
  1. 因此,研究员工的坚韧性与其个体绩效的关系是十分必要的。

    Therefore , the research on the relationship between resilience and individual performance is very necessary .

  2. 此外,本研究还探讨了自我效能感和个体绩效、团体效能感和团体绩效之间的关系模式。

    Furthermore , the study also explored the relationship between perceived self-efficacy and individual performance , perceived collective-efficacy and group performance .

  3. 如何提高研发人员个体绩效,从而提高创新活动的整体绩效是每一个企业所关心的问题。

    How to improve the individual performance of RD staff , so as to enhance the overall innovation performance , is of great concerns for every business .

  4. 研究表明,坚韧性与个体绩效显著正相关,且工作满意度和组织承诺在坚韧性影响个体绩效的过程中起到了中介作用。

    This research shows that resilience is significantly related to individual performance . On the while , job satisfaction and organizational commitment mediator variables in the process .

  5. 提出构建以人力资源价值评价、人力资源整体与个体绩效评价为基础和依据的组合式高校教师薪酬体系的系统思路与方法。

    It brings up the idea of constructing the combinational pay system based on human resources value evaluation and performance evaluation of the individual and the whole .

  6. 通过两个样本调查,对目标取向和工作经验量表进行了结构检验,并探讨了目标取向和工作经验对个体绩效的效应模式。

    Based on confirmatory factor analysis of goal orientation and work experience , this study tested the effects of goal orientation and work experience on individual performance under working settings .

  7. 但是,在研究与实践中,团队绩效考核方式是注重团队绩效还个体绩效一直以来存在争议与困惑。

    Unfortunately , in the theoretical research and management practice , the disputes and puzzles whether team performance or individual performance should be stressed have been existed all the while .

  8. 目前,关于绩效考评的理论研究多是针对一般意义上的组织绩效考评、部门(团队)绩效考评和个体绩效考评。

    At present , the research about the theory of performance evaluation is on the general sense of the organizational performance evaluation department ( team ) performance evaluation and individual performance evaluation .

  9. 检验的结果显示心理边界对个体绩效有影响,但是影响不显著。最后,论文对研究进行了总结并提出了未来研究的设想。

    Test results showed that psychological boundary impacted on the individual performance , but the impact was not significant . Finally , the paper summarized the research and put forward the idea of future research .

  10. 已有研究证明员工的坚韧性与其个体绩效显著正相关,但这些研究多是在西方背景下的,不一定体现了中国的具体情况,且就坚韧性对个体绩效的作用机制研究较少。

    There are researches demonstrating employees ' resilience is significantly related to their individual performance , but these researches are mostly in the western context , so they may not reflect the specific situation of China .

  11. 绩效评估方面主张个体绩效和团队绩效两个方面都要进行,并分别建立了评估模型,进行评估时创造性地使用了模糊层次分析法,并引入熵权的概念对分析结果进行优化;

    Performance evaluation aspect maintains join personal and team performance together , has set up models of assessing separately , and used the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process creatively , and introduced the conception of entropy weight to optimize the analysis result .

  12. 在很多的企业绩效管理实践中,重视个体绩效而忽视团对绩效和组织目标是一个常见的现象,因而降低了绩效管理的有效性,导致绩效管理流于形式。

    In most of previous performance appraisal practice , majority of focus have been attached to individual performance appraisal while team-base performance evaluation and organization objective are ignored . As a result , the effective of performance appraisal will be reduced and falls into formalism .

  13. 再次对基于战略的企业个体绩效管理进行研究,提出了基于整体绩效指标分解关键绩效指标的个体绩效评价框架,建立了基于目标管理和360度等级评价法的评价模型与方法。

    Moreover , studying the individual strategy-oriented performance management , raising the individual performance evaluation frame based on the decomposing of general performance index into key performance indexes , establishing the evaluation model and method based on MBO ( Management By Object ) and 360 Grading Evaluation ;

  14. 目的:通过难度递增式Sternberg双重任务作业诱导被试的情绪反应,考查不同难度测验中个体作业绩效与情绪稳定性和心率变异性(HRV)的关系,探讨情绪情境诱导方式。

    AIM : To explore the situation induced module of emotion by analyzing the relationship between the performance of Sternberg dual task , emotional stability and heart rate variability .

