
  1. 基于VaR的我国证券投资基金绩效评价方法

    The Methods of Evaluating Securities Investment Funds Performance Based on VaR

  2. 基于EVA的管理绩效评价方法:应用与局限

    The Performance Measurement Based on EVA : Implication and Limitation

  3. 基于BSC与AHP的高校教师绩效评价方法

    Performance evaluation method of university teachers based on AHP and BSC

  4. 使用DEA结果修正的多指标综合绩效评价方法

    Method for multiple-parameters evaluation modified by DEA model

  5. 一种基于DEA和多指标综合评价的大学科研绩效评价方法

    A Method on Performance Evaluation of University Scientific Research Based on DEA Model and Multiple-parameters Evaluation

  6. EVA在企业绩效评价方法中的应用研究

    EVA in Assessing Business Achievement

  7. 目前在国外银行的多种绩效评价方法中,占主导地位的主要有平衡记分卡、经济增加值EVA和风险调整绩效评价法。

    Today , Balanced Scorecard , EVA and RAPM lie upper position among performance evaluation measures of abroad banks .

  8. 设计了一个基于DEA和AFS聚类算法的网上银行绩效评价方法。

    Designing a online banking performance evaluation method based by on the DEA and AFS clustering algorithm .

  9. 本文以我国汽车电子行业的代表性企业H公司为例,从实践的角度,对项目经理的绩效评价方法展开研究。

    This paper takes example for H corporation , a representative enterprise in Chinese automobile electronic industry , to study the performance appraisal of project manager in practical view .

  10. 本研究通过DEA方法与其他绩效评价方法的对比,对DEA方法在信息技术上市公司绩效评价中的适用性进行了分析。

    This article compared the DEA and other performance evaluation methods , and analysed the applicability of DEA method in the IT listed companies performance evaluation .

  11. 针对建筑企业绩效评价方法的局限性,提出将数据包络分析(DEA)作为工具,建立一种建筑企业绩效的二次相对评价模型。

    In order to overcome the drawbacks of past construction enterprises performance evaluation methods , a binary relative evaluation model is proposed to evaluate construction enterprises through data envelopment analysis .

  12. 将传统的基金绩效评价方法和DEA(数据包络分析)模型用于银行系基金的绩效评价是本文的核心部分。

    The major part of this paper is performance evaluation of the funds which raised by bank-owned fund management companies , using traditional methods and DEA ( Data Envelopment Analysis ) model .

  13. 基于VaR的证券投资基金绩效评价方法&RAROC,这种经风险调整后的绩效评价方法能更客观、准确地反映证券投资基金的绩效。

    However , Risk Adjusted Return on Capital ( RAROC ), the methods of evaluation based on VaR ( Value at Risk ), can describe the performance of securities investment funds objectively and accurately .

  14. 基于SD-BSC的动态绩效评价方法及应用研究

    A Study of Method and Application of Dynamic Performance Evaluation Based on SD-BSC

  15. 在经营环境迅速变化、企业竞争日趋激烈的今天,EVA绩效评价方法作为一种有效的管理工具和决策辅助工具,得到了越来越多的企业的关注。

    With the rapid changes in the business environment , and the increasingly competitive between enterprises , EVA performance evaluation method as a kind of effective management tools and decision aid , get more and more attention form enterprises .

  16. 通过前导指标、现状指标和HSE危害指标的设置对HSE问题给予主动的标杆管理,有别于传统的被动的安全绩效评价方法。

    The approach can also initiatively measure the performances of HSE management by setting the leading , current and injury indicators , and it is different from traditional passive techniques of measuring safety-management performances .

  17. 本系统的实现通过应用Apache的Tobago开源项目实现WEB页面的编程。五个绩效评价方法被有机的结合到了系统的四大组成部分中。

    The five performance evaluation methods are combined into the implementation of the four major modules organically . This system used the open source project of the Apache community called Tobago to implement the Web GUI and the system logic .

  18. StoNED方法是一种新的效率评价方法,它既推广了StoNED的方法,同时也丰富了投资基金的绩效评价方法。

    StoNED is a brand new way of evaluating the efficiency , not only spreading the method to a wider extent , but also enriching the ways of performance analysis .

  19. 军队医院综合绩效评价方法改进研究

    Improvement on the Methods of Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Military Hospital

  20. 战略性绩效评价方法平衡计分卡在高速公路运营公司的应用

    Application of Balanced Scorecard for Performance Evaluation in Expressway Operational Companies

  21. 我国上市公司绩效评价方法创新研究

    On Methodology Innovation of Performance Evaluation of China 's Listed Companies

  22. 一种基于语言变量的企业知识管理绩效评价方法

    An Evaluation Method for Enterprise Knowledge Management Performance Based on Linguistic Variables

  23. 上市公司经营绩效评价方法的典型相关分析

    Canonical Correlation Analysis of the Listed Corporation Performance Evaluation Method

  24. 但现有的绩效评价方法并不完全适用于中国旅游企业。

    However , they are not completely available for Chinese Tourism Business .

  25. 民族地区综合扶贫绩效评价方法及实证研究

    Comprehensive Poverty Alleviation Performance Appraisal Methods and Empirical Research in National Areas

  26. 知识创新研究基地的绩效评价方法

    A method for performance evaluation of knowledge innovation research bases

  27. 基于挣值分析的船舶建造多要素绩效评价方法研究

    A Multi-factor Performance Evaluation Method of Shipbuilding Based on Earned Value Management

  28. 基于时变β的基金绩效评价方法及实证研究

    The Assessment of Fund Performance and Empirical Research Based on Time-Varying Beta

  29. 企业绿色经营绩效评价方法探讨

    The Discussion on Enterprise 's Green Operation Performance Assessment Method

  30. 基于统计分析的绩效评价方法研究

    Study of evaluation method for performance based on statistics analysis