
wěi zhènɡ
  • perjury;false evidence;false testimony;hard swearing
  • false witness
伪证 [wěi zhèng]
  • [perjury;false withess] 伪造的证据;假证据

  1. 这名证人作了伪证,她的证词不可信。

    This witness has committed perjury and no reliance can be placed on her evidence .

  2. 曾因作伪证而入狱的畅销小说作家阿彻勋爵(LordArcher)依然留在上议院。

    Lord Archer , the popular novelist who served a jail term for perjury , remains in the House of Lords .

  3. 两个证人串通作伪证。

    There was collusion between the two witnesses .

  4. 七项罪名都指控他作伪证。

    All seven charges accused him of lying in his testimony

  5. 实际情况证明他作了伪证。

    The facts of the situation belie his testimony .

  6. 检方可能要努力查证罗布在大陪审团面前是否作了伪证。

    Prosecutors may try to determine if Robb gave false testimony when he appeared before the grand jury .

  7. 利用相关质谱图,可获得大量的化学结构相关信息,可避免DAD检测器色谱峰可能带来的伪证。HPLC-MS技术灵敏度高,适用于血清中微量药效物质基础的研究。

    With HPLC-MS , a large amount of information related to chemical structure can be obtained . DAD can avoid peak detector of " perjury . " HPLC-MS technique applies to serum trace material base for efficacy studies with Higher sensitivity .

  8. 刑事诉讼程序视角下的辩护人伪证罪

    Crime of perjury by defender under the view of criminal procedure

  9. 伪证罪若干疑难问题探讨

    An Academic Probe Of Several Knotty Problems About Crime Of Perjury

  10. 我国对伪证行为的规定早在殷商时期就有记载。

    The perjury has been recorded since Yin and Shang Dynasty .

  11. 有个证人受贿而提供伪证。

    One of the witness is bribed to give false evidence .

  12. 有个证人受贿而提供伪证.

    One of the witnesses was bribed to give false evidence .

  13. 你敢做伪证,就要坐牢。

    You perjure yourself , you 'll find yourself in jail .

  14. 肖斯塔科维奇《见证》真伪考试论民事、行政伪证罪之增设

    On Creation of Offense of Giving False Civil and Administrative Testimony

  15. 所以这个做了伪证的警察的舌头被送给了。

    So Annie tisman was sent the tongue of the cop .

  16. 刑法第306条律师伪证罪的评析;

    Analyze lawyer perjury criminal of the criminal law 's 306 item ;

  17. 关于伪证的行为方式,是个历来存在争论的问题。

    On the behavior of perjury , there have always been controversial .

  18. 他向法庭提供伪证的事被发现了。

    He was found to have provided the court with doctored evidence .

  19. 基勒在戈登案件中提供的证据是伪证。

    Keeler 's evidence in the Gordon case was perjured .

  20. 你知道做伪证要坐牢的吗?

    Do you know you can go to jail for false testimonies ?

  21. 证人伪证的民事责任问题

    Problem of the Civil Responsibility of Witnesses Giving False Testimony in Court

  22. 伪证罪法益及其构成要件的法益解释

    The Legal Interests of Perjury and Its Constitutive Elements Interpretation

  23. 伪证的识别与证言真实性的评估

    Identification of Perjury and Evaluation of the Authenticity of Testimony

  24. 法条竞合视野下的伪证罪与诬告陷害罪

    Perjury Crime And Implication Crime Under The View of Concurrence of Rules

  25. 律师伪证罪对刑事辩护制度的挑战

    Challenge of Lawyer ′ s Perjury to the Criminal System of Advocacy

  26. 论取消律师伪证罪

    On the Abolishment of " the Perjury of Lawyer "

  27. 那个不在犯罪现场的伪证使警方失去了线索。

    The false alibi threw the police off the scent .

  28. 她被指控犯有伪证罪和妨碍司法罪。

    She was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice .

  29. 他绝不会作不利于朋友的伪证。

    He will never bear false witness against his friend .

  30. 意思是如果你真的忘了就不是伪证。

    Meaning it 's not perjury if you honestly don 't remember .