
  • 网络Choice;personal choice;Individual choice;personal preference
  1. 没有绝对正确或错误的方法:将PHP输出封装在函数中和将PHP代码插入HTML模板中是两种处理方法,找到两者之间的适当平衡是一种个人选择。

    There is no absolute right or wrong method : finding the right balance between encapsulating PHP output into functions and inserting PHP code into HTML templates is a personal choice .

  2. 慈善等事情完全是一种个人选择。

    Charities and everything else are purely a personal choice .

  3. 他们必须表现出彼此的仁慈和怜悯,如果没有这些品质,生活将非常痛苦,除非一个人选择独自生活在沙漠中。

    They must show each other kindness and pity and the many qualities without which life would be very painful unless one chose to live alone in the desert .

  4. 分享经济的商业模式来自于我们人类最古老的本能——合作、共享、慷慨、个人选择以及灵活多变。具体模式包括租赁、易物、借贷、赠送、交换以及合作组织等所有权共享形式。

    Sharing economy business models emerge from our oldest instincts as humans - – cooperation , sharing , generosity and forms of shared ownership such as cooperative structures .

  5. 公司和个人选择应用,条约来保证工作参与性,,VPP,commitment,to,ensure,work,participation,通过邀请政府管理人员来工作地点。

    Companies and individual sites choose to apply for VPP by inviting a government regulator into the work place .

  6. 近年来,VoIP应用得到了越来越广泛的应用,越来越多的企业和个人选择网络电话来进行实时通信。

    Nowadays , VoIP applications have been so widely used , more and more companies and individuals choose Internet telephony to do real time communicating .

  7. 他于1777年执笔的弗吉尼亚宗教自由法(virginiastatuteonreligioustoleration)草案,掷地有声地反对政府以任何方式干涉思想自由以及干涉个人选择何地与何种方式信教的自由。

    His 1777 draft of the Virginia Statute on religious toleration is plangent in its fierce refusal to allow government any role in interference with freedom to think or worship how and where one wishes .

  8. 由于云计算提供的服务具有廉价性、灵活性和易于扩展等优点,越来越多的企业和个人选择租用基础设施即服务(IaaS)来支撑自己的业务。

    Due to economy , elasticity and scalability of services provided by cloud computing , more and more corporations and individuals rent Infrastructure as a Service ( IaaS ) to support their business .

  9. outsetcontemporaryartfund创始人坎迪德格特勒(candidagertler)表示,对于进入艺术品市场感兴趣的个人选择了“一个很好的时机,因为你想提问的人有更多时间与你探讨”。

    Individuals interested in getting into the art market have chosen " a very good time because anybody who you will ask for information has more time to talk to you " , says Candida Gertler , founder of the outset Contemporary Art Fund .

  10. 下面是使用风险及个人选择指导手册。

    Here 's a guide to the risks and your options .

  11. 往玉米上加黄油也是个人选择。

    Applying butter to your corn is also a personal decision .

  12. 不确定条件下的个人选择&行为经济学带来的挑战

    Individual Decisions under Conditions of Uncertainty & The Challenge from Behavioral Economics

  13. 根据你个人选择的最佳场所。

    According to you individual to choose the best place .

  14. 因此,个人选择投资高职教育是理性行为。

    So , the personal investment on higher vocational college is rational .

  15. 天性和个人选择是我成了一个乐观主义者。

    I am an optimist by choice as much as by nature .

  16. 我要每一个人选择一种昆虫写一份报告

    I want each of you to choose an insect and write a report

  17. 社会选择与个人选择的统一;

    The unity of social choice and personal choice ;

  18. 很多人发现禁止一个人选择死亡的权利是没有道理的。

    Many find this prohibition of an individual 's right to die paternalistic .

  19. 这些配置文件可用于用户选择在他们的个人选择。

    These profiles are available for users to select in their personal options .

  20. 尊重他人的个人选择——不要批评或评判。

    Respect other people 's personal choices - don 't criticize or judge .

  21. 不确定性条件下个人选择实验研究

    A Experimental Study on Individual Choice under Uncertainty

  22. 社会资本情境与个人选择行为

    Social Capital Situation and Individual 's Choice Action

  23. 它对医疗保健制度作了极大的改变,使它向实现市场刺激和个人选择的方向发展。

    It changed Medicare dramatically , moving it toward market incentives and individual choice .

  24. 现代经济学中关于个人选择研究的主流范式是理性选择理论。

    The dominate theory on individual choice in modern economics is rational choice theory .

  25. 面向立法程序的个人选择&公共选择视角中多数原则的可能性及其限度

    Choice Individual choice facing to the legislative procedure

  26. 独立是个人选择的事。

    Independence is a matter for personal choice .

  27. Will还能指个人选择或做某事的意愿。

    Will can also be a person 's choice or desire to do something .

  28. 一个人选择鲜红色的小轿车,而另一个人则宁可要墨绿色的。

    One person chooses a bright red car , but another prefers a dark green .

  29. 穿不穿高跟鞋纯粹是个人选择。

    Wearing heels is a personal choice .

  30. 公益林的份额在一定程度上是因为预算的个人选择。

    The share of public forests to some degree is individual choice since the budget .