
  • 网络protection;Personal Protection;Personal Protective Equipment
  1. 保持ICU的环境通风、做好个人防护是减少医护人员感染的关键措施。

    In order to lower the infection rate , the key of control measure are improving environmental ventilation in ICU and keeping a good physical protection of doctor and nurses .

  2. 在个人防护附加软管低于上Nutsche过滤机手套箱隔离粉传输系统设备制造化学家。

    A manufacturing chemist in personal protection equipment attaching a hose to a powder-transfer system below a glove-box isolator on a Nutsche filter dryer .

  3. 一定要作好准备!!必须为每一个可能暴露在HF中的员工配备足够的个人防护装备。

    Be prepared !! Adequate personal protective equipment must be provided to each employee who may be exposed to HF .

  4. 本文简述用AppleⅡ微机实现的用于评价个人防护器材生理参数的辅助系统的研制。

    This paper briefly discusses the design and manufacture of an auxiliary equipment for PEI PE ( Physiological evaluation to individual protective equipment ) based on Apple ⅱ micro-computer .

  5. 在任何体育活动中都穿戴合适的个人防护装置(PPE)。

    Wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE ) for any sports .

  6. 所以,我想带给你的是关于CDC建议如何保护自己的个人防护装备。

    So , I want to give you an idea of what the CDC is recommending in terms of how to protect yourself with this personal protective gear .

  7. 主要介绍了防护服型BSL-4实验室的个人防护装备系统及相关的技术要求。

    In this paper , individual protective equipment and correlative technical requirements for BSL-4 laboratories are introduced .

  8. 结论综合防治措施的实施提升了农村妇女RTI的个人防护能力,但目标人群性病、艾滋病防预意识需进一步加强。

    Conclusion : Individual ability of RTIs prevention is improved among rural women through implementation of integrated interventions . However , prevention awareness for STD / AIDS among target groups is needed to be strengthened further .

  9. 已经为尼日利亚和尼日尔采购了个人防护装备。

    Personal protective equipment has been procured for Nigeria and Niger .

  10. 水下冲击伤个人防护的实验研究

    An experimental study of individual defence against underwater blast injury

  11. 使用戊二醛必须注意个人防护。

    The use of glutaraldehyde must strengthen the measures of personal protection .

  12. 化学毒剂的个人防护装备发展及使用概况

    The Development and Application of Personal Protective Equipment for Chemical Warfare Agent

  13. 提供充足的个人防护设备是一项特别紧急的需要。

    Provision of adequate personal protective equipment is a particularly urgent need .

  14. 贵公司是否对所以司机进行了如何使用个人防护用品的培训?

    Are the drivers trained how to use the Personnel protection Equipment ?

  15. 承销商的工人必须穿戴由承销公司提供的必要的个人防护装备。

    Workers from contractor must ware necessary PPE supplied by contractor company .

  16. 评价个人防护器材对人体生理参数影响的微机辅助系统

    Computerized auxiliary equipment for physiological evaluation to individual protective device

  17. 着重介绍了眼面部的个人防护措施。

    This article mainly introduces the personal protective equipment for eye and face .

  18. 新型个人防护用品的研制

    Study & manufacture of new type individual protective articles

  19. 动作或姿势是否受个人防护设备或衣服阻碍?

    Is movement or posture hindered by personal protective equipment or by clothing ?

  20. 根据国家事故防范规程,仅能使用指定的个人防护装备。

    Use only personal protective equipment as specified by national accident prevention regulations .

  21. 通过蚊虫控制和个人防护,防止耐青蒿素疟原虫的传播;

    Prevent transmission of artemisinin-tolerant malaria parasites through mosquito control and personal protection ;

  22. 总是穿上合适的个人防护装置,从不要释放制冷剂到空气中。

    Always wear appropriate personal protection and never vent refrigerant into the atmosphere .

  23. 使用燃油时,请穿戴个人防护装备。

    Wear personal protective gear when working with fuel .

  24. 在这种情况下,个人防护用品起到的作用将减小。

    In that situation , the importance and relevance of PPE will probably diminish .

  25. 凡进入化学实验室须着实验衣、戴必要个人防护用品等;

    Don 't touch and use everything in the laboratory , especially chemical reagent .

  26. 69.2%的工作人员根本不采取个人防护措施。

    69.2 % of the staff did not take any measures for personal protection .

  27. 在使用个人防护设备方面,雇员都须经过培训。

    The employees should have been trained on the subject of personal protective equipment .

  28. 化工企业个人防护用品的检查

    Examination of Individual Protection Necessities in Chemical Enterprise

  29. 32.7%的工人承认很少穿戴个人防护品。

    32.7 % of the workers admitted that they seldom wear personal protection clothes .

  30. 粉尘危害个人防护技术研究

    Study on Personal Protection Technology against Respirable Dust