
  • 网络pseudo color;pseudo-color;False Color;PseudoColor
  1. 数字图像伪彩色增强方法在岩土CT图像分析中的应用

    Application of pseudo color enhancement method to geotechnical CT image analysis

  2. 伪彩色数字高程模型在工业CT断层图像检查中的应用

    Pseudo color DEM in industrial CT section image inspection

  3. 基于Land实验的可见红外伪彩色图像融合方法

    Land 's experiment based false color fusion method for visual and infrared images

  4. 等灰度序列分割LED阵列伪彩色显示系统

    A Pseudo Color Display System with LED Array with Equally Cut up Grey Scale

  5. 基于DSP红外图像伪彩色处理的研究

    Research on Pseudo-color Coding of Infrared Image Based on DSP

  6. 一种多波段SAR图像伪彩色融合算法

    False Color Fusion Algorithm for Multi-band SAR Images

  7. 应用微型计算机直接采集电子探针X射线像,并用伪彩色显示技术进行观察。

    X ray images of electron probe were acquired by a micro computer , and observed in colors .

  8. 在原TON算法的基础上提出了一种改进的伪彩色图像融合算法。

    The paper put forward an improved image fusion algorithm based on false color .

  9. 采用伪彩色图像增强SoC技术在功能上实现了检测数据可视化,在效率上做到了热像实时显示。

    Image enhancement with pseudo color implements the visualization of measured data and display of real-time image .

  10. 基于RGB颜色模型的相位调制数字图像伪彩色编码

    Pseudo-color coding from phase-modulated image based on RGB color model

  11. 用OpenGL实现红外图像伪彩色处理

    Pseudocolor Image Processing by OpenGL

  12. 通过软件功能调整CT值阈值和透明度,显示含气器官或主动脉的内腔,赋予人工伪彩色,重建出沿空腔器官中轴行程一致的多幅器官内表面图像。

    The ranges of CT densities and transparency of gas containing organs or aorta were adjusted using customized computer software to show the inner walls of these organses .

  13. 基于IHS空间的灰度图像互补色伪彩色编码

    Gray Image Complementary Pseudo - Color Coding Based on IHS Space

  14. 设计并实现了X射线探伤图像中缺陷尺寸的自动测量及一些常用的图像处理算法,如:灰度直方图显示、负像、伪彩色以及锐化等;

    The measurement of defect and the common image processing methods are realized , such as histograms showing , invert transform , fake-color transform and curve transform .

  15. 在工业CT断层图像缺陷检测应用中,提出了将数字高程模型DEM与伪彩色技术一起应用于二维灰度图像缺陷检测领域的算法流程。

    In this paper , Digital Elevation Model ( DEM ) and pseudo color technology combined to form an algorithm for ICT section image display .

  16. 将所得IHS值变换为RGB值即得伪彩色图像。

    The obtained IHS values are converted into RGB values , i.e. , pseudo-color image .

  17. 该系统通过对图像的伪彩色处理应用于FPGA上实现,可裁减、可扩充、可升级,具备软、硬件系统可编程的功能。

    The system of pseudo-color image processing applications implemented on FPGA can be cut , scalable , can be upgraded with software and hardware system programmable functions .

  18. 由于R,B通道的低采样率,R、B分量将会在图像的高频区域,例如边缘区域产生混叠,从而出现伪彩色。

    Because of the low sampling rate of channels R and B , they will overlap in the high frequency region , such as region 's rim , and produce artificial color .

  19. 常规天气雷达涨落回波中湍流速度的伪彩色PPI显示

    PPI pseudo-color display of turbulent velocity in the fluctuating echoes observed by a conventional weather-radar

  20. 基于直方图的HSI空间伪彩色编码研究

    A Gray image pseudo-color coding approach in HSI space based on image ′ s histogram

  21. 该系统实现了数字扫描变换(DSC)、测量诊断、伪彩色显示、大容量存储和诊断报告编辑功能。

    The system offers many functions , such as DSC , measuring and diagnosing , great capability of storage and editing of diagnosis report , etc.

  22. 提出了一种基于RGB三基色系统的对高灰度分辨率图像进行伪彩色编码的非线性方法。

    A non linear method of pseudo color coding for high gray resolution image based on tri primaries is proposed firstly .

  23. GMS低分辨率云图在1024×1024高分辨率显示器上的实时伪彩色显示画应力场云图的一种简单有效的方法

    REAL TIME DISPLAY OF THE GMS LOW RESOLUTION PICTURE ON 1024 × 1024 MONITOR A Simple and Effective Method for Plotting Colored Stress Patterns

  24. 一种简便的采用Z80系列部件实现图象伪彩色显示的方法

    A Simple Method for Implementing Pseudo-Color Display by Z-80 Elements

  25. 针对伪彩色增强算法进行硬件化的探索,设计了SoPC级双通道图像增强系统,包括视频采集及输出模块、图像预处理模块、中波图像特征提取模块、嵌入式控制器模块、图像增强模块。

    It includes video capture and output module , image preprocessing module , mid-wave image feature extraction module , embedded controller module , image enhancement module .

  26. 本文对一微机数字图象处理系统的伪彩色处理器做了详细介绍,包括固定编码器和RAM查找表的电路设计和工作原理;

    A practical pseudo-color processing unit of a microcomputer digital image processing system is introduced in detail , including the circuit designs of a fixed and a RAM look-up-table and their working principles .

  27. 采用MATLAB小波工具箱实现了对伪彩色图像和真彩色图像的分解与重构,给出了图像分解与重构的原理和MATLAB源程序,并进行了结果分析。

    The decomposing and composing of true color and indexed color images based on wavelet toolbox of MATLAB are implemented . The theory of wavelet transform using in compressing images is analyzed , then the MATLAB source program is given .

  28. 本文研究了利用多极化合成孔径雷达(SAR)数据产生极化伪彩色合成图的方法,提出了用M(11)归一化后得到的Stokes矩阵来产生目标的极化合成孔径雷达伪彩色图的新方法。

    This paper studies on the false color synthetic processing for polarimetric SAR data . A new method to get false color image of polarimetric SAR data with the unitary Stokes matrix is presented .

  29. VFW视频采集模块实时采集视频数据,并利用伪彩色图像增强等图像处理技术对视频进行处理及特征提取。

    The real-time video is captured by VFW video-capturing module , and processed by pseudo-color image enhancement and other image processing technology .

  30. 基于伪彩色的Normalizedcut分割方法,通过对灰度X线图像伪彩色化处理,增加图像的彩色信息、增强边缘对比度,在Normalizedcut准则下得到完整的分割结果。

    Through adding pseudo color to X-ray image , color information is added to image and thus increases the contrast between object and background . Based on this increased contrast , complete segmentation is obtained under the criteria of Normalized Cut .