 你看,我们一示弱,就是这下场。

    Well , we showed weakness and now , look .

  10. 两个人都不示弱!这是一场热赛,伙计们!

    Neither man will back down ! It 's a slugfest , folks !

  11. 你并没有在他面前示弱这很好。

    It 's great you stood up to him .

  12. 我们不敢以示弱去诱惑他们。

    We dare not tempt them with weakness .

  13. 当国际社会显得犹豫不决时,这会被认为是在示弱。

    And when the international community shows hesitation , this is being perceived as weakness .

  14. 对批评他的保守派来说,他传递的信号是在示弱。

    To his conservative critics , the signal he is sending is one of weakness .

  15. 如果你觉得我之前引诱你是示弱的表现那我向你道歉

    Apologies if you misinterpreted my attempt to seduce you as a sign of weakness ,

  16. 不过,也有人认为这相当于一种示弱,有助于化解敌意,增进亲密。

    However , some think it may help diffuse confrontation or foster intimacy by revealing weakness .

  17. 但是媚兰也不示弱。

    But Melanie faced her wrath .

  18. 他虽然有病,还是坚持工作,不肯示弱。

    Ill though he was , he stuck at his work , and refused to give in .

  19. 去年,工人们让了步;可是这一次;他们就不示弱了。

    Last year , the workers gave way ; this time , however , they show fight .

  20. 奥巴马愿意承认美国过去的错误不是在示弱,而是在示强。

    Mr Obama 's willingness to acknowledge past American errors is a sign of strength , not of weakness .

  21. 你越怕,越示弱,人家劲头就越大。

    The more afraid you are and the more weakness you show , the more aggressive others will be .

  22. 在他们看来通过联合国这样的国际机构或是尊重国际法来解决问题是美国示弱的信号

    For them , working through international institutions like the U.N. or respecting international law is a sign of weakness

  23. 别看小王的个头不高,打架的时候他可从不示弱

    " Although Xiao Wang is not tall , he gives as good as he gets when facing a fight "

  24. 挪开视线是示弱的信号,于是它可能会欺负你。

    Looking away wil signa to your cat that you are weak , and an attack is likely to follow .

  25. 仅仅因为我害怕军事干涉主义者的批评仅仅因为我害怕美国示弱助长敌人的嚣张气焰

    or because I was worried about critics who think military intervention is the only way for America to avoid looking weak

  26. 不过,领导的大部分工作难道不是处理那些既枯燥又难办的事?在这种情况下会示弱并非优势。

    But surely the bulk of the job of leading involves doing dull , difficult things , where going soft is not an advantage ?

  27. 在当天的小演员中要数澳宝幼儿园的小朋友最小了,不过她们人虽小,但强烈地表演欲望却一点也示弱哦。

    Although they were the youngest kids in the competition , but the desire they had for dancing was no less than the other older children .

  28. 在任政府内阁在选举年绝不能示弱,朝鲜或伊朗很容易与其中几个国家陷入双输的冲突。

    Incumbents can never appear weak in an election year , and North Korea or Iran could easily involve several of these countries in no-win conflicts .

  29. 她还通过示弱的方式争得查尔斯的同情和支持,从而为进一步争取独立做准备。

    She also turns to Charles by showing weakness and enlists sympathy and support from him and paves the way for her further struggle for independence .

  30. 还有近八成(78%)的女性,包括妇女和女孩,感受到从不犯错或示弱的压力。

    What 's more , nearly eight in 10 ( 78 % ) of both women and girls feel some pressure to never make mistakes or show weakness .