
jì xiào jiǎnɡ jīn
  • achievement bonus
  1. 支付加班费、绩效奖金,提供与工作岗位相关的福利待遇;

    Paying overtime remunerations and performance bonuses and providing benefits relevant to the post ;

  2. 除此之外,她还会拿到绩效奖金以及课时补贴。

    Beyond this , she gets a bonus for good performances and teaching extra hours .

  3. 瑞典将禁止国有企业向高管发放绩效奖金。

    In Sweden , peformance-related bonuses are to be banned for senior managers at state-owned companies .

  4. 待遇从优,基本薪水加绩效奖金和红利,还有利润分成。

    Very attractive pay . A base salary plus performance based incentives and bonuses , plus profit sharing .

  5. 毕竟,你前面提到的绩效奖金和评估都是你的顶头上司说了算。

    Those performance bonuses and evaluations you mention are , after all , under your boss 's control .

  6. 被评为最高等级“高效”的教师将获得多达2.5万美元的绩效奖金。

    Teachers with the highest rating " highly effective " can receive a performance bonus of up to twenty-five thousand dollars .

  7. 一项新研究显示,女性董事的绩效奖金比男性董事少,这种不平等是对男性至上观点的反映。

    Female directors earn smaller performance-related bonuses than male counterparts , according to a new study that says the disparity reflects sexist attitudes .

  8. 包括薪水、绩效奖金、一张公司签帐卡、一个公款支付帐户、一辆车和一个更加重要的职位。

    It 's salary , performance-related bonus , a company charge card , an expense account , a car , and a more responsible position .

  9. 在日本,利用更高的绩效奖金来吸引新人才的做法较为普遍,而在其它所有亚洲国家,雇主通常支付更高的底薪。他表示。

    In Japan , it is common to use higher performance bonuses to attract new talent , whereas all other Asian countries offer higher base salaries , he said .

  10. 激励性薪酬设计包括三个方面:岗位工资等级结构改进、岗位工资调整方法设计以及绩效奖金设计。

    The next it designs the motivational salary system , which includes three respects : Post wage category structure improve , post salary adjust method design and performance bonus design .

  11. 他表示,谷歌还以限制性股票和现金的方式,发放绩效奖金,按照惯例将在明年年初发放。

    The company also hands out performance-related bonuses in the form of restricted stock and cash and these would be paid as normal early next year , the person close to Google said .

  12. 在我们公司,员工想出的好点子的数量对其绩效奖金和总体绩效评估影响很大,所以,我担心在这家公司,我的付出可能又无法得到承认了。

    A big part of our performance bonuses and overall evaluations here are based on how many good ideas we have , so it makes me nervous that , once again , I 'm not being recognized for what I 'm contributing .

  13. 如果公司打算提供的薪酬已经板上钉钉,那么你可以问他们,如果在未来六个月或一年内,你有机会在新工作中证明自己,他们能不能提供加薪或绩效奖金。

    If the salary figure the company has in mind is set in stone , ask whether they 'd be willing to commit to a raise or a performance bonus in six months or a year , when you 've had a chance to prove yourself in the new job .

  14. 在此基础上,提出基于隐性价值的年薪设计、基于绩效的奖金与股权设计、基于隐性需求的非物质性激励的综合激励模式。

    According to the model , the combined incentive model is put forward , which includes annual salary design on the implicit value , bonus and stock based on the performance , non-monetary incentive based on implicit demands .

  15. 提出了基于隐性价值的年薪设计、基于绩效的奖金与股权设计、基于隐性需求的非物质性激励组合模式,克服了传统的单一的物质性显性激励的局限性。

    So we propose three ways to inspirit TMT & annual salary design based on implicit value , performance-based bonus and stock ownership , and non-material incentive portfolio mode as well , which can overcome shortcomings of traditional single explicit material incentives system .

  16. 绩效管理成为奖金分配的手段。

    Enterprises always take the performance management only for bonus distribution .

  17. 职位评价和绩效评估是奖金管理中的重要内容。

    Position evaluation and performance appraisal has importance in reward management .

  18. 军队医院行政管理部门绩效评估及奖金分配

    Performance Assessment and Bonus Distribution of Administrative Department in Military Hospital

  19. 根据具体且预先设定的绩效标准发放奖金,如销售额增加百分比。

    Award bonuses on the basis of concrete and pre-determined performance criteria , such as a percentage rise in sales .

  20. 同样,根据短期绩效发放大笔奖金,对长期亏损却不加以处罚,既鼓励了对冲基金经理和投资银行家去承受巨大的短期风险,也进一步助长了过度自信的心理。

    Similarly , big bonuses for short-term performance , with no penalty for longer-term losses , encouraged hedge fund managers and investment bankers to take big short-term risks and further boosted overconfidence .

  21. 一些员工因为最终落在排名曲线的错误一边而受到惩处,他们通常被排斥在绩效加薪或奖金发放计划之外,有些人甚至因此丢了饭碗。

    Those workers who ended up on the wrong side of the ranking curve were penalized , usually by a denial of merit raises or bonuses , and sometimes by losing their job .

  22. 该薪酬体系是根据银行员工的岗位、贡献、责任等确定薪酬方案的。具体构成包括基本工资、绩效工资、奖金、股权计划和福利等。

    The compensation system is based on bank employee contribution , the responsibility of post , determine the compensation plan , specific includes basic wage , salary , bonus , equity performance plans and benefits .

  23. 在企业营销人员的美化和宣传下,关于工作目的、价值和意义的声明总是有流于空洞的风险,就像大多数使命宣言那样。当这些空话碰上关键绩效指标和奖金目标,往往被这些严酷现实撞得粉碎。

    Polished and promoted by corporate marketers , declarations of purpose , values and meaning at work will always run the risk of becoming as hollow as most mission statements . When they collide with the harsher reality of key performance indicators and bonus targets , they often shatter .

  24. 与工资系统进行集成,计算员工在相关的绩效周期的绩效奖金。

    Integrated with the salary system , calculate the PRP of staffs in relevant performance cycle .

  25. 具体从基本工资、绩效调薪、奖金福利等几方面着手,对原有薪酬体系进行了较大的改革与调整。

    It makes a great change in the following aspects : the basic wage , merit pay , welfare , incentive pay etc.

  26. 详细分析了各个模块中每个字段的含义及其在绩效管理系统的作用,阐述了各个模块之间的关联,并对绩效奖金的核算流程做了详细说明。

    Detailed analysis of the meaning of every field in the modules and their role of the performance management system is made in this paper .

  27. 设定的绩效水平要求雇员在过往平均绩效基础上有提高,但留有按实际绩效调整奖金的灵活性。

    Set performance levels that require the employee to improve on average past performance but retain the flexibility to adjust the bonus based on actual performance .