  15. 积极反馈效价、信息型提供方式有助于提高个体的绩效水平。

    Positive feedback , and informational feedback-provided style helped to improve individual performance .

  16. 适应性绩效作为工作绩效结构中发展出的一个新维度,它对于个体总绩效具有一定的影响作用。

    Adaptive performance is a new dimension of the performance , which has a certain influence on the personal total performance .

  17. 作为激励理论的一种,目标是组织中一种重要的激励工具,常用来影响个体的绩效。

    As one theory of inspiration , goals are one important inspiration instrument of organization , which always influence individuals ' achievements .

  18. 最后,用累乘法对准则层三个项目进行最终计算,以此来对个体进行绩效评价。

    Finally , we can calculate those three indices of the criterion layer with multiplication , in order to evaluate the performance of the individual .

  19. 组织社会化是影响个体工作绩效和离职倾向的重要预测变量,受到越来越多学者的关注。

    Organizational socialization gets more and more scholars ' attention , because it is the important prediction variables of individual work performance and the tendency of leaving .

  20. 虽然低成熟度组织中的管理者承认对所属组织的绩效负责,很多人没有考虑如何将单位中个体的绩效进行整合管理。

    Although managers in low maturity organizations accept responsibility for the performance of their unit , many do so without understanding how to manage the collective performance of those in the unit .

  21. 在第三章中,作者认为实现企业的目标和提高企业高层管理团队绩效及个体的绩效,必须设计、建立一个合理的绩效管理系统。

    In the third chapter , the author thinks that the enterprise design and establish one reasonable performance management system in order to realize organizational goal and promote top management teams ' performance and the individual performance .

  22. 本文在系统研究国内外组织创新绩效、个体工作绩效、创造力以及设计认知过程的最新理论成果的基础上,针对产品方案设计个体创新绩效影响因素进行了深入研究。

    Based on the systematical analysis of the research fruit of organizational innovation performance , individual work performance , creativity and design cognitive process , this paper deeply study the influencing factors of individual innovation performance of product design ( IIPPD ) .

  23. 基于薪酬管理之目的,运用AHP、BSC、模糊评价等方法针对高校教师价值进行非货币化的计量,对高校教师个体及整体绩效进行系统的评价。

    For the purpose of pay administration , the Paper estimates the teachers ' value and evaluates the individual and whole performance by using AHP , BSC and vague evaluation .

  24. 高校教师个体知识管理绩效评价体系及方法

    Method and Index System of Individual Knowledge Management Performance Evaluation of College Teachers

  25. 个体知识共享绩效评估参考模型

    Reference Model for Evaluating Performance of Individual Knowledge Sharing

  26. 中国企业普通员工的政治技能能够正向预测个体的工作绩效。

    The political skills of ordinary employees can positively predict individuals ' job performance .

  27. 跨文化团队成员文化智力对个体和团队绩效的影响研究

    Effects of Members ' Culture Intellegence on Individual Performance and Team Performance in Cross-Culture Teams

  28. 目前的员工考核方式、方法不能全面考核与评价个体员工的绩效和特点,影响了员工积极性的发挥。

    The present modes and methods cannot examine and evaluate the performance and characteristics of individual employee , thus affecting employees'working activity .

  29. 一致性程度处于中等的水平时,领导-成员交换不能够促进个体的任务绩效、人际便利、工作奉献。

    For those with middle level of self-consistency , there were no significantly relationship between LMX or the three dimensions of job performance .

  30. 它最早应用在商业领域,包括企业员工培训,来努力开发企业员工的潜能,从而提高个体和组织绩效。

    It first used in commercial areas , including corporate staff training , to strive to develop the potential of employees to improve individual and organizational performance .