
  • 网络individual socialization
  1. 试论现代远程教育对个人社会化的影响

    On the Impact of INTERNET Long-distance Education to Individual Socialization

  2. 个人社会化理论视野下的青少年法制教育探析

    Reflection and Reconstruction of Juvenile Legal Education from the perspective of Individual Socialization

  3. 从个人社会化看失业与再就业问题

    On Unemployment and Reemployment from the Angle of Socialization of Individuals

  4. 论个人社会化的标准和目标

    A Trial Discussion of the Question of the Socialization Standard and Objective Personal Storage

  5. 家庭是一个人社会化最重要的因素。

    Family is the most important factor of socialization for a number of reasons .

  6. 图书馆的个人社会化功能

    The Individual Social Function of the Library

  7. 网络技术对大众文化的有力传播加强了个人社会化的教育功能;

    Network helps the diffusion of the mass culture , which enforces the education of individual socialization ;

  8. 家庭是个人社会化的场所,同时也负担着文化传承的功能。

    The family is the socialization of the individual sites , but also the burden of cultural heritage features .

  9. 炫耀消费文化对高校学生产生负面影响,表现在学生的价值观的形成、身分认同和个人社会化等方面。

    The culture of flaunting consumption exerts negative influence on high school students ' idea of value , identifying estate and personal socialization .

  10. 政治社会化是统治阶级的一种政治统治方式,也是个人社会化过程中必不可少的内容。

    Political socialization is a way of political ruling of the dominating class , as the same is the content in the course of personal socialization .

  11. 本研究立足于社会学的视角,采用个人社会化的影响因素理论,来分析大学生的性问题。

    This research bases on the visual angle of sociology , adopt the personal and socialized influence factor theory , to analyse university students ' sex question .

  12. 我国社会学界对个人社会化的目标和标准问题的忽视并不意味着该问题不重要。

    The neglect of the question of the socialization standard and objective , on the part of sociological circles , does not necessarily mean that this question is not important .

  13. 要防止网络社会问题对个人社会化的消极影响,应通过对网络技术的社会控制和依靠个人网络行为的自我调节两者相结合的方法。

    In order to avoid the negative influences on individual socialization , the methods like the combination of social control of network and auto regulation of online behaviors should be applied .

  14. 青少年正处于个人社会化的关键时期,他们即将完成基本社会化,并开始踏进青年时代,而且还将作为一名新成员进入社会。

    Teenagers are in critical period of their individual socialization , they are about to complete the socialization basically and enter the initial stage of their youth and enter society as new citizens .

  15. 本研究基于同辈群体是个人社会化的重要影响因素,同辈群体的观念及行为模式几乎是一种普遍强制力量,作用于青少年的成长过程。

    This study is based on that the peer group is an important affecting factor in personal socialization , and the idea and behavior mode of peer group is almost a general force to the growing up of the teenagers .

  16. 第一,农村社区自然资源管理过程实际上是当地居民或农户与当地自然资源之间相互作用,满足家庭生计需求和实现个人社会化的过程。

    Several conclusions are as follows : Firstly , the process of local people managing local natural resource management covers the interaction between local people and local natural resource , the objective of meeting livelihood and the process of local people socialization .

  17. 个人的社会化过程是一个长期的过程,也是一个不断变化和发展的过程。

    Personal socialization process is a long process and is also a process of change and development .

  18. 作为现代社会文明的推进器,大众传媒对于公民个人的社会化发挥着巨大的促进作用。

    As the civilized propeller of modern society , the mass media plays an important role in personal socialization of citizen .

  19. 孤独症儿童的主要问题是社会交往障碍,而语言作为交际和思维的工具在一个人的社会化进程中起着重要的作用。

    The main problem of autistic children is the communicating obstacle while the language , as a tool of communication and thought , plays a vital part in the process of socialization .

  20. 一方面,作为现代社会文明的推进器,大众传媒无论对于社会进步,还是对于公民个人的社会化,都有着巨大的促进作用;

    On the one hand , as modern society propulsion , the mass media , for social progress , and for the socialization of individual citizens , have enormous role in promoting .

  21. 无论你是一个著名的大公司,还是有着忠诚粉丝的个体户,或者仅仅是个有想法和建议的个人,社会化媒体都是与那些关注你的人进行交流的新渠道。

    Whether you 're a big established company , an individual with loyal fans , or simply someone with ideas and opinions , social media means new ways to create and communicate with people who care .

  22. 这种由个人创作到社会化创作模式的过渡,导致了法人作品的产生。

    The transition from the individual to social mode gave rise to corporate works .

  23. 该章分为四节:第一节主要介绍了侵权责任从个人模式到社会化模式的转变过程。

    This chapter is divided into four sections : the first quarter mainly introduced the tort liability from individual to socialization .

  24. 电视广告是一种社会意义的生产,它帮助人们发现个性,消费个性,进而达到一种自我认同,或者是帮助个人实现个性的社会化。

    It helps people find and consume their own personality and thus realize self-identification or helps individual achieve the socialization of personality .

  25. 而个人生活的重新社会化同时也是新的生活共同体的建立,则是现代性问题的化解之道。

    The socialization of individual life , while the new life community is established , breaks a path to the answers of modernistic questions .

  26. 翻译与大众传媒相结合会对个人和社会产生一定的影响,促使个人的社会化和拟态环境的环境化,因而在翻译研究中强调译语读者的作用是必要的。

    Joint efforts between translation and mass media will exert certain influences on individuals and the whole society , which is essential for the individual socialization and virtualization of pseudo-environment . Therefore , it 's highly necessary to attach importance to TL readers in translation studies .