
  • 网络engineering and management;Engineering & Management
  1. 他最近被授予日本东京Keio大学系统工程与管理研究所客座教授的职位。

    He was recently awarded the position of invited professor at the Graduate School of Systems Engineering and Management at Keio University in Tokyo , Japan , where he currently resides .

  2. 建筑工程与管理杂志。

    Journal of Construction Engineering and Management .

  3. 工业工程与管理总目次(2006年,第11卷)

    Contents of Volume 11 ( no.1 ~ no.6 of 2006 )

  4. 具有应用数学、统计、资讯、工程与管理之能力。

    To acquire the capability in Applied Mathematics , Statistics , Information , Engineering and Management .

  5. 方兴未艾的社会工程学研究&2007国际社会工程与管理暨第二届社会工程理论与方法研讨会综述

    Summary of 2007 International Conference on Social Engineering and Management & the Second Symposium on Theories and Methods of Social Engineering in China

  6. 同济大学楼宇设备工程与管理系根据建筑设备工程与管理专业的特点,对毕业实习进行了改革。

    The reforming of graduation has been tried on building services engineering course in the department of buiding services engineering and management , Tongji University .

  7. 对加强学校收费管理工作的几点思考建设学院土地管理学系、通工程与管理学系依商学院收费标准。

    Some Reflections on Strengthening School Fee Management College of Business tuition rates apply to : Land Management , Department of Traffic & Transportation Engineering and Management .

  8. 大连水产学院创建于1952年9月,是中国北方地区惟一的以水产学科为特色,兼顾工程与管理等学科的高等学校。

    Dalian Fisheries University , was founded in September of 1952 , is the only university specialized in fisheries combined with engineering and management in North part of China .

  9. 农村饮水安全工程建设与管理问题探讨

    Discussion on Construction and Management of Rural Drinking Water Security Project

  10. 软件工程与项目管理是成熟而博大精深的学科。

    Software Engineering and Project Management is a mature and profound subject .

  11. 关于高校维修工程质量与管理的几点认识和思考

    Cognition and Thought about the Quality and Management in College Maintenance Engineering

  12. 220千伏新建女儿河输变电工程设计与管理

    220 Kilovolt Newly Built Nu'er River Power Transformer Engineering Design and Management

  13. 广播电视光缆工程实践与管理

    Implementation and Management of the Radio & TV Cable Work

  14. 西沙海堤工程建设与管理的探讨

    Probing into the Xisha sea dike project construction and management

  15. 中国农村生物质集中供气工程建设与管理模式

    Construction and management mode of biomass centralized gas supply engineering in rural China

  16. 甘肃省退牧还草工程监测与管理系统设计

    Design of monitoring and management system of returning grazing to grassland project in Gansu

  17. 建设项目的价值工程与价值管理

    Value Engineering and Value Management in Construction Project

  18. 软件系统工程与质量管理

    System Engineering And Quality Management Of Software Development

  19. 工程设计与管理网络的规划集成

    Planning Integration of Engineering Design and Management Network

  20. 探讨工程经营与管理现代化

    Discussion on Modernization of Project Operation and Management

  21. 中国航天系统工程与项目管理的要素与关键环节研究

    Research on Elements and Key Aspects of China Space System Engineering and Project Management

  22. 我国水利工程建设与管理

    Hydro Project Construction and Management in China

  23. 广西固体矿产钻探工程技术与管理现状及其对策

    Present State and Countermeasures of Drilling Engineering Technique and Management for Solid Minerals in Guangxi

  24. 新疆退牧还草工程建设与管理的探讨

    Discussion on Construction and management of Returning Land for Grazing to pasture project in Xinjiang

  25. 现代工业工程与成本管理

    Modern industrial engineering and cost management

  26. 财务工程与统合管理

    Financial Project & Unified Management

  27. 系统工程与建筑管理

    Systems Engineering & Construction Management

  28. 方法对辽宁省地氟病区2003年以前修建的改水降氟工程运行与管理现状逐项调查。

    Methods The running status and management of all water-improving project built before 2003 were individually investigated .

  29. 对流域控制性水工程建设与管理若干问题的思考

    Thought on Problems in the Construction and Management of the Controlled Water Conservancy Project of the Water Basin

  30. 我正在寻找一家像你们这样高科技制造厂工程与开发管理职位。

    I am seeking a managerial position in Engineering and Development with a major high-tech manufacturer just as yours .