
  1. 美国政府希望(为纺织业)铺平道路,试图使朱在纺织品上让步,结果失败。

    The Administration tried , but failed , to budge Zhu on textiles .

  2. 一个图的松弛竞赛色数是由周,王,朱在[21]中提出的,并且它在图论中是极其有意义的。

    The concept of the relaxed game chromatic number of graphs was introduced by Chou , Wang and Zhu in [ 21 ] .

  3. 斯蒂夫-波恩和阿尔韦恩-朱在轨道运行平台以外花了6个半小时进行维修;安装一个新储存室,取走一台有故障的冷却液泵。

    Steve Bowen and Alvin Drew spent six-and-a-half hours outside the orbiting platform , preparing it for the installation of a new store room and moving a faulty coolant pump .

  4. 一个图的竞赛色数是由Bodlaender[1]首次提出的。最近,周,王,朱在文献[2]中提出了松弛竞赛色数的概念,此概念在图论中占有很重要的地位。

    The game chromatic number of a graph was introduced by Bodlaender [ 1 ] Recently , Chou , Wang and Zhu put forward a new concept-the relaxed game chromatic number of graph in [ 2 ] .

  5. 根据他的领英(LinkedIn)档案,朱坦在结构化股权部门工作,去年夏天刚刚调到香港。

    Mr Jutting worked at the structured equity desk and only moved to Hong Kong in summer last year , according to his LinkedIn account .

  6. 1979年,约瑟夫•朱兰在康涅狄格州创立了朱兰研究所。

    In nineteen seventy-nine , Joseph Juran established the Juran Institute in Connecticut .

  7. 其后,朱成在哈佛攻读硕士学位、博士学位。

    Later she successfully got the master 's and doctor 's degree in Harvard .

  8. 而较为一般的高维情形最终由陈、范、王、朱等人在[-]、[(?)]中彻底的解决。

    And the problems of more general high dimensional cases were solved by Chen , Fan . Wang and Zhu in and eventually .

  9. 朱卉在当时的诗坛上具有一定影响力的,但是由于资料的缺乏,后人对他的研究较少涉及。

    Zhu Hui had certain influence at that time , but due to lack of information , the research for him is very rare .

  10. 朱有在桃园县县长成功的纪录,使桃园县经济繁荣,以及他第二任期,即将在2009年底结束。

    Chu has a successful record as Taoyuan County Magistrate , in part because the county has boomed economically , and his second term expires at the end of2009 .

  11. 拉加德称赞朱民在政府、国际政策制定和金融市场方面具备丰富的经验,拥有很强的管理和沟通技能。

    Lagarde said at Zhu 's nomination speech that Zhu had great experience in the government , international policy making and financial market and was highly skilled in management and communication .

  12. 已经在法国居住了两年的中国顾客朱女士在接受新华社采访时表示,她在法国的大部分费用都是用银行卡支付的,她没有找到像在中国时移动支付那样方便的方式。

    Mrs Zhu , a Chinese customer living in France for two years , told Xinhua that most of her payments in France were made using bank cards , which she doesn 't find as convenient as the mobile payments she used in China .

  13. 政府官员WilliamDengDeng第一次来朱巴是在2006年。

    Government official William Deng Deng first came to Juba in 2006 .

  14. “程朱理学”在官场的统治地位一直到1911年辛亥革命爆发。

    it dominated official circles until the Republican Revolution of 1911 .

  15. 朱老总他们在里面呢。

    Chief Zhu and the rest are there .

  16. 我和朱帧也在新年庆祝活动中合作过。

    And I worked with Zhu Zhen during the Chinese New Year Special Celebration .

  17. 美朱,坐在酒店庭院里的长椅上,注视着坐在她身旁的魏的面容。

    Miaka , sitting on a bench in the hotel courtyard , looked into taka 's face who sat beside her .

  18. 朱先生希望在全国范围内发起一场“新文化遗产运动”以促进传统建筑业的发展。

    Zhu hopes to initiate a nationwide drive to be called the " new Culture Heritage Campaign " to promote traditional architecture .

  19. 再过几个小时,南苏丹就将成为独立的国家,首都朱巴仍在进行最后的准备工作。

    With a few hours to go before south Sudan becomes an independent state , final preparations are underway in the capital Juba .

  20. 27岁的北京人朱先生,在自己家乡的一家国有电子企业上班。他是寻找更好机会的年轻雇员里的一员。

    Daniel Zhu , a 27-year-old Beijing native working in his hometown for a state-owned electronics firm , is one of the young workers looking for a better deal .

  21. 朱巴:你在阴间的家人。

    Juba : Your family , in the afterlife .

  22. 朱某的父亲在驱车从延安赶往泰州之前立即联系了警方。

    Zhu 's father immediately contacted the police before driving from Yan'an to Taizhou .

  23. 马戏团的朱儒邀请蒂娜在魔术表演中担任他的助手。

    The midget asked Tina to play a part as his assistant in the magic show .

  24. 朱把邮票贴在信封上,把信投进邮箱。突然,他大叫起来。

    Jew put the stamp on the envelop , dropped it in the mailbox , and suddenly began to cry .

  25. 朱老师全然不像在教业余时间学习的学生,她认真负责的态度和一丝不苟的教学精神让我们为自己的行为感到愧疚。

    It was Professor Zhu that reminded us " Practice Makes Perfect !" We felt guilty for our poor performance , and were moved by her professional teaching attitude .

  26. 我们来到这地的时候,你要把这条朱红线绳系在缒我们下去的窗户上,并要使你的父母,弟兄,和你父的全家都聚集在你家中。

    If , when we come into the land , you put this cord of bright red thread in the window from which you let us down ; and get your father and mother and your brothers and all your family into the house ;

  27. 到朝鲜中期,朱子学说已在朝鲜发展到空前高度,朱子的正统论也成为朝鲜王朝判别中原王朝正统性的重要思想依据和推行亲明邦交的理论基础。

    Korean mid-Zhu Xi said that North Korea has developed to an unprecedented height , Zhu has become the orthodoxy of the Joseon Dynasty Dynasty determine the legitimacy of the Central Plains of the important thinking of the basis and the implementation of pro-theoretical foundation for Ming .