
shì zōnɡ shí yàn
  • tracer experiment
  1. 文章涉及稳定元素Sr在现场进行的水平土柱示踪实验和在实验室进行的垂直土柱模拟实验的实验方法和实验结果。

    The methods and results of field tracer experiment in horizontal soil columns and laboratory-simulation experiment in vertical soil columns were presented .

  2. 采用示踪实验研究紫外线消毒器的水力特性。

    Hydraulic characteristics of the UV disinfector was investigated by tracer experiment .

  3. 连云港核电厂SF6示踪实验研究

    Study on SF_6 Trace Experiment in Lianyungang Nuclear Power Plant

  4. 在示踪实验的基础上,提出了一个计算大气-水-土壤-水稻系统Pb土壤环境容量数学模式。

    Based on the simulation test , mathematical model computed soil environmental capacity of Pb in this system is Put forward .

  5. ~3H和~(90)Sr示踪剂在土壤包气层示踪实验中的应用

    The Application of ~ 3H and ~ ( 90 ) Sr Tracer in Soil Aerated Zone Tracing Experiment

  6. DAPI标记的骨髓间充质干细胞体内外示踪实验研究

    Tracing study of DAPI Labeled Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Vivo and in Vitro

  7. 利用14C标记的葡萄糖进行的同位素示踪实验结果表明,葡萄糖、果糖和木糖醇以8:4:2比例供给在术后早期可增加葡萄糖的利用。

    The cumulative curves of expired14CO2 after injection of radioactive glucose with GFX solutions showed that GFX-8:4:2 enhanced glucose utilization in the early postoperative period .

  8. 利用15N标记的甘氨酸进行的同位素示踪实验结果表明,葡萄糖、果糖和木糖醇以8:4:2比例供给比单独使用葡萄糖明显增加术后肝脏的蛋白质合成。

    Tracer studies with15N-glycin in rats showed that carbohydrate mixture of GFX-8:4:2 increased the protein synthesis in the liver just after operative stress more remarkably than glue0se alone .

  9. 淋巴示踪实验表明,这种氧化炭黑制备的混悬液能在5min内有效地黑染注射区域引流淋巴结,其染色效果优于商品卡纳琳的淋巴示踪剂。

    The suspension prepared with the oxidized CB can effectively color the injecting region of lymph nodes in 5 min. The staining effect is superior to a commercial available lymphatic tracer named Carbon Nanoparticle Suspension Injection .

  10. 天然河流纵向离散系数示踪实验计算方法研究

    Computation of longitudinal dispersion coefficient of natural rivers based on tracer tests

  11. 复杂地形条件下大气扩散六氟化硫示踪实验研究

    Sulfur Hexafluoride-based Atmosphere Diffusion Trace Experimental Study in Complex Topography

  12. 论述了同位素示踪剂的选择与工业同位素示踪实验的设计与实施。

    Then , it reviews isotope tracer selection , test planning and implementing .

  13. 黄河多泥沙河段扩散系数的示踪实验研究

    Experimental study by tracing on diffusion coefficients at heavy sediment-carrying reach of Yellow River

  14. 示踪实验确定河流纵向离散系数的单纯形加速法

    Accelerated Simplex Algorithm to Determine the Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient in a River by Tracer Tast

  15. 结果表明本次示踪实验是成功的,由示踪实验确定的扩散系数值是可靠的。

    The results show that the trace experiment is successful and the dispersion coefficients from the trace experiment are reliable .

  16. 由于质谱法具有灵敏度高、精确度好的特点,至今仍是分析稳定同位素示踪实验样品的优良技术。

    Mass spectrometry has been a classic technique in the analysis of stable isotopes because it is very sensitive and precise .

  17. 通过柱实验方法研究了溴的示踪实验以及锶的动态迁移实验,绘制穿透曲线,并计算了柱中的实际水流速度、有效孔隙度以及锶的阻滞因子和分配系数。

    The breakthrough curves , actual column flow rate , effective porosity , strontium retardation factor and distribution coefficients were also investigated .

  18. 克山病病区粮饲养大鼠对~(51)铬代谢的示踪实验研究

    Experimental research for ~ ( 51 ) cr metabolism of rats fed on crops from endemic and nonendemic areas of Keshan disease

  19. 示踪实验显示该模型体积利用率高(95.5%),水力学结构良好。

    It was shown in tracing experiment that the model is with high volume availability , which means its structure is proper for hydraulics .

  20. 本文主要介绍了核素在含水层迁移的现场示踪实验中所使用的一种称为实验框架的实验装置,它也是确保此类实验环境安全的重要措施之一。

    The device named as " experimental frame ", which was used for " field tracer test of radionuclide migration in aquifer ", is introduced in this paper .

  21. 然后通过氯化钠为示踪剂的脉冲示踪实验,计算出水力停留时间,有效体积比等水力学参数,并对其进行水力效率评价,对流态及水力学参数进行分析,得出结论。

    Next , the hydraulic parameters which included hydraulic retention time , effective volume fraction and hydraulic efficiency were obtained using chloride tracer . The conclusion were obtained by the analysis of hydraulic parameters and flow patterns .

  22. 通过二维流化床里的磷光颗粒示踪实验,可以观察到加入构件后颗粒落料的程度相比于不加构件时的自由流化状态明显减弱,即构件对颗粒的返混产生了抑制效果。

    Through phosphor tracer experiments in 2-dimensional fluidized bed , one can clearly find that particles in the fluidized bed with internals drop from upper zone to lower zone far slowly than the bed with no internals . That shows the restraining effect of the internal on back-mixing .

  23. 示踪模拟实验确定了Pb在这个系统中的转移系数;

    Transportation coefficients of Pb in this system are determined by tracer experiment .

  24. 京津地区SF6示踪扩散实验

    Atmospheric diffusion experiments with tracer gas sf_6 in Beijing-Tianjin area

  25. HRP示踪的实验表明,背侧海马CA1/CA3区在小脑皮层第Ⅵ小叶的投射区是小脑纵区组构的间位区,该区皮层与间位核之间存在着交互投射关系。

    The results with HRP labelling indicate that the projection area of hippocampus is an interpositus zone of the lobule ⅵ . Reciprocal connections may exist between this cortical area and the interpositus nucleus .

  26. 脉冲示踪法实验误差分析

    Error Analysis of the Pulse Tracer Method

  27. 犬自体骨髓间充质干细胞组织工程化神经荧光金逆行示踪标记实验

    Research of Tissue-Engineered Nerve of Auto Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells Examined with Fluoro Gold Retrograde Tracing

  28. 纳米炭注射液对肝癌切缘及淋巴引流示踪的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Effect of Carbon Nanoparticles Injection on Rat Hepatic Tumor Resection Margin and Lymph Tracing

  29. 骨髓间充质干细胞对肌腱移植物在骨隧道内愈合效果及示踪的实验研究

    Experimental study of tendon-bone healing using bone mesenchymal stem cells in a bone tunnel and their labeling and tracing

  30. 本文采用数值方法求解平流扩散方程,对太原市的一次示踪物实验进行了大气扩散的数值模拟。

    The paper does a numerical simulation of atmospheric diffusion about an experiment of one time tracer at Taiyuan .