
  • On the Phone;answer the phone;Telephone Calls
  1. 当你接听电话时也可以接听另一个电话。

    You can still receive phone calls while you are on the phone .

  2. 更改状态以告诉别人您正接听电话。

    Changes your status to let others know you are on the phone .

  3. 每天24小时都有志愿者接听电话。

    The telephones are manned 24 hours a day by volunteers .

  4. 她的职责包括分发宣传册和接听电话。

    Her responsibilities include handing out brochures and answering the phone .

  5. 首先,确保您正式接听电话,并提供您的姓名和公司名称。

    First , make sure you answer the call formally , giving your name and the name of your company .

  6. “我们必须在3秒内接听电话,60秒内获取患者的明确信息,最多3分钟内派遣急救医务人员。”

    " We must answer the phone in 3 seconds , get clear information about the patient in 60 seconds and dispatch emergency medical workers in 3 minutes at most . "

  7. 现在还不能来开门,Ican'tanswerthedoorrightnow!answer这个词可以是接听电话,answerthephone,也可以是answerthedoor,去开门。

    I can 't answer the door right now !

  8. 您仍然可以拨打和接听电话,以及访问可用的EDGE或GPRS蜂窝数据网络。

    You will still be able to make and receive calls and access cellular data networks via EDGE or GPRS where available .

  9. (接听电话的人是比格先生的秘书)2)你好,这里是IBM公司,我是爱丽斯,您需要我帮你转电话吗?

    ( This is only Mr. Big 's secretary ) 2 ) Hello , IBM , Alice speaking , how may I direct your call ?

  10. 【英文原文】Wouldyoucaretohold?——要等一会吗?作为公司的前台接待员,第一天上班时,我一个接着一个地接听电话,就象那些身经百战的老接待员一样。

    There I was , my first day On the Job as a receptionist , handling one phone call after another like an old pro , when an employee stopped by my desk .

  11. 当然你知道接听电话是一件很简单的事情:拿起电话说hello(或者是打电话,请你想找的人接听电话)就可以了。

    Of course you know how to do this very simple task : you pick up the phone and say hello ( or if making a call , you ask for the person to whom you want to speak ) .

  12. 有了体感外设,消费者要接听电话,只需把手机放在耳朵旁,而挂断电话则直接把手机放入口袋就可以了与去年三星新推出的GalaxyS4相比,这一手势识别功能先进了不少。

    Using Kinect , Nokia could , for example , let you answer your Windows Phone by simply placing it to your ear and hang up by putting the device in your pocket . Those gesture controls are more advanced than what Samsung introduced with its Galaxy S 4 last year .

  13. 周二,北京市环保局一位接听电话的人说,该局无人能够提供有关露天烧烤对北京市PM2.5值影响的信息,并让《华尔街日报》“中国实时报”栏目的记者去参考该局的网站。

    A person answering the phone at the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau on Tuesday said no one at the bureau was available to provide information about the contribution of mutton grilling to the city 's PM2.5 levels and directed China Real Time to the bureau 's website .

  14. 聘用一个人或一家公司帮你接听电话。

    Hire anindividual or firm that can take your company calls .

  15. 首先,我和你接听电话

    First of all , you and I answer the phones .

  16. 接听电话、妥当应答,如有必要,做好电话记录;

    Answer ingoing calling politely and make related record if necessary .

  17. 接听电话后,给我极大的震惊。

    Answer the phone , give me a great shock .

  18. 佛瑞德的妈妈喊佛瑞德接听电话。

    Fred 's mother calls Fred to answer the phone .

  19. 接听电话,还有一些其他较正式的方式。

    There are other informal ways of answering the phone .

  20. 这次是什么让你接听电话,啊?

    Oh , so what made you answer the phone this time ?

  21. 我负责接听电话且纪录留言的工作。

    I was responsible for answering the telephone and taking the message .

  22. 我们早该请一个秘书接听电话了。

    It 's time we hired a secretary to answer the phones .

  23. 京晶:马克,谢谢你接听电话。

    Dialogue 1 Mark , thanks for answering the phone .

  24. 也就是说,你不能偷偷溜出去接听电话面试。

    That means no sneaking out for a phone interview .

  25. 一会儿他回来了,继续接听电话。

    Then he comes back to talk to Lee again .

  26. 接听电话后听不到呼叫方的声音。

    The caller cannot be heard after accepting the call .

  27. 丽塔不允许接听电话。

    Rita 's not allowed to come to the phone .

  28. 她说,曾经有一次按摩女在帮她按摩的时候都接听电话。

    She says even her masseuse once took a call .

  29. 直接领导不在办公室时为其接听电话并做好相应电话记录。

    To receive calls and make notes when immediate manager out of office .

  30. 即使我和我的夫人都是通过接听电话来加入这个行动。

    Even I and my wife joined the activity by accepting phone calls .