
  • 网络Personal Housing Accumulation Fund Loan
  1. 个人住房公积金贷款利率各档次利率分别下调0.27个百分点。

    Lending rates for the Personal Housing Accumulation Fund Loan will be cut by0.27 of a percentage point .

  2. 个人住房公积金贷款是指以住房公积金为资金来源,向参加住房公积金制度的职工发放的,定向用于购买、建造、翻建、大修自有住房的专项住房消费贷款。

    Personal housing accumulation fund loan means a special housing consumption loan lent to any employee participating in the housing accumulation fund system taking the housing accumulation fund as its fund source , and orienting its use at purchasing , building , rebuilding , or overhauling its self-owned housing .

  3. 会同建设厅采集个人住房公积金贷款信息纳入个人征信系统,对个人贷款风险进行提示。

    Office building in the collection of personal housing accumulation fund loans for personal credit rating information into the system , the risk of personal loans for presentation .