
shì fàn dònɡ zuò
  • demonstration actions/movements
示范动作 [shì fàn dòng zuò]
  • [demonstration] 可供学习人员仿效的熟练而又合乎要领的动作

  • 我看通讯员站在一边,眼睛一眨不眨地看着我,好像在看连长做示范动作似的。--《百合花》

  1. 标准的示范动作可以增强学生学习体操的兴趣并促使学生快速掌握技术要领。

    The standard demonstration movement can improve students to their specialized interests and mastering the technological main point fast .

  2. 言语教学法有利于学生形成动作概念,发现示范动作的内在认知规律,但应按照先简后繁的认知规律进行讲解;

    Language teaching method is beneficial to for the action concept , to discover the internal cognitive rules , but the teacher should analysis the cognitive rule by teaching the simple one first .

  3. 自控示范策略对动作技能学习的影响

    The Effect of Self-controlled Demonstration on Motor Skill Learning

  4. 强调应根据教学对象、动作难度和教学实际,力求做到示范正确、动作优美、重点突出并与讲解密切结合。

    The author stresses teachers must demonstrate with correct and graceful movements according to the teaching objects , difficult movements and teaching reality .

  5. 教学能力包括语言表达能力、动作示范能力、错误动作辨别能力、组织教学能力;

    The teaching ability includes expressing ability , demonstrating ability , distinguishing the wrong acts ability and organizing teaching ability .