
wěi zào zhènɡ jù
  • falsification of evidence;fabrication of evidence
  1. 近年来律师触犯伪造证据、妨害作证罪时有发生。

    In recent years , fabrication of evidence violated law , the crime of obstruction of evidence have occurred .

  2. 凡是伪造证据的,必须受法律追究。

    Any falsification of evidence will be investigated under the law .

  3. 帮助毁灭、伪造证据必须是故意才可构成犯罪。

    The precondition of constitute the crime must be with intention .

  4. 伪造证据、窜改帐目、作假报告。

    Doctor the evidence , the accounts , a report .

  5. 帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪若干问题探微

    A Tentative Study of Problems about Crime of Helping Erase or Forge Evidence

  6. 被告方指控警方伪造证据。

    The defence accused police of fabricating evidence .

  7. 中外刑法都有关于伪造证据犯罪的规定。

    Crime of fabricating evidence is clarified in both domestic and overseas criminal legislations .

  8. 他们伪造证据并威胁目击者。

    They fabricated evidence and threatened witnesses .

  9. 帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪系现行刑法增设的新罪名。

    To help erase or forge evidence is a new crime added to criminal law .

  10. 帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪探析证据价值论

    The Discussion about the Crime of Helping to Damage and Forge Proofs Values of Evidence

  11. 即使有人毁灭,伪造证据,其毁灭伪造证据行为又会留下新的痕迹。

    Even though somebody destroyed or faked evidence , the behavior will make new traces .

  12. 比如在案发现场伪造证据。

    Like planting evidence at crime scenes .

  13. 三,伪造证据方面。

    Third , the false evidence .

  14. 他试图伪造证据。

    He tried to forge evidence .

  15. 隐瞒证据或者伪造证据;

    To conceal or falsify evidence ;

  16. 帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪客观方面认定问题探析

    Exploring Analysis on Cognizance of Crime of Assisting in Destroying and Fabricating Evidences in Objective Aspect

  17. 你觉得我为了得到你们公司居然会伪造证据?

    You don 't think I 'm so desperate for this company that I 'd plant evidence ?

  18. 第二部分,帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪的司法认定。

    The second part , the judicial cognizance of the crime of assisting in destroying and fabricating evidences .

  19. 这引起了严重的问题,政府的伪造证据,并倒卧在向陪审团有关。

    That raises serious questions of the government 's falsifying evidence and lying to the jury about it .

  20. 有毁灭、伪造证据或者串供可能的;

    If he may possibly destroy or falsify evidence , or collude with others to devise a consistent story ;

  21. 两个警官因在判案中伪造证据被控枉法。

    The two police officers were charged with perverting the course of justice by fabricating evidence in the trial .

  22. 侦查阶段聘请的律师不构成辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭证据、伪造证据、妨害作证罪的主体。

    If what is obstructed is only the extrinsic evidences of civil procedure , the crime is not constituted .

  23. 法院以辩护人伪造证据、妨害作证罪判处李庄有期徒刑1年6个月。

    Court counsel fabricating evidence , obstruction of evidence Zhuang sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year and 6 months .

  24. 教唆、指使他人帮助自己毁灭、伪造证据的,不构成帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪的共犯。

    It is not a crime to goad or incite others to help himself to damage of forge proofs .

  25. 引言部分,阐述了帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪的立法背景和研究价值。

    The introduction elaborated the legislation background and the research value of the crime of assisting in destroying and fabricating evidences .

  26. 我知道范尼根这个人这家伙正直得要命伪造证据的绝对不是他

    I know Finnegan . He 's the straightest arrow in the quiver . If somebody 's doctoring evidence , it isn 't him .

  27. 帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪是1997年刑法修订时新增的罪名,属于证据犯罪中的一种类型。

    The crime of assisting in destroying and fabricating evidences was a new crime added in 1997 , belonged to one kind of crimes of evidence .

  28. 同时,可以保全证据,防止犯罪嫌疑人、被告人串供、毁灭、伪造证据以及干扰证人作证。

    At the same time , they could evidence preservation , prevent criminal suspects , defendants tally their confessions and destruction , forgery and disrupting the witnesses .

  29. 但是也有少数当事人利用诉讼这一形式,采取不正当手段,相互串通,虚构事实,伪造证据,企图利用民事虚假诉讼谋取不正当利益。

    But a small number of parties attempt to use false lawsuits to seek illegitimate interests by improper means , family collusion , fictional facts , fabricating evidence .

  30. 本罪是选择性罪名,即辩护人伪造证据、妨害作证罪由两个子行为所构成,伪造证据行为和妨害作证行为。

    The crime is optional charges that defendants forged evidence , the crime of obstruction of evidence constituted by the two sub-actions , behavior and nuisance false witness evidence behavior .