
jiàn jiē ɡù yì
  • indirect intent;indirect intention
  1. 区分间接故意与轻信过失的最终方案

    The Final Plan of Differentiating Indirect Intent from Credulity Defect

  2. 间接故意可以成立短缩的二行为犯;

    Indirect intent may well make up of the incompletely two - conduct crime .

  3. 间接故意犯罪不存在犯罪中止,肯定论者的观点是难以成立的。

    The desistance of crime cannot exist in indirect intentional crime .

  4. 犯罪的间接故意的内容永远是一个充满生命力的话题。

    The topic Indirect Intention of Crime is forever blooming .

  5. 危险驾驶罪的主观方面表现为故意,并且只能是间接故意。

    The indirect intention is the subjective performance for dangerous driving crime .

  6. 英国刑法中的主观轻率理论对于我国刑法间接故意的研究具有一定的启示和借鉴意义。

    Subjective reckless has strong study value for Chinese indirect intention theory .

  7. 合同诈骗的非法占有目的是故意的内容,只能由直接故意才能构成,间接故意不能形成非法占有目的。

    The purpose of illegal possessionis come from direct intention but indirect .

  8. 间接故意与轻信过失得到了清楚的区分。

    Secondly , the differentiating indirect intent from credulity defect is clear .

  9. 本罪主观罪过形式应包括过失和间接故意;

    The subjective aspect of the crime should include negligence and indirect intention .

  10. 中美刑法间接故意比较研究

    Comparing Research on Oblique Intent of Anglo-American Criminal Law

  11. 罪过形式既包括直接故意又包括间接故意;

    Offence form conclude both direct and indirect intentional ;

  12. 二是金融诈骗罪能否由间接故意构成。

    The secondis whether the financial fraud could be constituted by indirect intention .

  13. 第二,洗钱罪的法律条文中排除了间接故意洗钱的情形;

    Second , Article 191 excludes the situation of money laundering on indirect purpose ;

  14. 过失犯罪与间接故意、无罪过案件也有着明显的区别,实践中要注意区分。

    Moreover , negligence crime is distinguished obviously from indirect intention , and non-crime .

  15. 而在这种情况下间接故意没有存在的土壤。

    In this case , there is no soil which the indirectly intention exist .

  16. 希望是直接故意犯罪的意志因素,而放任是间接故意的意志因素。

    Wish is the volitional factor in direct intention , while Allow in indirect intention .

  17. 在挪用公款罪的主观方面,作者论述了主观方面不仅包括直接故意,还包括间接故意。

    The subjective aspects of the crime .

  18. 间接故意犯罪的认定

    On Verification of Indirect Intentional Crime

  19. 间接故意若干问题探讨

    On Some Problems of Indirect Intent

  20. 本罪的主观方面是故意,既可以是直接故意,也可能是间接故意。

    The subjective aspect of the crime is intention , including direct intention and indirect intention .

  21. 因此,加强犯罪的间接故意的研究十分必要。

    Therefore , it becomes great necessary to enhance the research of Indirect Intention of Crime .

  22. 持有型犯罪之主观罪过不仅包括直接故意,也包括间接故意。

    The subjective fault in holding crimes includes crimes of both direct intent and indirect intent .

  23. 论间接故意的构造

    On the Structure of Indirect Intent

  24. 据此,该罪的主观罪过应为故意(含间接故意)。

    Accordingly , the offense shall be guilty of deliberately subjective ( including indirect intentional ) .

  25. 该类犯罪的主观罪过既可以由直接故意构成,也可以由间接故意构成。

    The subjective fault of this pattern crime can consist of both direct intent and indirect intent .

  26. 间接故意犯罪不存在未遂犯通说之质疑

    The Question to the General View of " No Attempt Crime in the Indirect Intentional Crime "

  27. 滥用职权罪与玩忽职守罪的区别主要在主观方面,滥用职权由间接故意和过失构成,且滥用职权的过失只限于过于自信的过失,玩忽职守罪只能由过失构成且仅限于疏忽大意的过失。

    The difference between the crime of power abuse and negligent crime is mainly at subjective aspects .

  28. 在主观方面,受贿罪故意是否包括间接故意?

    And crime of acceptance of bribes . In subjectivity , does bribery intention include indirect intention ?

  29. 本罪的罪过形式不但包含直接故意,而且也应包含间接故意。

    The crimes include not only direct form of sin deliberately , but should also include indirect intentional .

  30. 但是,合同诈骗罪的故意除包含直接故意外,是否包含间接故意,在刑法理论界还有争议。

    However , besides direct intention , whether there is indirect intention in the crime is still controversial .