
  • 网络individual elements
  1. 我们可以使用数组语法访问多值属性的个别元素,例如第一个地址

    We can access individual elements of many-valued properties , such as the first address , using array syntax

  2. 控件是一个由许多个别元素组成的复杂控件,它为您自定义其外观提供了多个选项。

    Control is a complex control made up of many individual elements , it offers you a wide variety of options for customizing its appearance .

  3. 网点:构成半色调复制的个别元素。

    Dot : the individual element from which a halftone reproduction is made up .

  4. 个别元素超标的问题还需进一步研究。

    While the problem that some special elements surpass the norms should be further discussed .

  5. 本研究采个别元素法为分析工具,以具键结特性之二维圆盘颗粒进行互层岩体隧道开挖分析。

    A particle flow code based on the distinct element method ( DEM ) was adopted to analyze the tunnel excavation under interstratified rock mass .

  6. 亚硝酸浓度的高低,影响镎、钚以及个别裂片元素的价态,从而影响钚的收率和镎的走向以及裂片元素的去污程度。

    The concentration of nitrous acid influences the valence of elements such as neptunium , plutonium and some fission products . Thereby , it would influence the recovery of plutonium , the tend towards of neptunium and the decontamination of fission products .

  7. 而其他背景下的溪流水样中矿质元素含量变化总体上也是按季节变化呈现不同的增加,但波动性较大,个别月份的元素含量会突然增大超出正常变化趋势曲线。

    But mineral elements contents of other is fluctuant , mineral element content of some month suddenly increased .

  8. 重金属在各站位含量主要取决于其相应的富集组分多少,仅在个别站位受具体元素的物源影响较大。

    Content of heavy metals depends on the key enrichment components in each site , there were a rather large influence by provenance of separate element on separate site .